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05-13-2003, 10:12 AM
Today everything was normal in the middle school but down at the high school at 10:00 or sometime around there a senior went out to the school parking lot, went in his car and shot himself. I didnt no anything bout it till 2:30 so i dont no alot about it but my prayers go to his family. thanks for your time.

05-13-2003, 10:21 AM
That's sad!:(

05-13-2003, 10:24 AM
Just about the same thing happened here friday. One of my old friends from elementry school hung himself in his bedroom. Sucks he was well known in school, he was also one of top bowlers and golfers in the state. He was in 10th grade

Tommy 17
05-13-2003, 10:25 AM
yeah everyone was goin nutz here at NC... we know alot of kids from forest hillz:(

did u hear that the private school BISHOP CARROL that both of our schools go to had a kid in a tree with a gun and he was goin to kill everyone today... he was expelled last week for treatenin to kill a teacher and his kids... wow these kids scare me and its all only like 20 mins from me:(

i'm waitin for it to happen at my school... i've heard tonz of talk already and i know theres a few wacko freaks in my school that are capable of doin it...:grr

05-13-2003, 10:29 AM
:( thats terrible, some kid a few years back shot himself shot himself down by the water, he didn't go to my scholl but i knew of him and my friends knew him :(

05-13-2003, 10:30 AM
thats just stupid, what an idiot.... also people wonder why people that actually NEED a gun for protection cant have one...:mad: :mad: pisses me off.....

sorry but i feel no sympothy for these LOSERs, because of them i cant have a handgun untill im 21, *even if i take classes, and would only use it for protection*
sorry for the vent


05-13-2003, 10:39 AM
Im really sorry to hear about these incidences. Last year, I was pretty crazy and wanted to kill myself but didnt tell any one about it. Its all good now though.

Glow Plug
05-13-2003, 10:41 AM
:eek: Man that is horrible, i don't now why people would want to do that there just so young :(

05-13-2003, 10:45 AM
thats sad. i can't see y ppls would want to kill them selves. sure ya might be depressed...but a life is worth so much more. i know a guy that killed himself about 1 month ago? maybe more. but i went to lil skool w/ him and we were like really good friends. but i can see y he did tho....his life truly did suck. his parents were drug atticks (sp) alcholics, he was a dealer, his parents were poor, him & his sister were mal-nurished and a bunch more stuff....its even sadder tho that at his funeral...his sister & one of her friends were laffin their azzes off the whole time:( :mad:

05-13-2003, 10:47 AM
i feel bad too, but if hes a senior, and its may....sometrhing just doesnt seem right, he would have been out for the summer in a week or two and then off to college. thats sad

AC 400 ex 02
05-13-2003, 10:48 AM
that is horrible, a kid back a few months ago shot himself, i dont know why some1 would do that 2 themself, but who knows whats going on in there lives and some people think thats a away out:(

05-13-2003, 10:49 AM
I feel sad for his family...

I'll never understand why ANYONE would ever take their own life. :confused:

05-13-2003, 11:06 AM
at least he didnt shoot someone else

AC 400 ex 02
05-13-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
at least he didnt shoot someone else
i hear you

05-13-2003, 12:28 PM
Thats sad...

05-13-2003, 12:32 PM
thats sad. i remember a few years ago some kid from the high school around me was on a feild trip and was caught with drugs. So they sent him home on the train by himself but in stead he jumped in front of it and killed himself. i dont know why people would do things like this.

05-13-2003, 01:57 PM
Yeah it keeps sayin on the news that at forest hills high school there is a senior who killed himself with a 45 in the back seat of his car.:eek2:

cool 300ex
05-13-2003, 01:59 PM
Ya i know the kid shot hisself.It was so weird how about it keith.I head from my friend he said ythat the kid shot his self because this girl wouldn't go out with him.Then his sister told the office people and stuff.Because he even said he was going to shoot hiself.Man this was so weird the had the news and everthing there.Ya then went we where up by sheetz.And this one kid on my bus his name justin said hey **** you to the news guy and it was right to the camera and i think it was on the air.:D

05-13-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by VWVR6
I'll never understand why ANYONE would ever take their own life. :confused:


05-13-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by honda400exrider
Im really sorry to hear about these incidences. Last year, I was pretty crazy and wanted to kill myself but didnt tell any one about it. Its all good now though. \

Same here..about two years ago i wanted to take my life

05-13-2003, 02:50 PM
a kid on the other side of town ACCIDENTLY hung himself... he lived with his girlfriend in her basement and they broke up so when she got home he was gonna act like he really hung himself... and he slipped and fell... he tried to get back up but wasnt able to.... its really sad:( ...... also like earlier this week some girl brought a gun to school because her boyfriend was talking to another girl so she was gonna shoot them both... and only with 5 days of school left for us.... stupid hurts:rolleyes: :eek2: :( :o

05-13-2003, 02:54 PM

05-13-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by MichaelS693
a kid on the other side of town ACCIDENTLY hung himself... he lived with his girlfriend in her basement and they broke up so when she got home he was gonna act like he really hung himself... and he slipped and fell... he tried to get back up but wasnt able to.... its really sad:( ...... also like earlier this week some girl brought a gun to school because her boyfriend was talking to another girl so she was gonna shoot them both... and only with 5 days of school left for us.... stupid hurts:rolleyes: :eek2: :( :o
thats sad:(

05-13-2003, 03:06 PM
I agree with Crazy4bluEx 100%. I HATE IDIOTS like that guy who make it sooo hard to get a handgun legaly for those of us who need them for protection, or hunting.

Martin Blair
05-13-2003, 03:32 PM
the same kidn fo thign happend here last firday, a school janitor thretened to coem to school and kill himself. so we went in a look down until the cops could secur the school and they were there all day.

I say they can go ahead and kill themselves, that might seem mean but how stupid is that?

05-13-2003, 03:39 PM
thank you Marksuttonjr. i am only 16, but i am MORE then qualified to shoot or carry a handgun, if any ADULT is....there is alot of stupid crap that goes on here, and the way i look at it, they say they are taking guns off the streets but all they are doing is taking guns away from GOOD people that dont break the law in the 1st place, because anyone who wants a gun, can have one for the right price.......


05-13-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
yeah everyone was goin nutz here at NC... we know alot of kids from forest hillz:(

did u hear that the private school BISHOP CARROL that both of our schools go to had a kid in a tree with a gun and he was goin to kill everyone today... he was expelled last week for treatenin to kill a teacher and his kids... wow these kids scare me and its all only like 20 mins from me:(

i'm waitin for it to happen at my school... i've heard tonz of talk already and i know theres a few wacko freaks in my school that are capable of doin it...:grr

20 minutes for you.......3 for me. I can see the school from here. Now thats scary.

05-13-2003, 03:55 PM
my firends brother shot himself last year.my frind didnt come back to school for 2 months

05-13-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by VWVR6

I'll never understand why ANYONE would ever take their own life. :confused:

You cant understand untill your there. I didnt think I could ever understand it either, I thought it was stupid.

Ive been there recently though. Just getting out of it now. It amazes me how powerfull depression can be.

As for the gun thing, dont be idiots. If they took the guns away they would do it a different way. Asprin was the way i had planned. Lot less messy. The kids doing the school shootings are totally different. They are the ones causing gun control if anyone.

05-13-2003, 04:19 PM
they live there life all the way to that and then waste it, thats really really sad.

05-13-2003, 04:21 PM
everyone gets depressed once and awhile i know i get depressed but never enough to try to kill my self

05-14-2003, 01:07 AM
Oh I understand all of the medical crap...depression...etc. I'd like to know if this kid was on any of the new drug crap...riddlin...etc. I have my own theories with that stuff...


05-14-2003, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by VWVR6
Oh I understand all of the medical crap...depression...etc. I'd like to know if this kid was on any of the new drug crap...riddlin...etc. I have my own theories with that stuff...

Eric \
Do share:D I was a ritalin kid:devious:

05-14-2003, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by Taco
Do share:D I was a ritalin kid:devious:

It turns ya into a weirdo,,or atleast all the phsyco's i've met that were on it as kids are weird...:devil

05-14-2003, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by Rico
It turns ya into a weirdo,,or atleast all the phsyco's i've met that were on it as kids are weird...:devil

Same here...I'm sure there are good cases for that stuff...but IMO today it is being used in place of a good arse whoopin....


05-14-2003, 06:37 AM
im on ridalin and im just fine just fine just fine hey im on ridalin and fine just im. lol jp my cuz use to be on it but they took him off pretty dangours stuff tho

Tommy 17
05-14-2003, 07:56 AM
i talked to my friend who knew him today and she told me that he was HEAVY into big time drugs... not just lil bit of weed and stuff...

05-14-2003, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by kawasaki_ridah
im on ridalin and im just fine just fine just fine hey im on ridalin and fine just im. lol jp my cuz use to be on it but they took him off pretty dangours stuff tho

i'm also on it.....it used to be great and for a while it helped me alot with my schoolwork and stuff, but the last 2-3 years or so (i guess it stopped working when i hit puberty or whatever...i'm 15) i've been doing kinda bad in school....i have the drive, but i just zone out when i do homework and stuff and it takes me a long time. stronger doses haven't helped, and i'm at my wits end trying to find something that'll work. 2 days ago i just started taking this vitamin supplement called OPC's, and it's supposed to make you feel more alert and stuff, i heard a story where a kid had ADD and he started taking these OPC's and within a few weeks he had taken a complete 180- what used to be 7 hours of homework was now 2 and a half.i haven't noticed a huge difference just yet, because it's supposed to build up in your body.i have felt a little more alert, though.

anybody take these OPC's?

05-14-2003, 10:04 AM
drugs is badd:mad:

05-14-2003, 10:09 AM
damn dude:( thats a major bummer, my prayers go ou5t to his family too. where do u go to school at?

05-14-2003, 01:55 PM
I go to school a Forest Hills school districk in Sidman PA.:)

05-14-2003, 03:10 PM
suicide is a very selfish thing to do, had 2 somewhat close friends do it (both rode banshees too) very selfish, hurts everyone theyve met and loved so much

2K1 300EX
05-14-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by ryanh250ex
i'm also on it.....it used to be great and for a while it helped me alot with my schoolwork and stuff, but the last 2-3 years or so (i guess it stopped working when i hit puberty or whatever...i'm 15) i've been doing kinda bad in school....i have the drive, but i just zone out when i do homework and stuff and it takes me a long time. stronger doses haven't helped, and i'm at my wits end trying to find something that'll work. 2 days ago i just started taking this vitamin supplement called OPC's, and it's supposed to make you feel more alert and stuff, i heard a story where a kid had ADD and he started taking these OPC's and within a few weeks he had taken a complete 180- what used to be 7 hours of homework was now 2 and a half.i haven't noticed a huge difference just yet, because it's supposed to build up in your body.i have felt a little more alert, though.

anybody take these OPC's?

have you tried aderol yet?

05-14-2003, 04:26 PM
some of you guys really are immature, it seems like it is the worst thing in the world, but what if you were that person, you have absolutly have no idea what they were going through, it takes alot for people to snap like that. if deppression ever hits any of you guys like it hits some people, you may understand someday

some things you cant understand till you stand in them peoples shoes, and walk around for a while, it will really change your perspective on what they are going through

05-14-2003, 04:33 PM
Just to clarify it.....he killed himself over his girlfriend.:(

05-14-2003, 05:41 PM
at our school we had 6 freshman try to committ suicide by overdosing, and we had two others hang themselves (and they were found dead), we have our own police station at school.... but we have the 4th largest campus in the US...... We have a lot of occurrences like that all the time.. maybe b/c it's Alvin, Texas......

05-14-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Bean
some of you guys really are immature, it seems like it is the worst thing in the world, but what if you were that person, you have absolutly have no idea what they were going through, it takes alot for people to snap like that. if deppression ever hits any of you guys like it hits some people, you may understand someday

some things you cant understand till you stand in them peoples shoes, and walk around for a while, it will really change your perspective on what they are going through

I agree. I used to think it was completely selfish, I still do. Theres so many other says out. But when your thinking about suicide, Its like nothing you could ever imagine. I hope you dont have to go through it. It just gets worse and worse. Every time. Its not a sudden thing at all. After a while the only thing you care about is wanting it to stop. Most of the time theres only one way to make it stop.

If you have any freinds and see any signs, talk to them about it. Talking to them about it is the best thing you can do, so that when the feeling comes (and it does come with out warning) they have some one they can call. Unfortunatly some people can hide the signs well. As for the gf thing with this kid, I doubt it was all the gf that he was depressed about. Its usually the gf that will put him over the top. Thats what im guessing happened. :ermm:

05-15-2003, 08:54 AM
Yeah that sux, why would ya want to shoot ur self:confused:

05-15-2003, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Bean
some of you guys really are immature, it seems like it is the worst thing in the world, but what if you were that person, you have absolutly have no idea what they were going through, it takes alot for people to snap like that. if deppression ever hits any of you guys like it hits some people, you may understand someday

some things you cant understand till you stand in them peoples shoes, and walk around for a while, it will really change your perspective on what they are going through

excuse me for one second.

I sure as hell hope your not trying to say suicide is ok in some cases. No MATTER what happens in your life, you always will get through it.... get help, talk to people, do what you gotta do...

there is NO reason or excuse that makes this ok. Period, end of story. Thats what I'm saying...

05-15-2003, 09:48 AM
suicide = cowards

I've hit rock bottom plenty of times and pretty much had to live out of my car. Didn't have 2 nickels to rub together and barely made it thru the day much less a week. If you can't handle life and what it hands you then sorry about your luck...cry me a river is all i can say. I'm probably the most stressed out...high blood pressured....need ta snort valium instead of takin them by mouth person you could ever meet. But I just drink a few cold ones ta help ease the pain and it gets better. Just like my life has gotten better compared to 10 years ago or so when i had nothing but a bag of clothes and vehicle.. Now I own a $120,000 house, 2 trucks, a quad, a future wife that is the greatest ever, a psycho dog and all because I took life by the balls and showed it I will win the battle and come out ahead...:)

05-15-2003, 01:15 PM
Well i went to the wake tonight. It wasnt right. I felt bad for the kid but I was totally pissed at what he did to everyone. His family is in parts right now and his friends are stunned. It wasnt right.

05-15-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by VWVR6
excuse me for one second.

I sure as hell hope your not trying to say suicide is ok in some cases. No MATTER what happens in your life, you always will get through it.... get help, talk to people, do what you gotta do...

there is NO reason or excuse that makes this ok. Period, end of story. Thats what I'm saying...

Well put.

Everyone has problems at some point in their life and millions of people suffer from depression but they dont all put a gun to theri head and pull the freaking trigger.

Its a shame this stuff happens but you just cant put the blame or explain it on any one thing etc. Most people who have been so down and messed up mentally that have had those thoughts find the strength in themselves or their family or even god to bring them to realize that its not the way to fix or help anything and then begin to deal with or fight their problems and find there way.

If anyone reading this is or knows someone who is thinking this way remember this, you only get one shot here and good or bad its your shot so why rush whatever is next? It will be there later so dont rush it and be strong enough and believe enough in yourself to find the strenght to correct your problems and get to doing the things you want. And you must believe that taking your life will not fix anything and why end yourself instead of your problems.

One time in an alcohol induced talk a friend was talking about this crap and was confused (for lack of a better word) at my claiming I would get rid of my problems long before ever thinking of getting rid of myself. Only problem is that most of us are our own problem in the first place. Make sense? then get help quick :D

05-15-2003, 06:55 PM
man when you think of ATV riders you think of rednecks and dirty people but after reading all this for the past year, some of you guys could be the greatest writers... im lost lol

05-15-2003, 07:33 PM
im lost lol

I feels that way sometimes :D

05-15-2003, 08:32 PM
there is no reason to take away what GOD has given you

i lost a best friend to suicide because he thought his parents were too hard on him about his grades...i just talked to him that same day

asked him how he was...how him and his girlfriend were...ect

he said good, fine...acted normal....

no warning....now all im left with is an old prom pic of him and his gf at the time....

that was 8 years ago

he was the smartest kid in school....not too popular...but still
no reason

05-15-2003, 11:16 PM
I deal with these situations every day in my line of work. It's not fun.

But I think you guys are realizing life is not easy no matter what problem arises. Its called growing up and dealing with the pressures. There is always tomorrow to look forward too.

Ever notice when you jump of your quad and go riding your head clears up. Until something breaks. DOOO.

You have the best tool in front of you to deal with problems. This forum is actually full of intelligent people, no matter the age. And there's always somebody else that has experienced similar problems and strived to succed. Like Rico...

05-16-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by 2K1 300EX

:eek2: :bandit: :D

05-16-2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
at our school we had 6 freshman try to committ suicide by overdosing, and we had two others hang themselves (and they were found dead), we have our own police station at school.... but we have the 4th largest campus in the US...... We have a lot of occurrences like that all the time.. maybe b/c it's Alvin, Texas......

05-19-2003, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by 2K1 300EX
have you tried aderol yet?

no, i haven't.

05-19-2003, 07:35 AM

05-19-2003, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by mxrdr