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View Full Version : CFM Airbox ?'s

06-02-2003, 03:53 AM
does anybody own the airbox in the pic that cfm makes, i'm in the process of making the same one for my bike i originally made one like there old style one but i need to make another one cause she's starting to give out and i like this one better cause it's more compact and i can put a lid on it and run the snorkle if need be but like i said i'm just wanting to know if there is anybody out there that has this box and could give me some dimensions i'm not out to make a bunch and sell, like i said i'm only making one which will be for my bike thanks

06-02-2003, 04:53 AM
I run this CFM one, but why you want a lid on it... You can feel the power much more without the lid....

06-02-2003, 05:00 AM
yup, that's identical to the one i have now, it's not that i want a lid cause i love not having a lid and all but i just want to have the freedom of being able to throw a lid on it if i need it like last weekend i missed out on alot of good riding due to the fact the crick was to deep for me to cross cause of my airbox but now if i had my trusty lid with me i could have thrown it on befor the ride and been able to cross it and then when i'm not running in muddy and wet conditions i would'nt have it on but every now and then i do need, hopfully that's understandable:huh

06-02-2003, 08:32 AM
CFM performance airboxes are the best out there. Neal oakley owner of CFM will back up anything he sells with a 100% warranty as i fu** mine up on my half and he was kind enough to repair it tho it was my fought

06-02-2003, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by OutlawEX
CFM performance airboxes are the best out there. Neal oakley owner of CFM will back up anything he sells with a 100% warranty as i fu** mine up on my half and he was kind enough to repair it tho it was my fought

whaaaa:huh did you read my question or what

i don't care how good cfm i'm not paying no freaking 265 bucks when i can fab it myself for mere pennys so do you own that airbox in the first pic or what is so there's a couple dims off the bottom i need

06-02-2003, 11:10 AM
I agree that would should be able to fabricate or own stuff. Some people just dont get that!! If we started fabricating our own things, maybe they wouldnt sell an aluminium box for $265. I have been looking at those overpriced airboxes myself. I would love the dimesions or a drawing.. I have been roughing one out of cardboard..

why does a lunch pail cost $4. And a aluminium box cost $265?


06-02-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by crappie29
I agree that would should be able to fabricate or own stuff. Some people just dont get that!! If we started fabricating our own things, maybe they wouldnt sell an aluminium box for $265. I have been looking at those overpriced airboxes myself. I would love the dimesions or a drawing.. I have been roughing one out of cardboard..

why does a lunch pail cost $4. And a aluminium box cost $265?


After runnin a CFM old style box and how well it can take a beating i would be more than willing to pay that 250 price. Just the craftmanship neal puts into his products makes it worth while. Not to many guys can weld alumminum the way neal does with such a steady bead. Here is the oil tank he whipped up for my yzf/400ex conversion

06-02-2003, 02:46 PM
Where can you contact or find information about CFM and their products? Do they have a website? thanks

06-02-2003, 02:52 PM
Heres CFM web site. Neil is a great guy and welds like no other out there.


06-03-2003, 01:28 AM
so nobody here owns the airbox i posted :confused:

06-03-2003, 01:43 AM
I dont think Neil is the only one on the planet that can weld aluminium.. $250 is outrageous and for people who think Neil is the only aluminium welder in the world, well go ahead and buy it... Its nice to see everyone pushing the vendors products for them, I like the part about the craftsmanship, nice touch. It looks like a great product, but if you knew the acutal cost of the material and the time to make it, you would think $250 is excessive. Out of all of these posts nodbody has responded to UglyMotha's initial posts... Ahh gone are the days of craftsmanship, and thinkning outside the box..:ermm:

06-03-2003, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by crappie29
I dont think Neil is the only one on the planet that can weld aluminium.. $250 is outrageous and for people who think Neil is the only aluminium welder in the world, well go ahead and buy it... Its nice to see everyone pushing the vendors products for them, I like the part about the craftsmanship, nice touch. It looks like a great product, but if you knew the acutal cost of the material and the time to make it, you would think $250 is excessive. Out of all of these posts nodbody has responded to UglyMotha's initial posts... Ahh gone are the days of craftsmanship, and thinkning outside the box..:ermm:

ain't that the truth, i thought i got hit up by a crap load of salesman or somthing but ya i see nothing special about neil's welding anybody with a half a brain can do it with practice :huh and if ya still think it looks special the robotic welders in my shop would make his work look like **** but ya if i can make myself a box for a mere 40 dollars i'm goin to do that any day of the week before i drop 265 bucks for one oh well it looks like i'm goin to have to come up with the dims as i go as it seems most people don't have a clue, or they're haveing a hard time understanding my question :confused:

06-03-2003, 02:33 AM
Maybe if you guys are so good at a making your own items for so cheap you should design your own box rather than rip off someone elses design. I do own this box and love it. It is very well made and holding up well but I don't think I want to be apart of you guys useing Neals design. You could just try calling him yourself and see if he will help you out, I mean he is a nice guy and maybe he will give you what you need. He is a member on here also.


06-03-2003, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
Maybe if you guys are so good at a making your own items for so cheap you should design your own box rather than rip off someone elses design. I do own this box and love it. It is very well made and holding up well but I don't think I want to be apart of you guys useing Neals design. You could just try calling him yourself and see if he will help you out, I mean he is a nice guy and maybe he will give you what you need. He is a member on here also.


Yeah design your own damn box its not that hard......i wouldnt want someone out there copying mine and building one even if its just one.

06-03-2003, 03:05 AM


06-03-2003, 04:21 AM
"Neals Design"???? Please.. How many different sets of Nerf bars are out there... How many differents sets of A Arms are out there.. ect... ect.. If you ask me it looks as though Neal didnt get it right the first time and is still trying improve "his" design..

06-03-2003, 06:12 AM

I didnt think the intial question was that difficult

if you dont want to give out the dimensions then don't.

the reason why he charges 250 is because he can get it.
and because you can't build your own.

Do i really think its worth 250? yes and no. the guys time and knowledge yes, a aluminum box, NO

if you aint got what ugly is looking for step aside

he has the tools and the knowlegde just needs a little help with sizing

i guess you guys all shop at the dealer too:rolleyes:

06-03-2003, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by UglyMotha™


hey **** you buddy....if your to stupid to come up with your own deminsions you have no buisness building a box in the first place, i hope it breaks and you blow your engine:tired:

06-03-2003, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by trx400ex
hey **** you buddy....if your to stupid to come up with your own deminsions you have no buisness building a box in the first place, i hope it breaks and you blow your engine:tired:

dude your a stupid retard how bout getting real i have no problem coming up with my own "DIMENSIONS" but what's the problem if i want to take a short cut instead of taking the time to figure it up myself besides if you read my question i stated that i only needed a couple dimensions i built my first aluminum box and it has been bullet proof for over a year now besides you freaking homos act like cfm's box is sacred or somthing bottom line is it's not copyrighted and anybody can build it matter of fact there's a million and one company's out there that are building the exact same box and to beat all more than likely cfm copied there design from sombody else to begin with so how bout if you grow up and get lost you little punk *** retard

oh ya, thanks, YZ

06-03-2003, 06:43 AM
you should see the size of my penis, like O MY GOD its HUGE!

Ugly, I don't think there getting it:ermm: :rolleyes:

06-03-2003, 06:51 AM
To think I was just getting ready to pm you and see if I could help ya out a little and then you use words like HOMO and RETARD probably my least favorite words in our language. I think your post show who really needs to grow up.


06-03-2003, 06:51 AM
no Yz its just that i dont give a ****...

and ugly i guess your not stupid, your just damn lazy

06-03-2003, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by trx400ex
no Yz its just that i dont give a ****...

and ugly i guess your not stupid, your just damn lazy

Jay, Sorry did not mean to offend you, I'm not saying this to suck up cause i could careless whether or not you help me out since close to being done with the box, just a simple apology take it for what its worth

trx, I'm far from being lazy I have worked my *** to get to where i'm at today, I have never had anything and i do mean nothing given to me, as i stated before i was simply looking for a shortcut don't fool yourself trx if you came accross a shortcut you would take it to just like any other normal human being

which brings me to my last point i asked simple question that only needed a smiple answer instead i get people crawling up my *** which leaves us with who the mature party is:ermm:

06-03-2003, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by UglyMotha™
Jay, Sorry did not mean to offend you, I'm not saying this to suck up cause i could careless whether or not you help me out since close to being done with the box, just a simple apology take it for what its worth

trx, I'm far from being lazy I have worked my *** to get to where i'm at today, I have never had anything and i do mean nothing given to me, as i stated before i was simply looking for a shortcut don't fool yourself trx if you came accross a shortcut you would take it to just like any other normal human being

which brings me to my last point i asked simple question that only needed a smiple answer instead i get people crawling up my *** which leaves us with who the mature party is:ermm:

Well i dont believe i was too offensive with you, then i saw the squirell and it pissed me off.....if i was doing it i would say screw everyone else and design my airbox the way i want it.....but i dont run airboxes on any of my quads....if someone has came up with something..chances are you can make it better

06-03-2003, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by trx400ex
Well i dont believe i was too offensive with you, then i saw the squirell and it pissed me off.....if i was doing it i would say screw everyone else and design my airbox the way i want it.....but i dont run airboxes on any of my quads....if someone has came up with something..chances are you can make it better

i posted the squirel kinda in a joking manner but then again i was kinda pissed desdak told me no in kind manner (which was cool, didn't bother me) but you on the other hand came off kinda harsh i didn't want the dimensions to copy cfm's i just wanted a couple dims so i would know what to hold in order to clear the swing arm i'm pretty much copying the stock airbox just making it capable of holding the battery;)

06-03-2003, 08:32 AM
I tried to answer what i could about CFM performance. Its getting a little out of hand. If anyone has any questions at all please feel to email Neal Oakley and he will answer any of your questions and concerns email him at cfm_performance@yahoo.com or look down below at my signature for additional info

06-03-2003, 08:38 AM
:confused: :huh