View Full Version : Anyone been Skydiving?

05-15-2003, 02:50 PM
mmy dad said he would take me for my 18th birthday and id like to know id anyone else has jumped from a plane and what it was like

05-15-2003, 03:43 PM
I did a static line jump in Hollister, CA.

The nerves really get going when you start gearing up. You get in a plane that looks like a bucket of bolts at best. The pilot climbs after takeoff so fast that the plane stalls and starts falling to Earth (I think this is their insurance that you'll jump). The pilot restarts the engine and gets to altitude. The man tells you to get in the door you hang your legs out and put them on a 6"x8" plate over the tire, reach out to the wing strut. You then dangle by your hands from the strut at 3500+ ft. You look at the instructor when ready, he says "go!" you let go and arch AND EXPERIENCE THE BIGGEST FEELING OF TERROR IN YOUR LIFE!

You start to feel the static line pulling of your back and you hope it opens. It does, your lines may be tangled (very common) so you straighten them out. You check your canopy, good to go, time for some fun! Once that chute was open it was the coolest thing I'd ever done.

Happy landings! :D

05-15-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by infantry317
I did a static line jump in Holister, CA.

The nerves really get going when you start gearing up. You get in a plane that looks like a bucket of bolts at best. The pilot climbs after takeoff so fast that the plane stalls and starts falling to Earth (I think this is their insurance that you'll jump). The pilot restarts the engine and gets to altitude. The man tells you to get in the door you hang your legs out and put them on a 6"x8" plate over the tire, reach out to the wing strut. You then dangle by your hands from the strut at 3500+ ft. You look at the instructor when ready, he says "go!" you let go and arch AND EXPERIENCE THE BIGGEST FEELING OF TERROR IN YOUR LIFE!

You start to feel the static line pulling of your back and you hope it opens. It does, your lines may be tangled (very common) so you straighten them out. You check your canopy, good to go, time for some fun! Once that chute was open it was the coolest thing I'd ever done.

Happy landings! :D

awesome decription there, wow, naw i want to do it even more, 3 and a half years to go

05-15-2003, 04:01 PM
I did a tandem freefall from about 15,000 feet. You freefall for almost 10,000 feet, and pull the cord around 5,500 feet. The only thing I can say is that there is no other feeling like it. You are fallilng toward the ground at 180 MPH, but it feels like you are floating. For the few extra dollars it may cost, get the jump videotaped/photographed if they offer it (just in case you get the sh*t scared out of you and never want to do it again, at least you have proof for your unbelieving friends). I had mine videotaped, but I may go back again one of these days. Only two more jumps and I can go solo.

05-15-2003, 04:06 PM
Now why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane? lol

05-16-2003, 01:53 AM
Hey guys, thanks for the info! I'm going for my first time tomorrow in Central Michigan. I'm getting scared, but I want to accomplish it!

I am tandem jumping for $185 bucks. I would love to get the video, but it costs and extra 60 bucks!

Wish me luck :)

05-16-2003, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by markeg192
Now why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane? lol

lol thats awsome i would like to go sky diving...my mom did it when she wasy 18 she said it was fun.... so i'll try it


05-16-2003, 03:08 AM
i cant wait to do it. me and my best friend are prob going to do it this summer. OO man i cant wait LOL