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View Full Version : Drop in Quads' Value

06-05-2003, 10:00 AM
I think it is safe to say the all our quads, esp. mine, just dropped in value.:mad: :confused2 :scary:

Everyone is gonna want this new yz450. Screw you Yamaha.:rolleyes: :mad:

06-05-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Mxbubs
I think it is safe to say the all our quads, esp. mine, just dropped in value.:mad: :confused2 :scary:

Everyone is gonna want this new yz450. Screw you Yamaha.:rolleyes: :mad:

To me my quad is priceless...:D

I see it as another quad to pass up in races....:ermm: I've passed just about every make and model in both MX and XC I'll just add it to my list. :devil:

But i do think it's a nice quad and yamaha did a great job...

06-05-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Rico

But i do think it's a nice quad and yamaha did a great job...

Tell us what you really think:devil:

06-05-2003, 01:08 PM
i dont think the new yfz450 will be as big of a success as many people may think...they are $500 expensive i think

06-05-2003, 01:10 PM
It is definetely going to be tough to sell a 400 at this time.. I mean people are all movin up to the faster fourwheelers now. noone wants a 400 anymore.

06-05-2003, 01:30 PM
I'm very happy with my quad and won't sell it. Just think though all the people that are selling there quads are gonna have to sell them for cheap and it makes an opening for someone that is going to want to move up to something better than what they already have.

AC 400 ex 02
06-05-2003, 01:41 PM
i wont give my 400 up, i love the thing, and if i do decide to do something to it im gonna put a yzf engine in it

06-05-2003, 02:01 PM
It is definetely going to be tough to sell a 400 at this time.. I mean people are all movin up to the faster fourwheelers now. noone wants a 400 anymore.

ya, but not everyone can AFFORD the newer, faster quads...400exs sell like crazy around here cuz noone has $6000 or $7000 to go blow on a new race quad...

i guess we all just gotta be happy with what we have;)

06-05-2003, 02:05 PM
They can keep getting cheaper and it will be fine in my eyes

I'd like to get a bunch of 400s and custom build them all to suit different purposes

Everyone is in a huff abo0t this new yami ... just sit back and see if they are any good ,let them work out all the bugs

Get some Real world opinions and write-ups

I will keep old reliable and have a blast

06-06-2003, 03:12 AM
If Bush and them others don't save the economy before it goes down the toilit, everything is going to start getting cheaper. Before long your going to have to go to Mexico or India to gets a job and I think that new yamaha 4-wheler is way overpriced. A comparable trotline wait costs about $3 for a concrete block them crazy blue men think they can sqeaze 6800 bones out of a turnip gots a nother thing coming cause I ain't doing it. Maybe if I can sell my suzuki and if Honda comes out with a new one I might sell my 400 too and then have enough to get me there new one, but without a job I have to watch my budjet cause unemployment don't pay that good and now I don't have insurance I'm gonna have to start buying my own pills if I cna't get medicaid stuff to help me out. And now Red has heartworms and if he don't start getting better I'm gonna put him down cause Bush is making it hard to feed my dog with all these aliens coming over and all and if I have to do that you can bet your *** i'm gonna vote the Democrat ticket next time.

06-06-2003, 03:20 AM
your ole dog red wouldn't happen to be a blue tick hound :huh

06-06-2003, 03:27 AM
I wouldn't get ride of the ol' 400 yet. I still haven't seen any horsepower or torque specs for this thing yet just a bunch of mktg hype about best hp/weight ratio of a production 4stroke. I think it looks promising but but honestly I'm a little dissappointed for the $ their asking.

06-06-2003, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Mxbubs
I think it is safe to say the all our quads, esp. mine, just dropped in value.:mad: :confused2 :scary:

Everyone is gonna want this new yz450. Screw you Yamaha.:rolleyes: :mad:

yup my 416 is prob worth half of what it was.

and even if honda had come out with somethin new your quad still woulda dropped, as much as i love honda (grew up on a trx70 and 250x) my props are to yamaha right now cause that is one sweet quad and yamaha listened to what ppl want like the motor and suspension. until honda does this i would not be talkin trash about yamaha...as much as we all hate em:eek:

06-06-2003, 03:57 AM
I am hoping this kills the price of the 400's I would love to pick up one or two more and race them and leave my mint 01 for my trail riding. Sorry for those who want to upgrade. I still feel the 400 has been the most reliable and best match to me and my riding then any other wheeler I have had in the past.

06-06-2003, 07:04 AM

06-06-2003, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Ben
Me too :D Now lets get back on subject before Ms. Whackedout got us off track. I do agree that it is going to be harder to sell some more highly modified hybrid quads (and all out race quads). Just wait until the new Honda comes out - the prices will drop like rocks then. Both a good and a bad thing, depending on what side of the equation you are on.

Does this mean that you know for a fact there is a new honda on the way and your not telling us ?!! i think you just admitted that you know !!

06-06-2003, 09:44 AM
Good for buyers, bad for sellers:grr: :mad: :D