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05-18-2003, 03:22 PM
yep, i think im going to sale the quad.:( :::tear::: as much as i dont want to, it is becoming to expensive for some1 with no job anymore and i really dont have the time. between band practice almost everyday now(by choice tho...), hanging out with my girl, skating/BMXing and "family" time i dont have anytime to ride. so i guess im gonna sale it and put a few hundred into a stage setup for the band, cause we need it badly(only when and if i go it will to) and the rest towards a ride. if anyone knows someone or wants an 87 trx250x that lives in NC or is willing to meet to get it, drop me a PM for details....later guys...:(

05-18-2003, 03:24 PM
dont do it!!!!:(

05-18-2003, 03:30 PM
i sure as heII dont want to.... but it wont be for good. i WILL get back into some sort of motorized off road sport when i get another job and get some money. but for now i guess i dont have much of a choice, atleast if it is sold some1 will get to ride it...:rolleyes:

05-18-2003, 07:22 PM
...uuoooo tuff choise.
almost as hard as choosing between your wife, and your girlfreind.

...hate it for ya',
hey, do you guys play shows and stuff, what kind of music. what do you play, do you have a demo?.mail me a copy of it. :)

i play bass, don't think i'd sell my quad for some equipment though...but i already have amps, heads, bass's, effects,..so it's differant...

good luck on the "scene"....play some acid bath man...
wake em' up.

05-19-2003, 12:36 AM
i play mainly lead guitar but we switch off for different songs like on one song i might play bass and on the next i might play lead and on the next i might play drums. we found out that each of us is better in a certian area so we switch off some, makes for a pretty good show! so we dont have a demo YET we hope to soon we have enough material for about 2 albums from stuff we had befor we started the band when i get one ill e-mail it to ben and see if i can get him to put it on here! you ever heard of the band finch? we sound a pretty good bit like them. im also soon to be in another band that is more like skipknot or static-x and another one of my buddies said something about me being in a punk band. so im going to be pretty busy. jamice(the main bassest of the band im in now) said that if i ever wanted to get back into quads he would buy all my equiptment and i know he would because we need it bad lol well i must be off, gotta get ready for school. later...

05-19-2003, 11:33 AM
that does suck man. if u do sale it, how much u want for it? if u dont want to sale it then take insurance off of it.

05-19-2003, 12:07 PM
that sucks man! if it were me id sell my board my bike the guitar ditch the girl and sell the family :D lol

Martin Blair
05-19-2003, 04:10 PM
stop skating and bmxing keep the qaud

05-19-2003, 05:37 PM