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View Full Version : Who has sponsors who PAY?!

05-31-2003, 05:10 PM
Just wondering how many of you have local sponsors who pay you $$?? Next year I am gonna need some sponsors willing to pay me some cash, if I wanna build my new racer. What's the easiest way to go about getting someone to cough up the cash? Thanks.

05-31-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by racerx573
What's the easiest way to go about getting someone to cough up the cash? Thanks. Take a gun to them:blah: , seriously

06-01-2003, 01:23 AM
It's hard!! alot of company's don't want to get into sponsoring quad racing. & the ones that do you have to be real dam good before they open up there check books. most of them will ask you wright out .. how good are you?? do you win races???.......
good luck..

06-01-2003, 01:36 AM
I don't think you are goning to get payed if you do race national's
But you never know. I have a pretty good hook through Ronnies Mail order and I'm only in Novice class and been riding for only 2 years.

06-01-2003, 01:51 AM
j what u buildin now?
you are crazy dude

06-01-2003, 04:41 AM
cough cough yzf cough:p

06-01-2003, 05:01 AM
My sponsers payyyy...

06-01-2003, 07:33 AM
I am not thinking along the lines of companies in the industry, I am thinking local businesses outside the industry, ones that could use some advertising... what kind of local businesses sponsor ya'll??

06-01-2003, 08:30 AM
I haven't found any sponsors that cough up the green just discounts on their products no matter what it is.

06-01-2003, 08:59 AM
well i'm gonna wait tell i make it in a few small time videos like the cvboyz and other ones and then i'm gonna start showing the local businesses my stuff and I figure if i'll run a big stickers on my quad in races, freestyle and wheelies for pictures on the net and videos they would pay a decent amount of money. But man I wish I was a chick. You see how many sponsors chicks get?

06-01-2003, 06:36 PM
Yep. ;) :D