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06-25-2003, 03:01 PM
the last couple days have been so hot, even to hot to ride.. i just sit by the pool all day, i also just finished my exams too , i had to sit in clas sand sweat for like 2 hours for each one, then i come home with some freinds and swim, the temp is like 84 oe 34 celcius:tired:

06-25-2003, 03:02 PM
ya man it was in the 90's here, me and my dad went swimming in our pool

06-25-2003, 03:04 PM
It was pretty hot here today too...
I had to hitchhike 100kms today in that weather because my friends van broke down...
It was bad haha.

06-25-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
ya man it was in the 90's here, me and my dad went swimming in our pool where you live?

06-25-2003, 03:06 PM
its really hot here to. But!! i have my own air conditionar :)

06-25-2003, 03:19 PM
Tennesee, the south

06-25-2003, 03:20 PM
its been high 80's to low 90's here

too hot im more of a winter guy

06-25-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by trxman
i just sit by the pool all day,

why don't you get IN the pool?:(

its hot here to, i had to wait till almost dark to mow, its like 100-110 heat index or somethin

06-25-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
Tennesee, the south
Yeah, it was pretty freakin hot today. I had to work out in it all day and it has my sinuses all messed up.

06-25-2003, 03:44 PM
It was 102 here today at 6:30pm I think the high was 110......but it's a dry heat:blah: :rolleyes:

06-25-2003, 03:45 PM
Hot isn't the word . I can't wait for this heat wave to break soon. We put in a central air unit lastyear , and of course it had to brake this week . :mad: I've been at the beach all week and in my aunt's pool . Got 2nd degree sunburn on my back and shoulders today . This hurts SOOOOOOOO bad . I'm ALWAYS gunna wear sunblock now.

cool 300ex
06-25-2003, 03:55 PM
Ya i know it's been hot here too!Today it was like 89 or something like that.Wow you would sit and stop for a break from riding and if you where in the sun you felt like sh$$.But when you ride it fell's great then you motor gets all hot and crap!!!Then my friend hasn't been home lateluy so i couldn't go swimming.:mad: PLus my dad didn't put in the a/c yet!!! Monday he is after we get back from hershey!I don't know if i relly want to go it will probley be so hot saturday!:ermm:

06-25-2003, 04:28 PM
i dint know canda had beaches and i thought it was cold up ther

am i stupid or what?:confused: :blah:

06-25-2003, 05:11 PM
I went riding in my black Shift baggies in 96 degree weather the other day. It was unbearable.

06-25-2003, 05:47 PM
wow cool300ex u have one long sig.

06-25-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by AZblaster44
It was 102 here today at 6:30pm I think the high was 110......but it's a dry heat:blah: :rolleyes:

id take 110 heat anyday over the 80 degree heat with a 70 degree dew point and 100% humidity like it has been gere for tha past week

06-25-2003, 05:55 PM
i dunno i bet 110 is pretty hot

06-25-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Honda4trax250x
i dunno i bet 110 is pretty hot

You guessed right. I went riding about 3 weeks ago and it was 107 degrees out:eek: And to top things off my bike broke down in the middle of nowhere and I had to be towed back which took about an hour. That was a freakin' hot day:o

06-25-2003, 07:21 PM
I knew it would be a hot summer here when it got into the 90's first week in May. And that wonderful humidity, rarely below 80
percent:scary: Its 2 am, clear outside, and the humidity is 94% !

06-25-2003, 07:29 PM
lately its been REALLY hot and humid around here. Today we got rain all day though and it was pretty cool.

06-25-2003, 10:00 PM
its gotten up to 112 here in arizona but that dont stop me from riding

06-26-2003, 03:02 AM
its been a steady 95degrees+ all week with lots of humidity, you sweat just sitting in the shade... its horrible

its suposed to cool down this weekend

06-26-2003, 03:21 AM
here in CT humidity is real bad. it kills us. its going to be 97 today not including humidity and other stuff..........................hot

06-26-2003, 03:38 AM
89!!! thats cool. Its going to break 100 easy today here. And I dont have AC in my truck. :eek:

06-26-2003, 04:09 AM
Man, the humidity here kills us, specially when you have a heat index around 104. That is hot.

06-26-2003, 04:27 AM
at my last race it was 106 on the track... weve had record high temps here this summer also.... with the heat index reaching 110 easily..... and it feels even hotter b/c of the stupid humidity from bein so close to the Gulf of Mexico

06-26-2003, 04:42 AM
Its gonna be around 95 in PGH today with a heat index of 105+... very humid here... :grr: :mad:

06-26-2003, 04:45 AM
suppose to be like 100 here or something and its humid:mad:

06-26-2003, 05:37 AM
When im really hot like it is today, i go to the lake and ride my jetski, race some people, lose, flip, and cool off. Im going in alittle bit. Its way to hot here in new york.

06-26-2003, 06:48 AM
osuth florida over here imagine how hot it is down here, like today it will hit 96 today they say, that y im inside, my dad just fixed the pool liner so its fillin up

06-26-2003, 07:49 AM
It has been too hot, and I have worked outside every day! It is supposed to thunder storm tonight! That will cool it off good. I want to work on my track but its way too hot for that stuff!

Glow Plug
06-26-2003, 07:59 AM
It's just nice here :) It high 70's ummmmmmmmmmm it's all good :D

06-26-2003, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
with the heat index reaching 110 easily..... and it feels even hotter b/c of the stupid humidity from bein so close to the Gulf of Mexico

heat index is what it feels like, so that includes humidity and stuff, but i ain't dought you that it is hot

06-26-2003, 08:01 AM
is been 100 lately, but its starting to cool down:macho