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View Full Version : Very bord......need someone to talk to.

07-02-2003, 07:45 PM
very bord.new member. someone type to me. :o

Sean Flesher
07-02-2003, 07:51 PM
umm.......hey whats up.............:cool:

07-02-2003, 07:56 PM

Como Estas?

07-02-2003, 08:04 PM
you guys sure arent talkative! Gosh, i have only got 2 replies. I feel like a geek. I have a thread from earlier that only i person has read, and KNOWONE has replied. But that is ok. I am new. I'll catch on soon.:( (i hope) haha!

07-02-2003, 08:14 PM
do u own a quad or race? :confused: :confused:

07-02-2003, 08:15 PM
hello are you still there?

07-02-2003, 08:24 PM
Hey. Ya, i am still here. I am just kinda waiting for someone to reply to my threads. I dont race or anything, but my boyfrined does, and he told me that this sight was just so incredibly awsome, and i just have to sign up as a member, so i did, and it is kewl, but since i dont ride, i am kinda different than everybody else. I got on here tonight to tell you all about my best friends brother, but he(narly r) has already told the story, so now i dont really have much to talk about that has to do with riding since i dont really ride! I actually have only been ridding @ the dunes twice, and that was with "narly_r" and ya, i didnt rally do much! So i am kinda speechless when it comes to all of that. Which kinda sucks cause that is what this website is about!

07-02-2003, 08:28 PM
crazy... i couldnt imagine a life without quads...... :confused: :confused: noone could see me not bein obsessed withthem.... its like my trademark

I tell any guy I date..."Be jealous of the quad, not of another guy"

07-02-2003, 08:31 PM
it's sad but i'm still here to. i've got to be up in 2 hours to get ready to go to work but this is a cool site.

07-02-2003, 08:33 PM
Ya, Narly_r, well, he is just like you. I swear he is obsessed. Being the girlfriend of him actually......it gets kinda annoying. It is like his life. Trademark, whatever, it is all he does, all day long. And like you said " get jelous of the quad not the other guy" i know what you mean. cept vise versa. If you know what i mean? I guess i am deffinatly not the girly girl type, but i dont really rider. I guess that i am more into sports. You play any?

07-02-2003, 09:03 PM
anyone thats still up feel like aim??:ermm:

07-02-2003, 09:05 PM

07-02-2003, 09:06 PM
aol instant messenger..

im still on..

07-02-2003, 09:15 PM
I have yahoo messenger, if ya want ta chat on that, but i dont have aim. Sorry. Tell me if you have that and we will go from there.

07-02-2003, 09:22 PM
alright, just drudged up my old sn, finally remember it lol


im on now

07-02-2003, 09:27 PM
It has to be a yahoo e-mail for me to chat with you over yahoo messenger. Do you have an e-mail over yahoo? If so then give it to me, then i'll add you to my friend list, and then we can chat. That is the only way it is possible, and if you ar as bord as you say, and you dont have a yahoo adress, then make one? Tell me if you got one, and if not what you are gonna do!

07-02-2003, 09:31 PM
it should work?? im signed on now.. sbc is like an extension of yahoo.. try to im me.. pretty sure it will work.. because of the whole sbc dsl and yahoo thing... whenever i login to yahoo.. that is the name i use and it works

otherwise ill make a new one off a yahoo account..

07-02-2003, 09:37 PM
ok...i tried to add you, and it said you have to accept being put on my list, then it should work? but try to type to me. I am on yahoo messenger. my loggin name is kourtni_marie_pruitt@yahoo.com(tell me if it works)

07-02-2003, 09:54 PM
ok, i sent ya a message under ChesterTrx310r@yahoo.com

i had to make a new name..

07-02-2003, 10:01 PM
ok, i got it.

07-03-2003, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by 47_kp
you guys sure arent talkative! Gosh, i have only got 2 replies. I feel like a geek. I have a thread from earlier that only i person has read, and KNOWONE has replied. But that is ok. I am new. I'll catch on soon.:( (i hope) haha!

Don't feel bad, nobody replies to my pm's or posts either. Not sure why? I think it might be because I have a few yamaha's in my herd:confused:

07-03-2003, 07:14 AM
Ya, i sent out 2 pm's, and i ahvent gotten any replies, but that is ok. Hopefully that will change. But probably not. Thanx for trying to make me feel better now. I appreciate it. Things are starting to get better though. I sent out one thread earlier, and over400 peeps read it, and like 39 replies. which isnt too bad i guess?see ya.:)