View Full Version : HELP!!!pivit bolt

Elmo on PCP
05-30-2003, 09:44 AM
the head on the swing arm pivot bolt was striped out when we got it and now i have to take it out to put my new pivot works needle bearings ect..., so we tried to TIG weld a socket onto the had and we cant get it to lay a good bead the welder is kinda messed any how.... since i have the nut out do i have to turn the bolt or will it just tap out?, ive spent over a hour trying any thing from a 8 pound sludge to every thing else trying to get it out and nothen works my stealer ship wants 65 a hour to attempt it and i have to wait a week before he can even look at it. Any ideas?

05-30-2003, 02:01 PM
Soak it in WD for a few days... Or something stronger... Its not a bad idea to take every thing off the rear end either so theres not weight or anything... (tires, shock etc) If the pivot bolt is bent you might have to cut it on the insides... Good luck, do a search for "pivot bolt" On this forum, there is a good long one on it :D!

06-05-2003, 10:35 AM
wow, that sux, mine came out w/ a little hammer, just tapped it out, use LOTS OF WD40. best stuff. make sure 2 puts LOTS of lube on the beast when ur done.


06-06-2003, 11:42 AM
Socket is made of different metal than the bolt prolly

Since you have a welder , Weld a NUT to the head of the bolt and use that to turn it

06-06-2003, 12:30 PM
Take the linkage and shock off. Set the quad on a stand that lets the swingarm hand straight down. Go rent a sawzall, aka recipricating saw and cut the bolt in 3 halves. Knock it out.

06-06-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Mxbubs
cut the bolt in 3 halves.

you can't get 3 halves from one bolt :huh

lol you got the right concept tho :p