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06-21-2003, 11:09 AM
I had my wisdom teeth cut out yesterday... I got to have that IV and get knocked out n everything...... that was kinda weird feeling...... but anyways IM HURTIN BAD! and im starvin.... right now all ive been able to eat is soup and apple sauce :( :( anyone have any helpful ideas on somethin thats easy to eat or anything??? Ive been goin nuts here sittin by myself all day

06-21-2003, 11:12 AM

06-21-2003, 11:28 AM
hope ya feel bettr

Narly R
06-21-2003, 11:36 AM
wow that sucks how long untill your back to normal, you could try pudding, I like pudding.....:ermm:

Bill Fuller
06-21-2003, 11:37 AM
Mashed potatoes or Ramen noddles that saved my life when I got mine cut out.:( Hope you start to feel better.

06-21-2003, 11:39 AM
i tried puddin yesterday and it hurt too much to eat it.... apple sauce has been savin me so far..... i think Im gonna go get some Ramen noodles..... thats sounding really good

06-21-2003, 12:11 PM
Grits and oatmeal :cool:

06-21-2003, 12:16 PM
ICE CREAM, it was good to eat when i got my tonsells out, so do you look like a chipmunk?

06-21-2003, 12:19 PM
no my face looks the same except my expression i walk around with looks like i woke up on the wrong side of the bed :blah: :blah:

06-21-2003, 12:56 PM
Hope you feel better! I would suggest Banana milk shakes! Yogart is easy to eat! Sorry I don't know much else I guess it hurts to suck though, so the milk shakes are out....

06-21-2003, 01:01 PM
anything mushy and cold would be good. otherwise jus mushy
sry to hear that happened tho

do u like have any wisdom teeth left? cuz by the sounds of "cut out" it seems like there still is some left. cuz when i get mine in (my dentist says in the next 1-3 yrs....) i gotta get them taken out right away cuz my teeth are so tight it'll make them go crooked:eek2:

06-21-2003, 01:03 PM
i can send ya vicodin i got some from my gas incident:confused2 (never try to change a fuel pump with 30 gallons in the gas tank);)

06-21-2003, 01:04 PM
get some of that baby food that tastes good

06-21-2003, 01:18 PM
yea i suggest goni to the doctors and get some vicodin! i got my wisdoms yanked and i pounded those horsepills and i felt great, it was a really good week lol

06-21-2003, 01:27 PM
Lol yeah smooothies mmmmmm!!! Man i was really lucky when i got mine taken out lol he said just to take it easy the rest of that day lol (food wise) but he said the day after i could eat pizza for breakfast if i wanted...I got really lucky though mine didnt even hurt the day i got them out!!So i ate pizza the next morning lol!!!

LLLLLOOOOOKKKK HEREEEE (IM being very serious ill find a pic later)

READ THIS PART FO SHO!! Ok this did help lot along with the pain medicine(only prescription i ever actually finished) ok take your bra (im being serious i have a picture of my mom doing this to me lol) ok take your bra and get some ice in two small ziploc bags and wrap the bags with a dish cloth so they arent so cold and put one bag in each cup....Then position each cup on each side of your jaw lol then tie the back behind your head the swelling will go right down i promise!!!!!!!! and it help the pain!!:macho

Elmo on PCP
06-21-2003, 02:45 PM
I gota mini can of pepsi when i broke my wrist, it was half the size of a regualr can of pepsi

06-21-2003, 03:26 PM
hey keyzer?? i need a good laugh... load up that pic haha...

oh... kara if you do it too.. make sure to take a pic of that....:eek2: :devil:

sorry.. im reallly bored...:(

06-21-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Grits and oatmeal :cool:

Mmmmmmm, Grits:) I miss grits:( I can't find them out here. haven't had them since I was in the army. Brown sugar on grits for breakfast, and salt and pepper on grits for dinner:cool:

06-21-2003, 04:05 PM
I had mine taken out - all four - they had to chisle away part of my jawbone to get the bottom ones out from under my back molars........needless to say it sucked bigtime. I was told to get Lipton Iced Tea bags and run them under hot water until they are all wet and mush...ring them out and pack them in my cheeks back towards the back - right up next to the stitches. Then leave them there for a while - this helps with the swelling and pain......it works, actually. At least it felt like it did......

I couldn't open my mouth more than about 1/4 of an inch for over a week, and then after that I couldn't open it all the way for about 5 months.......

Sounds like you aren't at swollen as I was or anything, so you will probably get better a lot quicker! I ate frozen yogurt a lot - that was yummy. And sherbert......mmmmm.....

06-21-2003, 07:10 PM
**** that they told me it was painless, besides im gonna keep mine, why would they call them wisdom teeth if they werent good for you:confused2

Narly R
06-21-2003, 07:18 PM
I hope I dont have to have my wisdom teeth taken out!:confused2

06-22-2003, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by soggyrider
Mmmmmmm, Grits:) I miss grits:( I can't find them out here. haven't had them since I was in the army. Brown sugar on grits for breakfast, and salt and pepper on grits for dinner:cool:

Yep, I love grits but I don't eat them much in the summertime. I'm surprised the supermarkets out there don't have them next to the oatmeal. Must be a more southern thing I guess. Give me your address and I'll ship a couple boxes out to you :cool:

06-22-2003, 01:52 AM
man, we get grits up here in pa:D i love grits..grits fer breakfast with brown sugar and butter, and cheese grits for dinner!:eek: yum:blah:

ICE CREAM, it was good to eat when i got my tonsells out, so do you look like a chipmunk?
man, they told me i could eat icecream when i had mine out, but i couldnt, it hurt too bad, so i sucked on popsickles and ate yogurt, applesauce, mashed taters, etc...

06-22-2003, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Yep, I love grits but I don't eat them much in the summertime. I'm surprised the supermarkets out there don't have them next to the oatmeal. Must be a more southern thing I guess. Give me your address and I'll ship a couple boxes out to you :cool:

Nope, just cream-o-wheat, and malto- meal:p I'll PM you with the addy, just LMK what I owe ya;)

06-22-2003, 04:53 PM
ok i was just wondering, WTF are grits???!!:confused:

06-23-2003, 10:27 AM
I had all four or mine taken out about 5 months ago. My bottom left one was infected and needed to be taken out. I went ahead and the doc cut them all out. I still have holes in my gums on the top. The best part was the pain killers. Only needed them for the first two days after surgery but man what a good two days.

The tea bags will work but be very, very careful. It hurts like a mofo getting them into place when you can only open your mouth a half inch. I mainly ate pudding or mashed potatoes. Just remember to keep your mouth as clean as possible. Dry sockets are not fun from what I hear!

06-23-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by toomeyshee87
ok i was just wondering, WTF are grits???!!:confused:

Do you know what hominy is? well grits is just coarse ground hominy reconstituted in water.( I think:ermm: ) all I know is there good eatin':D

06-23-2003, 04:28 PM
cdale chic, If the pain continues I would call the doc. When I got mine out I got a dry socket. Hurt like he11. when the doc pulled the clot out of the socket blood shot out and my pain went away with it. I would recommend Ibuprofen 800 mg every 8 hours. It will relieve the pain and help with the inflammation.

06-23-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
I had mine taken out - all four - they had to chisle away part of my jawbone to get the bottom ones out from under my back molars........needless to say it sucked bigtime. I was told to get Lipton Iced Tea bags and run them under hot water until they are all wet and mush...ring them out and pack them in my cheeks back towards the back - right up next to the stitches. Then leave them there for a while - this helps with the swelling and pain......it works, actually. At least it felt like it did......

I couldn't open my mouth more than about 1/4 of an inch for over a week, and then after that I couldn't open it all the way for about 5 months.......

Sounds like you aren't at swollen as I was or anything, so you will probably get better a lot quicker! I ate frozen yogurt a lot - that was yummy. And sherbert......mmmmm..... she is right. Tea bags are good for soothing and for swelling. I had my tonsils out when I was 17 and MAN...If I had to go throught that again.I wouldnt!:mad: hurt like an SOB then,the stitches got infected, I couldnt hardly eat or drink,hot or cold..then I got to a point where my throat was almost swollen shut and had a hard time breathin..Then, I caught a cold:eek: ......now try and cough and have your thoat swelled shut.....I sropped 30 lbs. in one month..best diet in the world....:o :p I hope you feel better soon, I have only had one wisdom tooth pulled and it hurt more having it in than having it pulled.....

06-23-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by soggyrider
Do you know what hominy is? well grits is just coarse ground hominy reconstituted in water.( I think:ermm: ) all I know is there good eatin':D Hominy is the bomb!!!!mmmmmmm good! No one around my house will touch the stuff:( But ive never had grits...but I bt I would like them!:blah:

Got Huevos?
06-23-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by 400exTN
I had all four or mine taken out about 5 months ago. My bottom left one was infected and needed to be taken out. I went ahead and the doc cut them all out. I still have holes in my gums on the top. The best part was the pain killers. Only needed them for the first two days after surgery but man what a good two days.

The tea bags will work but be very, very careful. It hurts like a mofo getting them into place when you can only open your mouth a half inch. I mainly ate pudding or mashed potatoes. Just remember to keep your mouth as clean as possible. Dry sockets are not fun from what I hear!

OMG OH CHIT ugh blood....im gonna throw up. i hatre blood. omg im only 15 and my wisdom teeth haven't come in i can feel them there and they haven't moved since i was turned 14 but now that u told me that im gonna be even more paraniod. i've heard of ppl who actually have kept them and are fine but then some wh have to go into surgery im gonna throw up i hate the thought of blood. when i had to get my physical they have to take blood out and i hated that. theyt had to hold my arm down it took 1 doctor a nurse and my mom to hold my arm down it wasn't cuz i didn't want it to get done it was just some wierd reflex to move my arm outta the way of the needle. and when i was little i think 4 years old they had to take blood out of my finger and when the doctor pulled out that little pen looking thing i jetted out of the office my mom grabbed my shirt and i squirrmed out of it and was running all over the hospital with out my shirt on i made it to the front door but my mom caught my i wil be forever scarred for life becuz of that moment. when i break something or get cut im fine but when it comes to a large amount of blood i cant take it.:o :(