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View Full Version : NEW HAMPSHIRE Riders?

07-06-2003, 05:21 PM
Just got my EX this month, looking for good places to ride. Everything seems to be posted"NO ATV's" where I live. Is Bear Brook going to be open for ATV"s? Alco looking for people to ride with. :D

07-07-2003, 08:13 PM
hey man where in new hampshire do u live like waht town??? and they are wrokin on getting trails up in bear brook. I know of a pit in concord call slaughters you can ride at e-mail me at snowboarder6789@excite.com for more info on that or you can just instent message me on aol my sn is userx4390 waht is yours? and by the way whats your name name how old r you? if u dont mind me askin

07-07-2003, 08:19 PM
I've heard Slaughters is a good place to ride, but I've also heard of $300 fines around concord? I'm looking for some nice legal places to ride. My outlaw days are over. By the way I'm in Gilmanton Iron Works.

07-07-2003, 08:30 PM
hey man check your pm's and have u ever been to slaughters and where is gilmington iron works is it near northwood well accually what town do u live in?

07-08-2003, 12:52 AM
hey man check your pm's? and answer the questions in my last reaply

07-08-2003, 12:54 AM
Hey Guys,

I went camping up at Bear Brook in June. We did some Mt. Biking around the park on the trails. They would be sweet for quads....
There's even a nice dune on the way in.....

Anyway, when I was at the ranger station, I asked if the park was open for ATV's. The ranger told me no... the local police chief has ATV's and is trying to get them in to the park. He said they have called in the Environmental Police to help get rid of them and have taken pictures of the damage some have caused. Only time they are allowed is in the winter with the snowmobiles....

I did happen to find a map of all ATV/dirt bike riding areas in NE at the local conveniece store up there. It's got some pretty good stuff. At least places to go.

If ATV's become allowed at Bear Brook, please let me know... I'd like to go camp/ride up there.

07-08-2003, 05:21 PM
No doubt Bear Brook has some awesome trails. I used to ride my MTN bike there all the time, some of the best trails I've ever ridden. I've heard there has been some town meetings going on, about allowing ATV's on some of the trails. I mean we all pay taxes here, we should be allowed some space of our own. The state regi for my EX cost $50, and I can't ride it anywhere legal. Wtf?

07-08-2003, 05:58 PM
ya i no hey bender check ur pm's and **** i sent u one and waht toen in NH do u live in and it sucks registering atvs is 54 but then u only have like pits and trails eather ur friends or relatives own its gay but there a re a bunch of legal trails i got the trail map of new england but bender CHECK UR PM'S

07-09-2003, 07:35 PM
who else rides in new hampshire and where do you ride is there any good sand pits besides slaughters in concord which i havent riddin yet.

07-11-2003, 09:57 AM
i was just at slaughters today and half the pit they posted from the raod. But just curious were do you all park when you go to slaughters? I was told to park by waste inc follow that road back and park somewhere back there but i had no clue were i ended up just going back to the telephone lines and parking in there were do you guys park?

07-11-2003, 10:03 AM
hey how was slaughters ok when u go there follow the chain link fence all the way back you will go aroud a corner and it is all dirt lol when you do that you will be driving on like a woop section in one part and on the right hadn side after the whoops u can park in taht area

07-11-2003, 01:41 PM
ohh damn are there more trails back there? more of a pit?
thnks killed

07-11-2003, 02:09 PM
ill get pics when i go there

07-11-2003, 02:45 PM
yea i think ill be gettign mroe pics when i go back prolly within a week i have a few pics im me on aol ill send them to you i just dont feel like wasting the time to resize them cause it riins the quality i only got bout 8 cause i didnt take it riding only took a few withing walking distance of the truck cause it was raining out didndt want to ruin the camera.
and just a plug for the ne exriders ride go check out the thread hope you all show up