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View Full Version : what carbourator

07-08-2003, 06:40 AM
im looking to buy a new carb for my 400ex, its kinda between the edelbrock or the FCR 39, ive heard the edelbrock is the only one that gets better low end power than the stocker, the mods i currently have are just a k&n filter and megamax slip on, soon though im getting a 11.1 piston, cam, and maybe pot work.

07-08-2003, 12:18 PM
hey man!

Since it's your first post and it's been up for a bit with no replies, i figured start ya off with one!

Can't speak for the Edelbrock but the fcr series of carbs is real popular. If you do go the route of fcr, there is alot of info on these threads to get going. If it means anything, the new Yamaha comes stock with the fcr as well as the coveted crf450. :cool:

07-08-2003, 02:49 PM
hey I just thought I'd let ya know if you want more free flowing megamax, PM me, or something, I know a few tricks that you can make or I could make you one and send it in the mail-darren

07-09-2003, 06:40 AM
werent a bunch of people sayin a stock crf (40mm fcr) is the new hot set up? i think they said its cheaper than a 39 fcr
