View Full Version : Ahhhh Dude....help

05-24-2003, 11:35 AM
I need some insight into a thang...........I just bought Geckos with ITP rims...ummmm I shouldn't have put the stock lug nuts on taper side down but i did......Took my quad to glamis and rode hard...got back and wanted to change the paddles out to my nobs..and uh hmmmmm the rims are stuck on my hubs.......tried beating them off..nope...tried taking a screw driver and beating them off from behind where the rim bolts to the hub...uhhh not..........Help.........can't have paddles on my **** always..I ride more then just sand..................its memorial day weekend adn I wanted to go ride........can't now..............

05-24-2003, 12:52 PM
i had the same prob with my itp's..i just used a rubber mallet and beat the **** out of them..got them off though

05-24-2003, 01:34 PM
ya i put a washer on mine it kind of evens out the pressure;)

05-24-2003, 01:37 PM
Friend had this happen to him. He ended up just buying a new set of hubs. Hubs arent all that expensive.

05-24-2003, 02:00 PM
Take your hubs off and then beat the hub off of your rim..... this seems to work great for me when it does happen. Then if you want, you can drill your rim bolt holes out one size bigger and then it will never happen to you again.

05-24-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Duner21
Take your hubs off and then beat the hub off of your rim..... this seems to work great for me when it does happen. Then if you want, you can drill your rim bolt holes out one size bigger and then it will never happen to you again.

good stuff, i've had to do that once before

05-28-2003, 11:37 PM
once you get them out, slightly file the hole a little bigger. too much and the wheel wont be center on the hub.

05-29-2003, 07:18 AM
no you don't need to pull the hub off. Had the same thing happen with my ITP rims. Get a puller from Pep Boys.... The one that holds with bolts and applies pressure to the center when turning. Bolt the puller with huge washers to the rims. The washer will grip the rim from the back side and not come up while tightening. The center off the puller should now be applying pressure to the hub when turning it. This way it's actually pulling the wheel off the hub. After applying enough pressure, not enought to bend the rim but just about there. get a larger rubber mallet ( I used a 6 lb top I think) and slam the rim and it will pop right off. Did all 4 rims this way on my quad. After removing I bought cleaner lugs for my paddles only and also drilled a tiny bit off each hole. Now they work perfect... Also if you want to run stock lugs just turn them around so the flat side is facing the rim, they work fine. We run my uncle's 300ex like this...

05-29-2003, 12:54 PM
I just beat the studs out of their holes. When you tighten the wheels back on it will pull the studs back into place:D

05-29-2003, 02:38 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Str8Wicked
[B]no you don't need to pull the hub off. Had the same thing happen with my ITP rims. Get a puller from Pep Boys....

well that's how us guys do it when we don't have a puller handy;)

06-07-2003, 04:37 PM
we were rotating the tires on my dads truck and we couldn't get the tires off either, we then relized that since the wheels were aluminium and the drum brake was steal it formed a bond, with the 2 different types of metal together from heat and preassure and stuff. This also was a problem w/ getting the lug nuts off

we ended up taking 2 8 foot long 2x4's, one on each end, and prying it off

after the first time they now come off fine

but if they still do it try putting some anti-sieze between the back of the rim and the hub, not too much though

(if this is your problem, i don't know if ITP rims are aluminium but i would guess that they are)

06-11-2003, 04:55 PM
it does this on itp and douglas.. i know cause i did it once myself..

get a BFH and a 2x4 or a punch so that you can smack it without hitting the rims.. and after you hit one.. hit the opposite one like you would when tightening the tires. otherwise you might misalign something or dent it more..

then use a drill with one of the bits that counter sink it basically ( not sure what its called) this will give it a slight indent for the lugnuts should you ever forget and do it again lol..

also the washers work nice too..