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View Full Version : Still buying my first quad 3 questions

Mr. Tuesday
05-19-2003, 05:14 PM
The quad i am looking at is a 2002 400 ex with fmf pipe.

everything is checking out except:

1) there is play in the front clutch side wheel. to clarify with the wheel elevated or weight baring there is play in the wheel laterally (sideways) hard to explain. at the same time pull the bottom of wheel outwards and push the top of the wheel in then vice versa (jiggle it back and forth) there seems to be play at the joint between the top A arm and the "ball" joint thing. its very slight but noticable esp compared to the other side which is solid. now he had a wipe out and had to replaced a bent rim on this side so now i dont know if something else got bent or something needs to be tightened or just dont worry about it.

2) when its blocked up at the rear and i was running it there is a slight devicance in the tire. ie when i line up a row of grips on a stationary object there seems to be some slight wobble or appearance of wobbling? from the side it looks fine but at the back something?? bent axle? at faster speeds still slightly noticable

3) at the front sprocket there is an occasional click sound, doesnt sound like the tranny maybe a stuck link that keeps clicking at the front sprocket? who knows

other then these things esp #1 the quad looks great with minimal wearand tear. the sprockets, plastic everything checks out except it needs new brake pads from what i can tell.

give me your info thanks

05-19-2003, 05:16 PM
the play in that front wheel could be wheel bearings...or a bad ball joint.

the cklicking noise ....not sure but the chain could be at fault as you said.

the rear will wobble a bit....if its real bad youll know it...a lil wobble is actually normal

Mr. Tuesday
05-19-2003, 05:23 PM
thanks paps

Bill Fuller
05-19-2003, 06:00 PM
You never said how much,but nothing sounds major.Check that chain noise out well it could be the transmission going(it will chatter cause it's missing teeth)still not a major problem though.Wheel bearings and brakes are common maint. requirements and if you don't know how just get a manual and you can figure it out.Good luck and post some pics.

05-20-2003, 03:15 AM
well with those problems u can really knock down the price and buythose parts and a clymer manual and do it your self and save some money and have a killa quad...................;)