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View Full Version : anyone who has made their own dvds - i need ur help!!!

06-14-2003, 06:50 AM
i have been working on my own home videos, and i use Ulead Video Studio 7, which is pretty cool...but I cant seem to get the files to work on anything else..i mean i get the movie all set up, follow their directions, and it doesnt work....i have tried putting the videos on CD-R(works only on computers), CD-RW, DVD-RW, and im wondering if i need to use DVD-Rs? what do u guys use in terms of discs, in order to get them to work in a DVD player??? thanks guys...and, what type of file do the videos need to be? mpg, mpeg2, ????

06-14-2003, 07:16 AM
I've never done anything like that, but I thought the format for DVDs is Mpeg2 on a DVD-R. I'm not 100% on that though.

06-14-2003, 07:36 AM
Dome dvd players wont recognize. Try dvd-r and try a friends dvd player. I have done many and found this to be the case. Visit vcdhelp.com for compatability with player and media.

06-14-2003, 10:02 AM
ok thansk so far guys...i have been trying them out on my friends dvd player, and with the cd rw and cd r and dvd rw they all have NOT worked...so my next step was to try a dvd - r....anyone else know if they have to be a certain file and how/where i can change them??? right now they are all mpg files..

06-14-2003, 10:08 AM
make sure your dvd player is able to play vcd's