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View Full Version : SNAKE!!!'s.ON MY QUAD!!!

06-02-2003, 10:23 AM
Ahight, this is 'bout fkdup'..
...you know that feeling when someonecratches the chalk board...you feel that shh..in your bone's..BLAHH :blah:
I got it right now....

...i went out today just to admire my bike again...it's a habit i can't seam to break)
...well, i get out there kneel down by the front tire, just looking it over in detail, for things i might have missed before.
...my motor is still not finished, but my stock plastic engine skid is mounted.
...well this snake decides that it would be a nice place to take a nap....man i got my hand all up and around way under my front plastic by the steerstem mount,, with a zip tie, gettin' my wire's all squared away, and just happen to glance over...
...he was just sittin' there,...checkin me out, head poped up, toung in and out...didn't look mad..just confused....
"who is this, mf snoopin around my house?"
..man i jumped about 12 feet, tripped over my feet and busted my ***..haha...where's the camera when you need it.
....that's not all.....i come back over there slow, and jump on my shop table, just to look at him before i cut his head off....and there's another one, under my swingarm....
..both are "chicken snakes" or "bullsnake" (might have a differant name) non-poisonouse,

i'm not usually afraid of snakes...if i can see them, i'm ok, but if they surprise me i freak...me and a freind used to go snake huntin, with a hook pole, and a piece of pvc, with a noose, and catch them live....
....this one got the best of me, he's laughin right now i bet.
plus i used to have 2 pet snakes..ring tailed boa, and a ballpython. "abigal, and jerry"(garcia)

well i let them both go....ran em' off with a boat paddle, and got the hell away from there...

06-02-2003, 10:26 AM
lmao. ive ran over a few snakes and it scares your when you dont know if they got thrown up with your tire and are crawling on your frame or leg.. that would suck!

06-02-2003, 10:30 AM
i like snakes, i think there cute

i've been biten by a few:eek2: ......doesn't hurt...jus pricks and bleeds, lol

06-02-2003, 10:31 AM
ahaha lmao snakes are cool ....hat would have been funny to see tho lol :blah:

06-02-2003, 10:32 AM
I know a person who named their python Monty.

Neway, that would scare the shiz out of me.:eek2:

06-02-2003, 10:39 AM
i stopped on a trail one time to pizz....
..go thalf way through, and noticed a COPPER HEAD:eek:
makin his way towared me...
...i ended up runin over a buncha stuff, makin' my own trail tryin' to get away from him...

if there's no grass, for em' to hid in, and i can see em' the whole time, it's kool..
i'll get a stick and pizz em' off alittle...blahh, hate tha' sneekey.

06-02-2003, 10:39 AM
LMAO!!!!! dude I love hearing your stories, you tell it like it is...I know the feeling and Id have done the same thing proably

06-02-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by blondie69
i like snakes, i think there cute

i've been biten by a few:eek2: ......doesn't hurt...jus pricks and bleeds, lol


06-02-2003, 10:44 AM
kool, i always thought i ranted too much, and no-one would read the whole thing...

06-02-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by "BLAHH"300!!
kool, i always thought i ranted too much, and no-one would read the whole thing...

i didn't read the whole thing:p

06-02-2003, 11:21 AM
Haha..cool story!:)

06-02-2003, 11:29 AM
yea today i was digging at my bike trails fixing our main pack when we saw a peice of wood we could use so we flip it over and 2 snakes run at us i screamed like a little girl i was scared shizless hah theres my story

06-02-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by born-to-race
I know a person who named their python Monty.

Neway, that would scare the shiz out of me.:eek2:


06-02-2003, 11:45 AM
lol...good story:) i personally detest snakes....vermen of the earth if ya ask me:o

06-02-2003, 11:49 AM
I got chased by a rattlesnake once, that was fun...:scary: :blah:
I can laugh about it now :D

06-02-2003, 01:24 PM
my biggest fear is snakes... i have nightmares at least once a week that they are totally covering the ground and they kill me... i actually dream of me dying.... i almost have a nervous breakdown if i see a snake

06-02-2003, 01:46 PM
lol, snakes dont bother me really. I think everyone gets that for a few seconds when you don't except some kind of animal. Its really werid, I dont have a problem with mice but it bothers me to touch them, I have been bitten to the bone so many times. You always do tell good stories, I read the whole thing ;)

06-02-2003, 02:01 PM
i remember i hit a snke and it splattered and blood went everywere. on my legs to. and i got like almost chased by a 7 -10 foot snake i dont know why i like snakes. i have a pet california king snake

06-02-2003, 02:08 PM
ok..a true story from the pappy files:rolleyes:

about 8 years ago my wife and i were sittin on the couch...she got up to get a drink and as she rounded the corner she screamed and ran back in the living room and jumped up on a chair:o she was screamin "A MOUSE" the entire time:p so being the manly stud i am i started walking towards the other room when she screams "it wasnt a mouse IT WAS A SNAKE:eek: :eek: " at which point i ran in the room and knocked her off the chair and took her place safe from this venomous serpent:macho after a few minutes and her telling me it was in a corner i went for my gun:o only to see it would be unsafe to drill 45 caliper holes in my hardwood floor i grabbed my kato sword and did battle with this slimy mofo:mad: i killed it.....:devil:

ofcourse it was only about 6 inches long and as harmless as a worm.......i chop sueyed that lil SOB into about 50 pieces:devil:

06-02-2003, 02:13 PM
i wouldve burned my quad and garage to the ground right then and there:scary:

06-02-2003, 03:17 PM
haha im using to them down here in the bottoms. :blah:

I see atleast 1 every two weeks in my backyard.:eek2:
But when i do, it seems like a quiet pellet gun is in my hands for some reason.:ermm:
So they are goners.:blah:

06-02-2003, 03:25 PM
my grandpa was telling me about when he used to take his 22 and go snake hunting...man do i hate snakes:eek2:

06-02-2003, 03:34 PM
ive ran over a few snakes too and when i see them i swerve and end up running over there heads instead of there mid-section:D :grr: ...

06-02-2003, 03:44 PM
Once i found grass groing out of my frame, isnt that wierd.:eek:

06-02-2003, 09:27 PM
me and the freind i used to hunt em' with, were coming home after a night of drinkin'...we were jamin out to the radio, and we see a stick in the road, and hit it.."thump thump"...."DUDE....was that a snake...?"..errrrrtt!!...went back, and there was the biggest ratler we've ever seen...
i swear it streached from the yellow line, to the white line on the road when we came by the first time....you hit a snake large enugh to "sound off" inside the truck with a radio blarrin'...you know it's big...
..i was nominated to get out and "hook" him with the pole
the tire broke it's back, and it would strike, but could only use half it's body....

we got his ***...he stuck it in his freezer that night, took pics of it the next day, and was ganna get it made into a belt...but the hid was skent up too bad, so he threw it away....
..took the pic by an old mom and pop gas station, and it's still hangin' on the wall today...

the snakes were in my shed today, becouse the MS river is high, and ran them from the woods...

you ever hear, "snakes will grow legs if you burn em'"...
they do.....kinda....the skin shrinks around em', and the ribs stick out, makin' it look like legs...pretty kool....also, if you hang them from a fence with their belly to the air, it'll rain....also true...try it..(on a monday ;)

Fender Bender
06-02-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
my biggest fear is snakes... i have nightmares at least once a week that they are totally covering the ground and they kill me... i actually dream of me dying.... i almost have a nervous breakdown if i see a snake

i dont kile snkakes but ive been confontecd

LMGdao me and brett have drunken ouirseofs froive us lord
LMGDAO kater jara6 HAHHAHAHAH!!!!!

06-02-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Fender Bender
i dont kile snkakes but ive been confontecd

LMGdao me and brett have drunken ouirseofs froive us lord
LMGDAO kater jara6 HAHHAHAHAH!!!!!
been hittin the bottle tonight huh. proof for the thread a while back, you type like total $h!t when you are plastered.

06-03-2003, 03:14 PM
i dont like snakes but some are alright like anacondas or boa constrictors.