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View Full Version : break in time...help

06-19-2003, 11:23 AM
alright here's the deal...i got that 265pv on and i've only got 1/4 of a tank threw it already. I have a race sunday and they recommend 3 tanks of gas threw the new head until its ready to race. my guess is by the end of saturday i could have 1 1/2...maybe 2 tanks put threw...thats stretching it..but its possable. do you guys think it'd be worth the wait to skip this race?
my dad is saying that i should wait because i just spend 1500 on it and he's hate to see me blow the motor already. what do you all think?
race, or wait?

thanks for the help

06-19-2003, 11:38 AM
i would do the right thing, wait and ride it to work the bugs out if any, and to fully set everything in like it wants to be.

06-19-2003, 01:42 PM
bump...i need more oppinions! thanks vagas!

06-19-2003, 01:50 PM
I just did myne and I only got about 2 full tanks through it before I started full on drag racing. Just start out easy on it and gradually get more and more aggressive on it. By the second tank you should be good. Half the people on here say to take it really easy on it and the other half say to beat the heck out of it from the start so I decided to split the difference. Myne is running hella strong and it seemed to get even faster as I was racing on it more and more. It is really just a judgement call on your part but I don't recomend racing on it untill you have at least to full tanks through it and I would change your oil before the race too.

06-19-2003, 01:53 PM
i think it would be alright to race. there is some good info about breakins in another post (do a search) after i rebuilt my motor(including new valves) pretty hard after about an hour of riding, i havent had any problems, i know sevral people that argue against breaking it in easy

06-19-2003, 02:03 PM
another factor that plays in, is that this race is at southwick, known for the softest, sandiest track.

06-19-2003, 02:12 PM
Just put it through a few heat cycles and about 2 tanks of gas and go for it. It will be fine.

EX 80
06-19-2003, 04:06 PM
I think because of the weather you will not be ready to race sunday. Its supposed to rain saturday and showers on sunday from what i saw forcasted earlier. If it rains saturday you would not have good condions for breaking, because you'd have alot of extra wheel spin and it would rev differently than if you were to have good traction. Then if southwick is muddy and slick that would not be good news for your nice new top end. Southwick is soft anyway on a nice sunny day, so just imagine how much worse it can be on a crappy day. I hope its nice out sunday. Well i just told you my 2 cents, make of it what you want :blah:

06-19-2003, 04:26 PM
there is a thread on break in posted under, "how easy on new ex"

like mentioned above, some people said take it very easy, and some said they run the piss out of it like they usually would,

after rebuilding the motor, you will kill yourself if you think you messed something up by racing it. just wait and they payoff will be greater

also, i heard you are supposed to break 2 strokes in a little harder than 4 strokes to position the rings, but i wouldn't tear it up, good luck and don't fuc! it up by getting to ancience (sp?) by racing

06-20-2003, 01:53 AM
alright thanks a lot guys. i'm still not sure what i should do. we'll see if i can get out tomarrow

06-20-2003, 03:54 AM
go to www.duncanracing.com and then go to tech center then tech documents. there is a two stroke break in procedure there. it is very thorough and since it comes from a very well known company i would trust it. i just rebuilt my r and i am going to use that procedure this weekend to break in my new top end. that would be my advice check it out and see if you want to use it.

06-20-2003, 05:07 AM
Do a plug check and race it hard !! I do all my engines! I have never ran one tank out before I gave it the onion!!!

All this talk of easy break in is a joke in my book!!

I built two 400 ex this week and took them out racing last night.. One was a 440 and the other a 425 both have 450 web cams the 440 is 12.5:1 and the 425 is 11:1. After the 20 minute cam break in I ripped them both hard ! I have never had a problem with that method and I have build over 100 of engines!!

06-21-2003, 01:27 AM
aren't 2strokes more sensative than 4strokes though?

06-21-2003, 03:14 AM
I break in two strokes the same! I have built many ESR combos..

06-21-2003, 04:48 AM
yea wes i say run it like you normally would run it...

06-21-2003, 12:51 PM
well im probley on my 2nd tank of gas now and it still sputters. i've changed the jets, but i'm waiting for my race gas dome to get here. i'll run race gas in it for a while and richen up the mixture. if that doesn't work its time to experiment with the carb. (main jet, pilot, air screw, needle...woo the fun:ermm: )

06-21-2003, 04:36 PM
if i were you i wouldn't baby it, but don't ripp it up

06-21-2003, 04:54 PM
as long as the jetting is close ...run the chit outta it:bandit: