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View Full Version : Whats going on here?!

Narly R
06-20-2003, 06:25 PM
I mean latley theres been some COMPLETLY un-usefull threads like kids saying to one-another nothing just jabberin on............well even making stuff up! I bet 2 outa every 5 threads is DUMB!!! Luckly mines #4!:p But I know that its the open forum and everyone like to mess around a little but come on guys! Were turining this into a teen chat, lets not!!!:( :rolleyes:

06-20-2003, 06:27 PM
man i hate cows, fat ladies are cows too and i hate them so i guess i really hate cows

Narly R
06-20-2003, 06:29 PM
:eek: no way me too!

06-20-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
man i hate cows, fat ladies are cows too and i hate them so i guess i really hate cows

dude cows are awesome man:mad:

Narly R
06-20-2003, 06:35 PM
^^^^^^ WHAT!!!!!!!! I Name one thing cows are good for!!!!! All they do is eat and poo and whenever they see one of my jumps they smash them!!!!!:grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: COWS ARE THE DUMEST ANIMALS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They should be kept in a cow farm only and be raised and butchered!!!!:grr:

look in my sig!!!!!!

06-20-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
I mean latley theres been some COMPLETLY un-usefull threads like kids saying to one-another nothing just jabberin on............well even making stuff up! I bet 2 outa every 5 threads is DUMB!!! Luckly mines #4!:p But I know that its the open forum and everyone like to mess around a little but come on guys! Were turining this into a teen chat, lets not!!!:( :rolleyes:

i agree i have seen a lot of useless posts lately, its getting annoying:mad:

06-20-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
[BI Name one thing cows are good for!!!!! [/B]

Dairy products?? Tippin??

06-20-2003, 06:59 PM

Narly R
06-20-2003, 07:02 PM
Ok they are good for food and stuff and like my mo she uses them with her horses but its more like this cows/wheelers.............. its the WORSE combonation ever specially when you want to have a track or jumps!!!

Cows are inviromentalist I FINALLY figured it out! They smash my jumps cause they dont like me diggin up the ground!!!:eek: O-there going to get it now!!!!!!!!!!:grr:

06-20-2003, 07:04 PM
there fat smelly pos but so is oprah

ride the wave


black box films
06-20-2003, 07:43 PM
MMmmm... Cheese Burgers... (Drooling sound like Homer Simpson)...


06-20-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
I mean latley theres been some COMPLETLY un-usefull threads like kids saying to one-another nothing just jabberin on............well even making stuff up! I bet 2 outa every 5 threads is DUMB!!! Luckly mines #4!:p But I know that its the open forum and everyone like to mess around a little but come on guys! Were turining this into a teen chat, lets not!!!:( :rolleyes:

i agree!

06-21-2003, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
man i hate cows, fat ladies are cows too and i hate them so i guess i really hate cows

" Fat-Ladies....it's whats for dinner"

"A1....It's how a Fat-Ladies done"

"Grade A,...Fat lay-dey"

Freash ground....Fat-ladies that block my view of the hot chic drivin' the sports car over in the far right lane."

"On A Side Note".
...i hate slow people in wal-mart..walk right ot in front of you. even more if they have kids. The kids see thier parents getting in my way, so they think it's the "right thig to do"..and thier's like 6 of em'..a Row of slow *** "Wack Wack" ducks....Now here i am balanced on my tip-toes, looking around for the crossing guard.
and the kids wanna look up at you. like...
"save me from ths fat stupid bich".
."i can't help ya' kid...your pure bred...thru-n-true"...ahh look there they go...."whats this"...little billies gum on the floor,
under my foot,...how convenient.

__On The Other Side__
..Walking..i see it the same as i do driving, Our bodies are our car's. Some are nicer than other's, some have gas, and our headlights really do look like eye's. :eek2:
...I was under the impression that were all bought stock with the same feature's or "Laws", Were all kinda like drunk driver's when we first start tryin' to walk. We wreck the car a few time's, get a few ticketts ("slow down young man")
you know Live-N-Learn..or..Learn-N-Live...I feel Learn TO Live is better suiting in some cases. If they can't obey the rule's they shouldn't be able to.

__Go Right Your Dead__
...O.K. If i meet someone head on, i try to go around them on the left. Think about it,
...If i can't get around him, on My left hand side, then he can't get around on My right , witch means were stuck. Whens the last time you were walking, and found yourself stuck like this?..It's IMPOSSIBLE !! No excuse, There's alway' going to be a route of escape......unless your in a tunnel....now what are the odds of you meeting someone in this tunnel....and W.T.F are you doin in A tunnel?..get out, your missing the point

___Some Things Are Better Done On The Left___
MOST people feel more comfortable on the left...2nd nature.
Take your quad for instance, if you were to walk to your quad, head on, to the front end, witch side of it would you most likely go to? The Left. get on and throw your right leg over..witch is what i wanna do to some of these people Throw my right leg over and kick em' in the head, as i pass by them on the LEFT..

___Is It Really That Simple?___
..I guess not. b/c who do i always seam to meet at the end of isle 9?...You guessed it.., It's the same fat-ladie that walked out infront of me over by the seafood earlier. Slow fat-ladie, with 6 slow duck'letts close behind. A few hour's have passed, and she's loaded down with feed for the dcklings, all of whom have gum, and red stuff all over em'.

___Now what does she do?..Smile :)___
Aww...how sweet..(nod).{f.k.n.b.c.h.MOVE}
..Well damn, i'm face to face with a moron...A happy fool, that forgot to brush. The site is even worst from this angle. 3-or-4 Little one's peeking from behind each leg.
..Take action now before silence is broken.!! If she say's hello, you have to say it back, it's like honking. You have the better 'ride'. If her horn works...she's pretty sure your's does too. She'll consider you freinds..She mght invite you to Little billys next "Buf'day party" You can kiss your shiney bumper good-bye then.
you take a step to the left..
....she goes right (my left)...
ok, maybe she's french..they drive on the wrong side.
so i go right...
...she goes left..(my right)...
AHH..She's Not French,..
.....SHE'S STUPID.. and wants to dance :eek:
Quick..take he keys ou tof her igition and throw em over by the slim-fast...she'll never look there..

__Yur Screwed__
..You've made audible contact, she's laughing, the kids are everywhere, and little billy has you stuck to the floor,..
..Damnit Little Billy...stop pulling on my sleeve.....

___"pss chh Ch PthsSs.. Ch Ch..veruwm.."___
..that's it,...you just blew a fuse. You'll never work right again.
ahh yeah, you can "fix-it" but chances are the mechanic will lie to you, tell you he has the right part, when really he' using a fuse off an old V.W. golf...
..hang it up....might as well start sending invitations so other idiots will know to come to your house on July 8th...oh uh...yeah tha's uh Little Billy's "burf'date'.....

......help me prevent the infestation of retardatin....

___O.k. where's the map...wtf am i?__
..In Wal-mart, i'm broke, I have gum on my shoe, i'm fighting gravity just to haul this worthless chit to the front door, and i'm standing with the famous "Isle's-ending-Tango Monster"
What do you do?....hand that bich a tooth brush and get tha'hjh outa there....i've typed enugh

oh yeah
..half that chit you bought was defective, and you have to return it tomarrow...
stay tuned......."Price Check".......coming sometime later when i feel like typing again..

think i got a little carried away

06-21-2003, 02:30 AM
Originally posted by Shift_DVS

i love cheeese.:devious:

06-21-2003, 02:58 AM

06-21-2003, 03:04 AM

06-21-2003, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by Honda4trax250x
i agree i have seen a lot of useless posts lately, its getting annoying:mad:

and this just happened to turn into one of them:p

Narly R
06-21-2003, 07:02 AM
YA i know I was tring to be serious about the stupid stuff gettin out control but I guess it just is turning into nothing!:(

Glow Plug
06-21-2003, 07:10 AM
I guess that you are right. I think that it is just going to get worse before it gets better. I think it is just from the site growing so rapidly so fast.