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06-03-2003, 04:37 PM
Sammy Sosa got ejected tonight for using a corked bat. He says that he was using it on accident, claims it is his batting practice bat that he uses for a show for the fans and that he accidently took it to the plate tonight durring the game.

Go Cubs.

06-03-2003, 05:04 PM

06-03-2003, 05:20 PM
yeah i saw that on the news

what a CHEATER:D

06-03-2003, 06:00 PM
yup its my practice back i swear!! yeah right.. all his stats are legit. his chase with mcgwire for the title back in 98( i think ) asterik by it now...

06-03-2003, 06:27 PM
Naw, they won't put no asterisk by it. Everybody loves the Cubs. There like the cute little teddy bear.

06-03-2003, 09:11 PM

spell backwords minus the o

06-03-2003, 11:52 PM
I think it was an honest mistake, unless he wanted to go out and hit a bomb because he was in a slump

06-04-2003, 01:00 AM
A million dollar cheater... They should fire his *** and make an example of him. He's setting a fine example for the young kids isn't he.:rolleyes: Maybe he should hit the ball with his purse next time..at least it's not cheating....:cool: Sorry but I dislike almost all Pro sports. :blah: a bunch of over paid athletes that are not really that good to deserve that much money..

06-04-2003, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by Rico
A million dollar cheater... They should fire his *** and make an example of him. He's setting a fine example for the young kids isn't he.:rolleyes: Maybe he should hit the ball with his purse next time..at least it's not cheating....:cool: Sorry but I dislike almost all Pro sports. :blah: a bunch of over paid athletes that are not really that good to deserve that much money..

ditto. I also think his stats SHOULD be noted that this a-hole was caught cheating. He is paid millions apon millions of dollars a year to swing a freakin bat. You'd think he'd atleast know what bat he is grabbing. I say red slip this mofo... its bad enough most players are on "muscle" enhancing, or whatever its called, drugs.... now this... give me a break. :mad: :mad: :grr:

Why dont we just put damn robots up there with bats and see how far they can hit them. Between this and the drugs, thats what's next... the real game of baseball is LONG gone.

06-04-2003, 02:01 AM
I have been a huge Cubs fan for a very long time and I must say that this is a bit dissapointing. But man you guys act like he is the first superstar to ever swing a corked bat. I am not saying what he did was right but from Sosa I would be more likely to believe it was a mistake (still not making it right because he should have known what bat he had) because he is one of the most honest and watched players in baseball. Just my thoughts.


06-04-2003, 02:14 AM
Most of my comments are directed at baseball itself in general. One of many reasons why I dont watch it anymore.

06-04-2003, 02:16 AM
Don't get me wrong I feel pretty much the same way about pro sports these days. I only watch the Cubs and Niners if I am around. The only thing I actually try to watch now is NASCAR.


06-04-2003, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
Don't get me wrong I feel pretty much the same way about pro sports these days. I only watch the Cubs and Niners if I am around. The only thing I actually try to watch now is NASCAR.


same here. My only two sports, NASCAR in the summer and Football in the fall/winter.

06-04-2003, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by VWVR6
Most of my comments are directed at baseball itself in general. One of many reasons why I dont watch it anymore.

I'm with you on this one but then I have the Indians to deal with. LOL:o :blah:

06-04-2003, 02:59 AM
I bet there are a lot of players pulling their corked bats out of their bat supply right now, or at least triple checking for cracks on the ones that are corked.


But baseball and cheating have gone hand and hand since it even started. Almost all good pitchers over 30 scuff the ball on occasion. I cant think of one sport where cheating isn't almost accepted. NASCAR has as much cheating as any sport. There are a few gettin busted every year. :scary:

06-04-2003, 03:03 AM
Pro athletes = over paid chumps

This is mainly pointed at our bigger sports..:ermm:

06-04-2003, 03:03 AM
Did you guys know that the umpire that ejected Sosa is the same guy that ejected George Brett 20 years ago in that Pine Tar incident against the Yankees, pretty wild!

OK, can a Cubs fan help out here? How many homers did Sosa average per year before the 98 season, it was the 98 season that he had the homer chase with Big Mac. I think Sosa and Bonds are really juiced up on muscle enhancers. Bonds was always a good hitter but just look at where his numbers exploded, about the same time his body just got huge, and all this at his age? Same thing with Sosa, he gets big in one off-season and he hits almost 40 more homers than he usually does.

Glow Plug
06-04-2003, 03:06 AM
" uhhhhh it was an accident" SSSUuuuuurrrreeeee it was buddy :rolleyes:

06-04-2003, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by danyeo
I think Sosa and Bonds are really juiced up on muscle enhancers.

So do most. Just look a pics of them at the beginning of their careers compared to now. It was the same with Mark McGuire, but he did hit 49 homers as a rookie.:ermm:

06-04-2003, 03:09 AM
Too bad for Sosa, now everyone will question his stats forever - get what ya deserve I guess.

Anyone remember the scandal with the Cleveland Indians when Albert Bell got his bat confiscated? Umpires put the bat in their locker room for later inspection. Then an Indian team mate crawled through the duct work in the building to swap the "bad bat" for a good one and they almost got away with it? Now I don't condone this stuff but ya gotta laugh at that. Heck some say the Babe was the biggest cheater of them all...

06-04-2003, 03:17 AM
if u dont get caught :D

06-04-2003, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by knighttime
I bet there are a lot of players pulling their corked bats out of their bat supply right now, or at least triple checking for cracks on the ones that are corked.

But baseball and cheating have gone hand and hand since it even started. Almost all good pitchers over 30 scuff the ball on occasion. I cant think of one sport where cheating isn't almost accepted. NASCAR has as much cheating as any sport. There are a few gettin busted every year.
Sammy should not have had a corked bat in the first place, even for practice. Thats like a doctor that uses drugs he prescribes for his own recreational purposes.
They need to crack down on Sammy hard, to set a example. I get tired of this tongue in cheek/roll eyes crap about cheating. You cheat and get caught, you pay the price. Wheres the dam* morals today?
Its all about money, you have plenty, you can get away with just about anything.:ermm:

06-04-2003, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Rico
A million dollar cheater... They should fire his *** and make an example of him. He's setting a fine example for the young kids isn't he.:rolleyes: Maybe he should hit the ball with his purse next time..at least it's not cheating....:cool: Sorry but I dislike almost all Pro sports. :blah: a bunch of over paid athletes that are not really that good to deserve that much money..

We don't make much.................are we excluded from your tirade???:confused:

06-04-2003, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by Johnny_G
We don't make much.................are we excluded from your tirade???:confused:

Johnny I'm referring to football, baseball, all the ball sports I guess you could say... :huh

There are lots of Pro athletes out there that get my full respect but this saturday and sunday games you seen on TV are a joke.
Them guys do NOT deserve the money they get. I played football, baseball, basketball, soccer, etc, etc, etc. 1 GNCC race and it was the toughest sport i've ever competed in hands down.

So Jonny C i hope i didn't hurt your feeling I think you just misunderstood what i was saying.. You guys deserve a HELL of alot more than you get..

Mountain climbing, Bull riding and MX/XC are real sports...everything else is a pathetic useless game....:blah:

06-04-2003, 06:37 AM
Rico, I agree with you 100%. Every time I fail this stupid bike test they make us do in the military and they tell me I am not in good enough shape I want to ask them to come ride 60 miles with me full out on quads and then let us talk about who is shape and who isn't.


06-04-2003, 06:44 AM
what really fills me full of piss and vinegar is when some chump gets a hang nail or stumps his pinky toe he gets ta sit his sorry *** on the bench and still collects the money....:mad: :grr:

06-04-2003, 06:45 AM
Yeah, let us use SHAQ and his big toe for the biggest example of that.


06-04-2003, 06:46 AM
johnny if you made 10 billion a year id call ya a overpaid chump:eek: :blah:

06-04-2003, 06:48 AM
I hope everyone understands what I'm gettin at here. I'm not sayin any pro athlete in any sport is overpaid..:cool:

How that dude got the 90 million deal with nike because he can shoot a ball thru a metal loop mounted on a back board. Paleeeze.:rolleyes:

06-04-2003, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Rico
I hope everyone understands what I'm gettin at here. I'm not sayin any pro athlete in any sport is overpaid..:cool:

How that dude got the 90 million deal with nike because he can shoot a ball thru a metal loop mounted on a back board. Paleeeze.:rolleyes:

LMFAO. I've got a pair of basketball tickets comin your way good buddy... :D

06-04-2003, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Rico
I hope everyone understands what I'm gettin at here. I'm not sayin any pro athlete in any sport is overpaid..:cool:

How that dude got the 90 million deal with nike because he can shoot a ball thru a metal loop mounted on a back board. Paleeeze.:rolleyes:

his name is Lebron James. and yea i think that is crazy too. he doesn't impress me that much. i have seen him 3 times in real life one time he played my cousin and they almost lost(won by 1 point). some of the pro athletes are really good, take kobe or jason kidd. kobe's athletic ability and jason kidd's passes:eek2: there insane

06-04-2003, 09:58 AM
Don't get me started on Lebron....Lebron better hope he can play cause there aint much else going on upstairs if you know what I mean. Good thing that Nike deal came through since his Mom put her house up for collateral when she bought him that H2 couple months ago. Proof the stupids don't always skip a generation...

06-04-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Rico
A million dollar cheater... They should fire his *** and make an example of him. He's setting a fine example for the young kids isn't he.:rolleyes: Maybe he should hit the ball with his purse next time..at least it's not cheating....:cool: Sorry but I dislike almost all Pro sports. :blah: a bunch of over paid athletes that are not really that good to deserve that much money..

EXACTLY! Amen, Brother Rico!

06-04-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by XANDADA
Don't get me started on Lebron....Lebron better hope he can play cause there aint much else going on upstairs if you know what I mean. Good thing that Nike deal came through since his Mom put her house up for collateral when she bought him that H2 couple months ago. Proof the stupids don't always skip a generation... OMG THAST FUCXING FUNNY

06-04-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by honda300ex06
some of the pro athletes are really good, take kobe or jason kidd. kobe's athletic ability and jason kidd's passes:eek2: there insane

Thats exactly right. I'd like you to see some of you guys go out and play on a professional team. It takes a lot of dedication to play those sports, something most everyone doesn't have. Train all year, then go all out every night or every other for six months. Many of you don't realize the difficulty of this. Try having a 97 mph fastball thrown to you, playing basketball against the best players in the world, let alone making your way all the way up to the big leagues. Correct me if i'm wrong but we don't have any professional basketball, baseball, football, hockey, or soccer players here. I'm sure every one of you would have a new found respect for these playerss after you were put in their profession

06-04-2003, 12:31 PM
cough cough...bull *hit

06-04-2003, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by kabd69667
Thats exactly right. I'd like you to see some of you guys go out and play on a professional team. It takes a lot of dedication to play those sports, something most everyone doesn't have. Train all year, then go all out every night or every other for six months. Many of you don't realize the difficulty of this. Try having a 97 mph fastball thrown to you, playing basketball against the best players in the world, let alone making your way all the way up to the big leagues. Correct me if i'm wrong but we don't have any professional basketball, baseball, football, hockey, or soccer players here. I'm sure every one of you would have a new found respect for these playerss after you were put in their profession

yes, but the amount these players get payed is much more than any man is worth.

06-04-2003, 12:40 PM
True, but that doesn't mean their job is easy.

06-04-2003, 02:02 PM
Lots of jobs are extremely hard and most of the people that do the really hard work, dont make the money for it. I know being a professional athelete is a whole bunch of hard work but the amount they get paid is just crazy. Im a sports fan, i love football and basketball. Extreme sports are just so much better in my opinion.

About sosa, they checked 76 of his bats and none of them had cork in them. It doesnt really matter if that was a mistake or not, his rep as a great hitter is shot.