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View Full Version : Im Making the Switch?? Help with OS

07-10-2003, 05:35 PM
No.. not bikes.. Im switching operating systems, someone on here has offered me free windows XP pro.. and im going to be switching from windows 98..

Basically i would like to hear from some experiences from you guys who have upgraded about what kind of programs will still work on windows xp???

I would like to be able to still use my cd burner.. whether it is with the same program if possible or one including on xp?

How much hassle will this be other than loading programs??:)

07-10-2003, 06:01 PM
I made the switch from 98 to XP about six months ago. I think the burner that comes on XP is better than my old program. We have office 2000 and it works pretty seamlessly with XP. There are still a few things I dont like about XP still but it is growing on me. Our photo editing software also made the transition well.(PaintshopPro7) I relly like the idea of multiple user accounts. I dont have to sift through the rest of the families fodder to find my own;)

Oh, one last thing, I havent had it lock up or crash yet, not even once.

07-10-2003, 06:06 PM
Thanks, how well did some of the programs from 98 make the switch? i know you talked about photo7.. which will be taking the trip too..

You didnt have any probs using the burner included with xp, as far as the cd burner itself wanting to recognize it and such. I've never done this before so i dont even know if its an issue.

07-10-2003, 06:15 PM
I run XP Pro on my webserver and XP Home on this box, and have had no trouble with either. I think I may switch to RedHat for the server though.. :confused2

07-10-2003, 06:20 PM
If you go all over the place in windows, it takes some getting used to. I like 98 style better, I guess im old school.

07-10-2003, 06:23 PM
Thats why I run the "Windows Classic" theme. Looks cleaner. Most of the menus in XP can be made to look like 98/2K/ME very easily.

07-10-2003, 06:23 PM
Nope not a single glitch, well some of the kids' games didnt do well, but oh well, I left them on another 'puter for the kids.

I bought a new machine, it had xp already installed on it, I added Paintshop pro7, and office 2000 proffesional. Both had no problems with the switch. (Not sure what else)

The drivers for other stuff like the printer and the camera, the scanner and such all worked well.

Remember also that if it is win98 based software from Microsoft, you can get the updated patches to fix any glitch right on their website. All be it very slow:rolleyes:

07-10-2003, 06:27 PM
If you go all over the place in windows, it takes some getting used to. I like 98 style better, I guess im old school.

I agree:)

Thats why I run the "Windows Classic" theme. Looks cleaner. Most of the menus in XP can be made to look like 98/2K/ME very easily.

I do the same thing, but the wife runs the XP theme on her profile.

07-10-2003, 06:31 PM
One question with legal concerns (:devil: )

I remembered that you must like activate the Os system.. and im wondering if there is any way for microsoft to know that I am installing a copy i did not purchase..?

I know theres always an activate code.. but usually the code is just for the program, and doesn't do any type of notifying to Mr. Gates that im stealing his stuff...:uhoh:

.... Basically.. will i get caught? lol:rolleyes:

07-10-2003, 06:38 PM
Ok. i was just reading this on Microsoft's site..

To activate Windows XP over the telephone, you can simply call a toll-free* number displayed on your screen. A customer service representative will ask for the installation ID number displayed on the same screen, enter that number into a secure database, and return a confirmation ID to you. Once you have typed the confirmation ID, the activation process is complete.

It appears that if he gives me that installation id number i can just all them and get it?? ...ahh if they log it to know its already been caled in.. that could be a problem,,.. lol

ahh crap.. i assume this guy already knows this and has an idea of how it can work...?? anyone else have an idea?

Ok went over it a little bit more and heres my current idea...

It says that in case you need to re-install you can call and give them this bit of info.. and they will do their magic making it work?
Think i may just call and pretend im re-installing in case it shows up on their computers that the number has been used b4..

07-10-2003, 07:26 PM
I'm sure **** like that happens all the time. Chances of them focusing on you are slim to none. That's IF they even find out somehow. Microsoft is HUGE, they have more important things on their mind. You'll be fine ;)

07-11-2003, 08:39 AM
Just buy a Mac with OSX. You can't go wrong.

07-11-2003, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by 310Rduner
Thanks, how well did some of the programs from 98 make the switch? i know you talked about photo7.. which will be taking the trip too..

One of the greatest things that Microsoft came up with for XP was the compatability wizard. You set it for a particular OS whenever it opens specific program, like photo7. That way, whenever you open photo7, it "sees" Win 98 operating system.

07-11-2003, 10:19 AM
thanks wilkin, i actually just found that out too like an hour ago reading a side by side comparison of it on microsofts site.

Sorry Roobus.. but there is NO way in Hell i will ever buy a mac.. i despise them lol...

07-11-2003, 12:23 PM
i heard that updating older computers (that aren't set up with XP) with XP can screw it up and cause a lot of problems....but it seems like it from you people that it doesn't happen, maybe it just happened to a couple people or they did something wrong:ermm: i don't know.

and for the getting caught thing, i highly doubt you'll get caught...as long as you aren't making copies of it and making a profit off of it by selling it.

07-11-2003, 12:46 PM
Im going to be ALL good.. the guy who has it has the bussiness issue from his friends who gave it to him.

Basically the serial code is set-up for a bussiness liscense so the serial code can be used to install it as MANY times as you want on different computers.. i can make copies and give it to all my friends and it will work for all of them.. this kicks major Arse:D

plus im getting Xp office, and xp pro plus..:devil:

07-11-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by 310Rduner

Sorry Roobus.. but there is NO way in Hell i will ever buy a mac.. i despise them lol...

Those new dual 2ghz processor Macs are pretty badass.. But no good programs besides video editing run on MacOS 10..

07-11-2003, 03:35 PM
everything i use works with xp and is fine. i like xp but if you forget the password its instantly a paper weight unless you format, which sux but other than that its all good.

07-12-2003, 04:53 AM
ya i really like the added features of the xp operating system. i havent had any trouble with mine yet, but i am hearing more and more about how the best way to go is with the original 98 setup because it is much more stable.................:o

07-12-2003, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by zoom400ex
ya i really like the added features of the xp operating system. i havent had any trouble with mine yet, but i am hearing more and more about how the best way to go is with the original 98 setup because it is much more stable.................:o
I think XP is more stable, but it is a ram hog. Do not put it on a old computer, it will slow it way down. Microsoft kind of fudges on the system reqiurments written on the side of their boxes. A good rule of thumb for Microsoft OS is : If it says it will work with 128 megs of ram, you need 256. If it says 64 megs, you need 128. 32 megs, you need 64 and so on . XP will bring a pentium 2/AMD K6 to a crawl, fair on a pentium 3. XP should be used on a pentium 4 or AMD equivalent. My opinion is if you have a pentium 3/AMD equivalent or below, run win98 second edition. XP will work on a pentium 3, just have plento RAM.
I would like to hear what other computer guys think of this reasoning.

07-12-2003, 12:10 PM
do you think i will get buy with 256mb of ram? im upgraded to the max i believe.. for some reason my gateway has only 2 slots for ram, and the max is 256

i heard from somewhere that upgrading to Xp allows you to run more ram? i've no clue if this is true, but if it is i will upgrade.. ram is cheap.

07-12-2003, 12:11 PM
oh.. ive had no problem running extensive programs such as adobe photoshop 7 and using kazaa and having aim or exriders up as well.. if this is any indication of how well my comp could handle it.

it will be a complete reformat btw,completely covering what was the files b4.. nothing old left.