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07-07-2003, 03:48 PM
I went riding today with 2 friends at our high school today. We were riding up in the woods next to it and just as we were leaving a cop cut us off. I couldnt run cause i didnt see him till i almost hit him. He got out of the car and asked us question about what we were doin and ***** like that, then out of no where he told us to go back in the woods for 20mins cause another cop was coming. He also told us to walk our bike to the road then rid from there cause there is little children in the parking lot.(summer rec in our town is held at the school)

07-07-2003, 03:51 PM
Sounds like a cool cop

07-07-2003, 03:52 PM
see all cops arent bad..only acouple:bandit:

07-07-2003, 03:52 PM
ya some cops are actually cool...

i tailgated an undercover cop (didnt know it was a cop, it was a crappy old blue car) he pulled to the side, then pulled my over.
he said he could of taken my licence, and all this crap. and he scared me by asking if i like to walk places cause hell take my licence, and all this crap...

then after all that, hes just like get outta here, and smiled.
i was so happy... :)
i havent tailgated since then :o

07-07-2003, 03:53 PM
Thats pretty cool, at least he didn't ticket you like some other cops would! Maybe he rides quads too?

07-07-2003, 03:56 PM
hey thats awsome how you guys all mee the good cops but as soon as i have a run in with a cop i dont get away and i get screwed cause there are no cool cops in my town it sucks.

07-07-2003, 04:06 PM
I have a freind that is becoming a cop.He knows alot of cops already and I have talked to a few.

I asked them about street racing.They said they give whoever loses the ticket.LOL.They also said that if you just like race to the speed limit they don't care as long as your car is in control.

They said one of the big things they look for is tinted window's.Which makes since.If someone has tinted windows apparently they don't want people to see what there doing in there.

They are people just like anyone else.Just doing there job.Being a cop isn't really that cool of a job.You are only around people that doing something wrong.Lots of stress,Dealing with drunks,Murders,Etc,etc.

I think we should cut them a break.

07-07-2003, 04:09 PM
sounds like a pretty cool cop. the cops around here are cool too. they ask us what kind of quad it is and if it rides good. then usually tells us if we see another cop besides him get off and pretend to push it. hehe

07-07-2003, 04:10 PM
No kidding, I'ev been caught like 7 times and they are always major a**-holes. they even haseled me about gopeds, Damn Pigs:grr:

07-07-2003, 04:15 PM
i got pulled over this morning...i was on my trike blasting down the road:blah: he just told me to ride home and get off the road:ermm:

Narly R
07-07-2003, 04:16 PM
Ive been luck and havent had any cop encounters...................yet!:ermm: I dont know what cop would do here, there hardly EVER are cops in my "town" theres about 200-300 people, so they hardly ever come here, but I think if they had to make a 20 mile trip out here for a kid ridden on the road he probably wouldnt be too happy by the time he got her!:D

07-07-2003, 04:20 PM
some re alright but i got in trouble on christmas for riding my
go-kart which was a christmas present, now i would think they could have the heart to let that go because i was riding down the street of a soon to be new subdivision where all it was just a bunch of dirt where they were building houses. but he let me ride for just alittle bit then we had to put it up

07-07-2003, 04:24 PM
Sounds like a cool cop:devil:

07-07-2003, 05:06 PM
lmao this brings back memories of about a month ago i had 3 of my friends over and they decided for two of em to hop in my go cart and the other on my quad and try and leave me at home why they go up my road. well this cop is dating this girl down my road, they go flyin by his house my friend in the go cart is swervin in front of my bud on the quad. and the cop takes off flashin his lights no sirens and pulls into this little gravel pit thing and waits and my buddies come back and the one on the quad passes the go cart flipping them off in the process. well the cop sounds his siren and they get pulled over and get a lecture and all. so now i cant ride my go cart on the road but he dont care about my bike or quad. so yeah it was funny

07-08-2003, 04:50 AM
one guy around here got pulled over by a cop on a quad and the cop gave him a ticket and said "this is only for the idiots that would stop" lol ive seen some cops while riding on the road b4... one time the cop had a guy pulled over then i saw him, he looked right at me with that "ahh another persone to smack with the law" look. then i cranked the quad around and busted ***** out of there.... the fishermen in the bay got a kick out of that cuz they must have seen the cop go by. lol

07-08-2003, 05:22 AM
a few years ago when me and some friends were sleding in the road and using my rancher to pull the sled. after about 3 hours of riding the sheriff drives up and tells me that if he catches an the road again i would get a writen warning. i guess help that i am friends with his son.

07-08-2003, 07:28 AM
my neighbor had a 400ex, and he took it into the trails of a park, and a ranger stops him and tells him to put the quad on the trailer and go home. so my neighbor puts it on the trailer and he goes home for about two hours, then he goes to different trails and guess what, the same ranger found him and stopped him again and he gave my neighbor a ticket, and my neighbor then had no where to ride so he sold it.

07-08-2003, 08:01 AM
I heard a story about a couple coming back from a weekend of dune riding, and they passed a housing district in the developmental stages, so they guy pulls over. This housing development has some trenches, some mounds, some foundations they can jump, lots of open area, real cool place to ride, so they ride it.

After a little while, a cop pulls into this housing district, so they figured they were busted. The girl starts crying right away. The cop is talking to them, asking what they were doing (as if it wasn't obvious). They figured they were in trouble. Then, the guy asked the cop if he wants to take it for a spin. The cop thinks for a second, says "sure" and jumps on and goes busting through all the open landscaping. He gets done, and tells them that they really shouldn't be doing this, but leaves without busting them.

So the girl (who is still crying) says "How did you know to offer him a ride? I would never have done that!"

The guy says "He had a Fox sticker on his clipboard..."

07-08-2003, 08:17 AM
JLanphear and I got taken away in a 5.0 last summer cause a cop caught us admiring the donuts left on the pavement by other CVB members. We weren't even on the quads, but we wouldn't "taddle" on our boyz hiding in the bushes up the road, so we got fined.

Sorry, but all cops can be a-holes when they want to be.... which with most cops is 24/7.

07-08-2003, 08:17 AM
lol....good eye

07-08-2003, 08:19 AM
cops around here suck,i was riding in trails and u have to cross the street to get to the other part, as soon as we hit the pavement a cop busted me and my 2 friends, they towed my 400, my friends blaster and my other friends kx 100, it was kind of funny seeing them all on a flat bed followed by to cruisers, we had to pay 115$ each(my new front tires URRRR) and we might not be able to get our licenses till we are 21!, and on top of that we cant even push them across the street, i dont like cops

07-08-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by sickyellow400ex
cops around here suck,i was riding in trails and u have to cross the street to get to the other part, as soon as we hit the pavement a cop busted me and my 2 friends, they towed my 400, my friends blaster and my other friends kx 100, it was kind of funny seeing them all on a flat bed followed by to cruisers, we had to pay 115$ each(my new front tires URRRR) and we might not be able to get our licenses till we are 21!, and on top of that we cant even push them across the street, i dont like cops

that doesn't make any sense, it's legal to ride across the road, as long as you're not driving down it. unless the law is different in your part of the country, you should've said something about that and maybe you wouldn't have gotten towed or ticketed. and you should be able to get your license....

07-08-2003, 09:44 AM
well i told him that alot of other cops said it was ok to do that, and he sed "well im not other cops am I'', so i didnt want to push it. but the goodthing is i can still get my license, and he sed something about me being under 16, and it not being registerd

07-08-2003, 10:53 AM
yea. the cops in my town are just out to bust kids. no joke. our sqaud cars have infered now so cops can see us in the dark. they just try and fine parties and bust the kids that run. me and my friend (mxrdr) were ridding gopeds. and a cop stoped us. he gave us a choice either he was going to convascate our gopeds or he would arrest our parents. so we gave him the gopeds he threw them in the back of the squad car and we had to go pick them up the next day. and the funny thing is mxrdr wasnt even ridding his own goped it was his friends. i wish i lived some where where cops were cool.

07-08-2003, 11:09 AM
We have cool cops here. One of them has a 392 Alcohol Banshee. His wife has a Banshee as well. There is a CR500 in his garage, and his regular vehicle is a Durango with some performance mods and nice wheels and such. He is one crazy mofo on that Banshee though.:eek:

07-08-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
I heard a story about a couple coming back from a weekend of dune riding, and they passed a housing district in the developmental stages, so they guy pulls over. This housing development has some trenches, some mounds, some foundations they can jump, lots of open area, real cool place to ride, so they ride it.

After a little while, a cop pulls into this housing district, so they figured they were busted. The girl starts crying right away. The cop is talking to them, asking what they were doing (as if it wasn't obvious). They figured they were in trouble. Then, the guy asked the cop if he wants to take it for a spin. The cop thinks for a second, says "sure" and jumps on and goes busting through all the open landscaping. He gets done, and tells them that they really shouldn't be doing this, but leaves without busting them.

So the girl (who is still crying) says "How did you know to offer him a ride? I would never have done that!"

The guy says "He had a Fox sticker on his clipboard..."
yep hurd that in an old fox racing newsletter. i miss those they just disappeared without an explanation