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View Full Version : sternum how you no if broken..

05-20-2003, 02:00 AM
my sternum got hit really hard.... and it still hurts it feels lke someone is sitting on me and hard to breth, and when i bend over or strech or laugh it really hurts ... do you think its broke or anything or just hurt? thanks

05-20-2003, 02:02 AM
go to the doctor.....

05-20-2003, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by 300exjuggalo
my sternum got hit really hard.... and it still hurts it feels lke someone is sitting on me and hard to breth, and when i bend over or strech or laugh it really hurts ... do you think its broke or anything or just hurt? thanks If your experienceing trouble with breathing, then you need to go see a Dr:eek: I assumed when you posted this a day or so ago, you had already went . Sounds like you did, but you should make sure.....

05-20-2003, 02:25 AM
i didnt post this a day or so ago i just posted it . and i havent gone to the doctor yet im in school, ugh this sucks if it is broken what would they do? just let it heal? or what how would you do something with it

05-20-2003, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by 300exjuggalo
i didnt post this a day or so ago i just posted it . and i havent gone to the doctor yet im in school, ugh this sucks if it is broken what would they do? just let it heal? or what how would you do something with it Sorryy, I guess that was someone else I was thinking of (I remember posting on it) :confused: Last year Troy broke three ribs( and broke a few in the sternum) and tore his rotary cap in his shoulder and all they can do for him was pain killers.:( if you broke anything in your sternum, your gonna feel it for quite some time, the advantage you have over Troy is your a bit younger so you will heal quicker:o ;)

05-20-2003, 02:47 AM
the funny thing is i didnt do it riding, it was my friend hes in martial arts and he did some tai chi with me and did this thingy and hit me really hard their, :( he said he was sorry alot and he didnt mean to hit hard but alright thanks for the info

05-20-2003, 03:01 AM
As everyone has posted above....

If you don't know what wrong and it hurts like a SOB or in your case, cant breath... go see a Doc.

We don't want to mis diagnose ya wrong then you keel over a few days later.. :cool:

Personally sounds like you may have bruised some stomach muscles or somethin... :confused:

05-20-2003, 03:53 AM
k, but theirs not really any moscles buy my sternam just skin and bones

05-20-2003, 04:51 AM
I broke cracked mine once, but didn't know it until years later. I was doing gymnastics and got dropped on my head - I landed on the back of my head but my body came over on top of me....so my chin was forced into my sternum (I also found out I chipped 3 of my vertibrae in my neck from this - also years later!) I almost blacked out when it happened....then remember crawling on the floor across the gym and into the bathroom. It was excruciating to breathe in or out - and very painful to bend over from the waist even the slightest bit. Anything that put any type of pressure on the sternum was very painful. This lasted for days (I was in the 8th grade, so I don't remember how many days it really hurt), and then there were times, even months later, when for no reason it would just start hurting really bad to breathe again, or bend over, or lay on my back.

I didn't find out I had actually cracked it until I was in high school and got my chest x-rayed after wrangling a horse (the horse won). Then they told me about it - found out about my neck a couple of years ago - had my neck x-rayed after a quad crash.....they wanted to know how I had chipped my neck bones!

I'd get it checked - can't hurt. Not sure they can do anything about it, though - just limit your range of motion, etc.! But it's always better to find out for sure and make sure you heal right!:D

05-20-2003, 05:15 AM
corry is right! like fram says pay a litle now rather than alot l8er...................;) besides u might get some good medicine...................:p

05-20-2003, 06:10 AM
ok thanks for the info corry ;) i appreciate it