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View Full Version : 300 stock exhaust

01-14-2002, 09:53 AM
Are there any Quick-fix Modifications to a stock 300 ex Exhaust to get more power and better sound without effecting the jetting? I am ordering a new slip on soon but want a Quick fix.

01-14-2002, 05:55 PM
i know you can pull out the spark arrestor(grind the welds on the back to get it out) and drill 3 3/8's inch holes in the very back of it! but i dunno bout jetting

01-14-2002, 06:20 PM
I pulled the spark arrestor out of mine. It gives a little power. I didn't rejet yet and it's running fine. I'm rejetting soon though because i just got a K&N filter kit.

P.S. it sounds like a Harley:D :devil :D

01-24-2002, 04:45 PM
i have modified my stock exhaust before my lrd . all you have to do is take a hach saw and cut off the end where the pipe skinnies. cut the whole thing off but be careful you dont cut any of the thick muffler part. then there will be two or three spiral thingies in there those can come out they take some work with pliars and screw driiver and hammer. once those are out the pipe has a nice tone and alot more noise. basicaly all you are doing is removing the sparkarester by the way. good luck