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View Full Version : Im back!!!

05-18-2003, 01:43 PM
well its been what? a couple of months since ive been here as much as i used to. long story but my comp crashed and now my sis is back from college so im on her comp and were ordering another one soon.

we always joke around about being addicted to the site but man you have no idea until you go a long time without checking the forums every night. i was really flipping out but then i got over it picked my up a blaster instead of my crappy 200sx fixed the crap out of it. man now that i think about it that is all i did! fix quads and rode. ive about killed myself at least 10 times on that blaster so far:eek2:. not the best quad but i put it to its limits. jumped higher than i ever have before.:) anyways for anyone that cares or even knows me im back and i have some posting to do to catch up to the post whores:D

ps: ben i like the homepage setup and everything! havnt had time in the little time i have to get on here at school to check out the homepage.


05-18-2003, 01:50 PM
glad to have ya back:cool: i havn't really been on much lately either and i know what you mean about catching up to post whores (cough...freeride123...cough):D

05-18-2003, 02:01 PM
welcome back home!:cool: :D

05-18-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by blondie69
welcome back home!:cool: :D

thanks, sadly that is the truth!