View Full Version : ground effects...

06-17-2003, 04:50 PM
i am using a normal swtich and probably some little red LED lights but i am not sure how to install them. which wires can i tie into or do i hafta run a wire from the battery. i want them to run with their own switch so could i still tie into the headlights and tail light wires but have a switch just for the ground effects? thanx in advance

06-17-2003, 06:47 PM
i ran mine seperate man.
..i ran th fog light to the stock light plug, and it works with the stock light switch.
...I ran my 3 blue bling lights to my battery..their too small to pull any real juice, so i doubt it hurts anything..
..I ran those lights to a seperate switch.

I like mine seperate, b/c i can ride up, and flip off my foglight, and flip on my bling...:cool:
I put one under my hood, 1 by my starter, & 1 in my airbox.
( wrapped the light in clear plastic, stuck in in the hole, and sealed it up.) I use the stock tail light size bulbs/soketts for my lights...i used the tail light socked in my airbox, so it hs a seperate plug that i can undo when i take out my a-box..

I used the switch that came with my fog light..it was plastic, and corroded, but i poured some coke on it, and it worked fine after that....

use a little metal 2-way toggle, and run them streight to your battery, seperate fome your headlights.

06-18-2003, 06:33 AM
so for the power wires, do u wrap it around the + post or what do u do? thats pretty much all i dont really know. do u have any pics with the lights on?

06-18-2003, 06:36 AM
also, wired like you have it, would they turn off if the ignition key is shut off?

06-18-2003, 04:38 PM
Are you talking about doing something like streetglo? On a quad? Dont know about that one:huh ... Anyways, to answer your question the way he wired it up would make it so they can go on at any time, regardless of if the key is on or not. If you want it to turn off with your key then you would have to just splice it in with the main electrical harness.

06-18-2003, 10:53 PM
...sorry i wassn't home tonite to reply.

(yeah, he's talkin about street glow)

...at your battery, use a..i don't know what you call it...
it's a wire end, and it has a circle end on it...you know, some have a "forked" end, some a circle, and some a sokett type end..(sokett like your tail ligh/key switch, plug into)
..you squeeze them on the wire, and it stayes permanate...
then you undo the battery, bolt it down with you battery terminal.

be safe, put a fuse in it somewhere...i used a bus fuse.

and yeah, i can turn my lights on and off without the key being on.
..i wouldn't tap into any of the stock wire's man...keep all the stock honda wire's seperate...that way you have no chance of you main circut getting shorted out, or fried.

06-19-2003, 06:57 PM
im thinking im knowing a how im gonna do this. i founda metal toggle switch as well. i am gonna use little red LEDs. no wi just gotta find em:rolleyes: im gonna try canadian tire tomorrow... i was also thinking that those little LED winshield washer squirters with the lights might work... what u think?

06-19-2003, 07:50 PM
whatever...that'll work...you could use those fo-real neon streetlow lights if you want...i think those are a little too much WAY too bright for my taste...and kinda pricey to be ridin' trails with...

...i use the stock tail light size buls and sokets for mine, and i feel like their plenty bright, i mean, i'm not out ther tryin' to get EVERYON'S attention,..i just want a litte character..

i think it's like $1.70somethin' for a package with 2 bulbs..
figure $2.00 for the soketts..add in alittl for the wire's, and fuse + fuses..
..call it a $10 dallar project.

06-20-2003, 01:56 AM
do you guys come up with this wacky stuff to make up for the lack of rider skills or what :huh

06-20-2003, 09:37 AM
i'm busted...nailed me man.
..i put mine on at the same time
i was addinghe foglight.
..got a little carried away i guess

I don't race or anything man...and we spend alot of time out at the creek's during the summer...campin and all that.
..I've got some tire-flies too,...but i've never used em'.
I always forget them at home.
my flies are red.

06-20-2003, 09:55 AM
if you want to talk about ricer parts do it on a rice burner forum. neons dont belong on quads. do you think yout quad is a pasta rocket?

06-21-2003, 08:35 AM
whats wrong with putting on little lights? not ur quad so why dont u get a life and stop posting on this thread if u dont like it. i personally dont care what u think and this is a helpful thread so dont even start to try to tell me how i cant post it. and im sure because i want my quad to look good means im a crappy rider? why would u have ur quad all done up uglymotha? according to you, if ur such a good rider, why do u need it all?

06-21-2003, 08:54 AM
actually there bub, everything on my quad besides the graphics actually serve a purpose ;)

06-21-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by UglyMotha™
actually there bub, everything on my quad besides the graphics actually serve a purpose ;)

oh yea i'm sure "Powder'd blue stardust and lotsa Chrome" and "Nacs headlight covers" serves a purpose:rolleyes: :confused:

06-21-2003, 12:02 PM
Headlight covers= protects the headlights from rocks
Powdercoat = strong coating on the frame, chemical resistant
Chrome= slips through the air faster and smoother than brushed metal

All seems to have a purpose to me.:D

But I think Mr.Bub400ex has a point that its his quad, he can do what he wants to it. Its not my taste to put little lights all over my quad, but different strokes for different folks.

06-21-2003, 12:42 PM
I know it's not really relevant, but what looks pretty trick for lights on a quad, is switches with LED's in them :D or just get little LED's and put them into your wireing :D

Good luck with your ground effects :D

06-21-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Daredevil1
Headlight covers= protects the headlights from rocks
Powdercoat = strong coating on the frame, chemical resistant
Chrome= slips through the air faster and smoother than brushed metal

All seems to have a purpose to me.:D

But I think Mr.Bub400ex has a point that its his quad, he can do what he wants to it. Its not my taste to put little lights all over my quad, but different strokes for different folks.

ok if you want to get technical then:blah: lol:D

06-21-2003, 01:52 PM
well, installed them and heres what i think:
im not a racer, im making an all around quad and these lights add bling. i put 4 on. one under the nose, oil cooler, shock mount and airbox. they look pretty damn good in the garage. i cant wait for night time to try them. ill try to get some pics as well.

06-21-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Mr_Bub400ex
well, installed them and heres what i think:
im not a racer, im making an all around quad and these lights add bling. i put 4 on. one under the nose, oil cooler, shock mount and airbox. they look pretty damn good in the garage. i cant wait for night time to try them. ill try to get some pics as well.

get some pics, i have always wanted to do that but i trail ride alot and they would just break

06-21-2003, 01:57 PM
and for whoever was talking about ricers what do u think ricers are? cars from JAPAN!!! personally i love the look of imports and would rather own one then a lot of domestics. (excluding vipers and escalades) and, furthermore i think ground effects really add to the appearence of cars

06-21-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by honda300ex06
oh yea i'm sure "Powder'd blue stardust and lotsa Chrome" and "Nacs headlight covers" serves a purpose:rolleyes: :confused:


like i said, everything serves a purpose, frame was scratched up real bad and was starting to rust in places so naturally you would do what, refinish it, duh:rolleyes: and powder coating is most durable headlight covers do nothing more than protect my expensive headlights against roost, the chrome, well it was free and that goes along with my first reason for the powder coat how ya like that plow boy :blah:

really didn't want to come off like i was bashing, but was stating my opinion that it is downright wacky and asked why:huh


06-21-2003, 06:42 PM
well i had them on and they look sweet but i am gonna add 4 more. one on each side of the motor and another one in front and back. should be sweeet.