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01-01-2002, 08:11 PM
On the 30th, (Saturday) I was riding at winchester bay. Just like usual, I went up this little 150 foot hill climb, around the log at the top and started accelerating like a mad man back down it. I got to the bottom, which is at the bottom of a big dune in winchester, and I was going so fast the suspension bottomed out from the G-Forces :D Well I was going up the dune in I think 3rd gear pinned, and i guess i hit a straight up vertical wall, did half a front flip in the air, (yes, I flipped over forwards going uphill :huh) landed on my stomach, and then rolled over and tryed to grab for the quad. Well, I didnt quite get rolled over fast enough and the quad flipped the 200 feet back to flat ground. :grr

The quad and I went about 15 feet up the hill in the air.

Damages: Broken set of FMF 909 Bars and right-front fender. The head lights also came out. It broke the support off for the rear fenders (the little piece of metal that goes sideways across them) Right front tire off the bead, as well as the left rear rim got bent.

I'm perfectly fine, and I get race cut fenders a little sooner than i thought i would! My uncle said he watched it from start to finish and said it was the craziest thing he'd ever seen. :huh

But I'm alright, happy new years! :D

01-08-2002, 08:04 AM
How you managed to do a forward flip off a vertical rise, I'll never know. I do near verticals in a local sand pit and the biggest problem I have is getting the front down after launching my 400ex straight into the air.

Sometimes the laws of physics just don't work. I had an interesting crash 2 weeks ago where I was going way too fast through a bog and somehow my left rear tire caught the edge of a 10 foot wash. Next thing I knew I hit the ground on my side in the wash and then I was thinking where's the darn quad? Then WHAM! There it was ... landed on me. After I managed to wiggle out from under my ride I was completely miffed to see that my quad was upside down and facing in the opposite direction of travel. :huh Lucky for me a bunch of guys rode by and stopped to help me lift my 400 out of the wash. I was real lucky that I only banged up my ribs and elbow. If I hadn't been wearing a chest protector, I would have had some busted ribs for sure.

01-08-2002, 07:06 PM
I think, because the vertical rise was right in the middle of the dune, and I was sitting down when i hit it, that the rear shock compressed then then it rebounded so fast that it flung me over the bars and the quad flipped

01-09-2002, 01:43 PM
crazy guy :rolleyes:

01-09-2002, 01:54 PM
Sounds like you had a bad day! Good thing you were'nt sky diving!

01-09-2002, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by JabberJaw
Sounds like you had a bad day! Good thing you were'nt sky diving!

lol, yea, I guess that is a good thing I was skydiving. and TrX465, I havent heard from you in a while, been off on a ridin trip somewhere? and oh yeah, do the Glamis dunes get like that from wind and rain?