View Full Version : rolled the ex.....twice...parts please

06-25-2003, 02:33 PM
ok, let me tell ya how it happened first

Today was one of my days off, and my friend just got off of work, so we wnt up to a place called 7-hills. They have tons of hill climbs, and there are 2 quarries there. So we did some hillclimbs, then about 2 hrs into the ride, we wanted to get closer to the quarry, cause there was like 40 people swimming down there. We stopped and talked to a 300ex rider, who just moved up here, and we told him about some trails. So anyway, we were going down a trail, and it gets really tight. On the right there is a fence, on the left is a VERY STEEP drom off. Never the less, i went down, in like 2nd 1/4 throttle, my left tire clipped a root, it pushed me into the fence, i bounced back, and the rest is history. The ex and i went over the dropoff, it flipped twice, landed on my chest, only got stuck my a tree, and my foot. it was stuck on the right side, with the a-arms around the tree, i was stuck under the quad, and yelled to my friend, he helped my up, but it was in a strange position, that we could not get it out. So he raced back up the the 300ex rider, and they both came back to move it around. WE got it back and then slowely went back down the dropoff, and back to the rr tracks. If it was not for friendly people there, my quad would still be wraped around a tree. if it was not for the tree, the only thing left, would most likely be the gas cap, it was a while down.
Gotta give it to honda, only little stuff wrong, for a big wreck.
ok, i don't know if i need a steering stem or what, but i had to ride the road to get home, and the front end bounced back and forth, and the tires are tilted a lil to the left, and the bars are right, soooo?
also there is a bearing on the bottom of the stem right, if so that is shot.

a-arms are bent, i think steering stem, maybe not...clutch lever and brake lever are garbage, renthals are bent a lil, need pads bad, down to metal(never realized that) subframe is twisted, from previous owner

06-25-2003, 04:53 PM
i have a stock clutch perch

06-26-2003, 01:13 AM
sounds pretty bad i dont have a 400ex so cant help you there but i crashed my 300ex 2 days ago got lucky though i was in sand and just flipped it

06-26-2003, 01:35 AM
If the a-arms are bent, odd's are the tie rod's are too.... plan on buying a set.... (they're pretty cheap)

06-26-2003, 02:57 AM
well, i can see a big dip on the lower left a-arm, might be thatbearing that is throwing off steering a little though.

06-26-2003, 07:17 AM
Wow that really sucks! Sorry I got no parts, good luck though!

06-26-2003, 08:05 AM
how much do yo uwant for your blaster in your sig and what mods? pm me, thanks

06-26-2003, 11:02 AM
i pmed you
yeah, there is a bow in the steering stem the bars go right and the tires go left, man i must have landed in poision ivy, cause i had to get pills from the doc it is sooooo bad. Gonna get the new stem, then i am gona look for a rap. or z, or just mod the hell out of this

06-26-2003, 11:12 AM
Sparks425 is selling his steering stem. I don't think its sold yet, you better jump on it.

06-26-2003, 11:31 AM
yup already all over that:D
we are talking in pm's