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View Full Version : Got bad news today

Dune Surfer
05-06-2003, 01:39 PM
Last year my 11 year old daughter broke here hip in a playground accident. She was in a full body cast for six months. Pretty rough for a little girl. For months after that she was on crutches. She seemed to be doing good. She is able to walk without pain and we thought she was back to normal. Today she had a doctors appointment we thought to schedule surgury to remove the pins in her leg. The surgen told use there are complications and the bone in her femor is dieing. (remember Bo Jackson) She has to go back in a wheel chair starting today, and has bone graph surgury at the end of the month. She has a great doctor. He has taken her case to national conventions to confer with the best surgens in the country using her as thier test case. Even so it's not looking good. I feel so sorry for her. She is just crushed.
Man I wish it could be me instead. I have done crazy stuff my whole life. I'm fine. She falls down in the playground and it changes her whole life. no sports, no dancing, no running, nothing. Sometimes life just is not fair. You can bet she will be the most spoiled kid ever!!
Well say a prayer and wish her luck.

05-06-2003, 01:52 PM
I am so so sorry to hear that. I will keep her and your family in my prayers. We take for granted so much we never think of what we have until it's gone.:(

05-06-2003, 01:54 PM
I'll say a prayer:(

05-06-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by cheetah
I am so so sorry to hear that. I will keep her and your family in my prayers. We take for granted so much we never think of what we have until it's gone.:(

05-06-2003, 01:57 PM
Dude, my heart goes out to you, I have a 9 yr old and an 12 yr old and I would cut off my arm in a heartbeat to save them an ounce of pain..................I'll pray for you and your daughter!

Glow Plug
05-06-2003, 01:57 PM
:( that is realyl sad, i couldn't bare to think what i would do if that was me :( i couldn't stand not being able to do whatever i wanted :( i will say a pray for you :)

05-06-2003, 02:00 PM
you guys are in my prayers

AC 400 ex 02
05-06-2003, 02:02 PM
wow, im really sorry to hear that, life isnt fair, i just went to my aunts funeral today:( ...unfortunately cancer took her precious life away...:(

05-06-2003, 02:03 PM
That really sucks, I hope she is fine after this. Its to often that parents are why couldn't it just happen to me, to bad it was possible eh? Even just to take the pain, hope she makes a full recovery!:macho

05-06-2003, 02:08 PM
is it like a bone marrow thing? if so...do you have a donor?

i cant tell you how much we will pray for her. i can take adults with problems...but kids flat rip my heart out....if you need any thing or need help in any way...send me a pm...ill do all i can:(

05-06-2003, 02:13 PM
Dune Surfer,
I am very sorry to hear that. Like pappy said, when something happens to kids it rips your heart out. She will be in my prayers.

05-06-2003, 02:15 PM
Sorry to hear about that, it'll will all be alright.

05-06-2003, 02:21 PM
oh man.... :(

05-06-2003, 02:22 PM
:( is she gonna be ok after the surgery?

05-06-2003, 02:31 PM
man ohh man i dont even know what to say after reading that i fel so bad for both of you expecialy her. That must be so hard for her. I can only amagine being confined to a cast ctutches then to a wheel chair at the age of 12 wow thats awfull. I feel so bad. I will keep all of you in my prayers. I hope for the best with her hope that the surgery is a big sucess.

Tommy 17
05-06-2003, 02:40 PM
sry to hear about that... life isn't fair:(

05-06-2003, 02:52 PM
Sorry to hear that, hope things go well:)
Maybe you can trick out her wheel chair.....PC some stuff, graphics, lights?;)


05-06-2003, 02:55 PM
wholy ****, that seriously started to make me tear, i like spaced out after reading it. in Aww and came back and i had a few tears , its so sad to see little kids lives ruined buy just a mear playground accdint, and people get hit buy cars, and are fine.
im truely sorry, and i will pray that she will have a recovery.. again im really sorry :(


05-06-2003, 02:58 PM
That hurts to read, Dunesurfer.....kids should never have to go through anything like that - and when it happens to our own, it's the feeling of helplessness that can be overwhelming - we are supposed to fix everything for our babies.....and it's hard not to be able to do that. I'm so sorry.....just remember - kids are so resiliant, they can adjust so well to things - as long as they know they make you proud and you adore them - they are so surprising and it's amazing the things they can teach us - the adults!

I sincerely wish you and your sweetie as painless a proceedure as possible - remember she is going to get her strength from you - and that is definately something you can give to her.....there is nothing quite like a Dad's strength and confidence to a little girl. Keep us posted.......modern medicine can do amazing things, so hang in there.

jay's 300
05-06-2003, 03:08 PM
Dune Surfer, I'm real sorry to hear about your little girl! I hope she makes a full recovery and if you need ANYTHING I'm sure that we (myself and the rest of the group) will help in any way we can! My prayers are w/ you and your family! ;)

Dune Surfer
05-06-2003, 03:14 PM
Thanks a lot for your support everyone. To answer a couple of your questions,They use her own bone or marrow taken from another location. Unfortunatly she will most likely need more surgerys. It was a freak accident. The doctors say they only really see this from things like car wrecks and motorcycle accidents. She of course has our love strength and support. I will print this thread later and give it to her to show how many nice people really care.
Like everything in life you have to understand worse things could always happen. Good people lose children to cancer and worse everyday. Thank God we still have our girl.

05-06-2003, 03:15 PM
Man, very sorry to hear that....your daughter will be in my prayers. I know my kids are my life and I am sure you feel the same......hang in there..........JIM

05-06-2003, 03:22 PM
I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter. I don't really know all the details on how wheelchairs are made, but I would consider doing something for her if you thought it could help. I'm not really sure what a 12 year old girl would like, but I do make lots of parts from tubing. I would have to do a little research on the design part however.

05-06-2003, 03:22 PM
so sorry to hear. My thoughts and prayers are with your little girl and your family.:(

05-06-2003, 04:01 PM
Stay strong man, she will feed off of your strength!
You better believe that I will be praying for her along with you and your whole family!

My wishes are with you and your family!

05-06-2003, 04:03 PM
:( I remember you telling me about that ....sorry to hear ...


05-06-2003, 04:03 PM
Im really sorry about this, I will be praying for a miracle to take place in your family. If your daughter ever wants a pen pal type person to help keep her determined and motivated, I would be happy to write to her and be like a 'big sis' for her. I know when something tragic happened in my lifetime and hearing from people I didnt even know somehow kept me motivated to keep going on and i knew a lot of people cared. I'm glad she has a loving father and family that will help her out also. I will keep your family and especially your daughter in my thoughts and prayers. Is there any type of animal or anything she likes a whole lot? Im a fairly good artist and I would like to draw her something to help cheer her up. God bless you and your family and I hope and pray everything will turn out ok.

05-06-2003, 04:08 PM
you all stay positive, these kids are alot tougher than they get credit for. you are all in my familys thoughts and prayers.

05-06-2003, 04:24 PM
Oh man, I hate hearing stuff like this. Hang in there man, today's doctors are amazing! Hope everything works out!

05-06-2003, 04:53 PM
Im really sorry to hear this. It rips my heart out to see kids that are sick or hurt. Medical technology has advanced so much today, i'm sure she will have a complete recovery. Let me know if there is anything I can do, maybe even just to have someone to talk to.

05-06-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Jnine
I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter. I don't really know all the details on how wheelchairs are made, but I would consider doing something for her if you thought it could help. I'm not really sure what a 12 year old girl would like, but I do make lots of parts from tubing. I would have to do a little research on the design part however.

That would be fuggin awesome man...:eek2: :)

05-06-2003, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Dune Surfer
Last year my 11 year old daughter broke here hip in a playground accident. She was in a full body cast for six months. Pretty rough for a little girl. For months after that she was on crutches. She seemed to be doing good. She is able to walk without pain and we thought she was back to normal. Today she had a doctors appointment we thought to schedule surgury to remove the pins in her leg. The surgen told use there are complications and the bone in her femor is dieing. (remember Bo Jackson) She has to go back in a wheel chair starting today, and has bone graph surgury at the end of the month. She has a great doctor. He has taken her case to two national conventions to confer with the best surgens in the country using her as thier test case. Even so it's not looking good. I feel so sorry for her. She is just crushed.
Man I wish it could be me instead. I have done crazy stuff my whole life. I'm fine. She falls down in the playground and it changes her whole life. no sports, no dancing, no running, nothing. Sometimes life just is not fair. You can bet she will be the most spoiled kid ever!!
Well say a prayer and wish her luck. Dune Surfer.. my heart goes out to you all of you.:( I cant even imagine how she must be feeling, sometimes I think I take for granted how fortunate I am . I have been through some tough times related to my kids, so I can relate.. There is so much new technology avail now days and with you having a great Dr. odds are in her favor..;) If you ever need anything or just need to talk, Im here for ya;) Jnine, that was very thoughtful of you to offer your help to them, you must be one heck of a guy with a big heart....:)

05-06-2003, 11:48 PM
srry to hear that. hopes she makes a full recovery. Your family will be in my prayers

05-07-2003, 01:01 AM
Dune Surfer - I am truely sorry to hear about your daughter's setback :( :( Myself and my family will keep your family and your daughter especially in our prayers. If there is anything EXriders can do to help you guys out, big or small, please do not hesistate to contact me - I'll do whatever I can to assist you guys.

Please keep us informed on her progress, and seriously - if there is anything myself or the EXriders community can do please let me know. :)


05-07-2003, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Ben
Dune Surfer - I am truely sorry to hear about your daughter's setback :( :( Myself and my family will keep your family and your daughter especially in our prayers. If there is anything EXriders can do to help you guys out, big or small, please do not hesistate to contact me - I'll do whatever I can to assist you guys.

Please keep us informed on her progress, and seriously - if there is anything myself or the EXriders community can do please let me know. :)



05-07-2003, 01:26 AM
I am so sorry to hear of your little girls setback:( This thread brought tears to my eyes reading it, But it seems that your daughter has a very loving supportive family and you mix that with modern medicine I think the outcome will be a good one:D
Stay stronge Dune Surfer..

Your little girl will be in my families prayers..

05-07-2003, 01:52 AM
My sympathy and prayers go to you and your family specially your daughter i can't even begin to imagine having to be stuck in a wheel chair specially at the most active time of youy life i wish the best for your daughter

05-07-2003, 04:37 AM
Colby and I will say our prayers for you and your family.. We pray for a quick and full recovery.

05-07-2003, 05:17 AM
she will be in our prayers

05-07-2003, 05:38 AM
Dune Surfer... sucks to hear that man... well best wishes and amny prayers are with her and your family... Good luck......

05-07-2003, 06:41 AM
Dunesurfer, my heart and prayers go out to your daughter, you and your family. I really hate to hear something like that and it makes me begin to question "why" things happen and for what reason. You are not alone when you look around at some of the "problems" that are walking around when a innocent little girl is suffering or will have to deal with a something like this. I have 2 boys and just cringe when there is anything wrong with them or even think of something bad happening. God Bless.

05-07-2003, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Jnine
I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter. I don't really know all the details on how wheelchairs are made, but I would consider doing something for her if you thought it could help. I'm not really sure what a 12 year old girl would like, but I do make lots of parts from tubing. I would have to do a little research on the design part however.

wheely bar

05-07-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Lrd Mx400ex
wheely bar

get her a long travel wheel kit!!!:eek2: lol i am really sorry though dune surfer. My nephew is my life so the pain must be unbearable. If we can setup a fund to send 20 dollars to or sumthing and wit all of us that really could add up man. money cant replace a happy/healthy life man. But with it and modern advances in technology she might have a very good one!please keep us updated and we will do what we can to help...................

jnine- a new business venture? building racing wheelchairs?;) :confused: lol

05-07-2003, 09:06 AM
To say the least, that is truly awful. We hold our children so close to our hearts, it's terrible when something like this happens and we cannot protect them in any way. It's not just the pain of surgery and recovery, or missing out on the simple joys in life like a soccer game, but the other things that no child should have to endure. Taunting and riducule from ignorant people who don't have enough self-esteem to open their eyes to see the wonderful person your daughter truly is.

A friend of mine had complications with his children, one was born nearly blind, and remains so today. You may find comfort in his response, so I shall pass it on.

When your child has complications, medical conditions, or faces hardships, we feel sorry. Not for ourselves, but for the child, we think of all the things the child will miss, and how much they will not be able to do, and it brings tears to your eyes. You think of all the things that the child cannot do, you forget to open your own eyes. Pretty soon, you will be amazed at what your child CAN do.

Dunesurfer: The future looks bleak, I can only imagine. However, I also believe you have a learning curve ahead of you. When your daughter is doing wheelies in her wheelchair, and dancing a waltz at her high school prom, you will be amazed at all the things she has accomplished, despite her setbacks.

05-07-2003, 09:19 AM
I am very sorry to hear this. I remember clearly when I was 12, when I had to have surgery on my leg. MX crash on my YZ80, I was lucky enough to have loving parents that were with me 100% of the time. Hopefully all goes well with the surgery. I hate it when I see kids hurt, it just makes me sad. I cant imagine how you feel, cause I dont have kids. But I remember the doctor telling me that children recover extremely fast, so I am sure she will do fine. My prayers go out to your daughter and the rest of your family.

Craig Hendriks

05-07-2003, 11:46 AM
Sorry to hear about your little girl.
my roomates mom was in a wreck in Vista and ended up in a wheel chair. Oh man is she hard to catch now! :eek2: She smokes me down to the mailbox often! And she Dosen't need to squeze! :eek2: :eek2: Prayers are with you, your Family and your little girl. If you need ANYTHING I am here in Escondido.

05-07-2003, 01:58 PM
I'll say a prayer for her

05-07-2003, 02:03 PM
time to make a rotax powered wheel-y chair

my best wishes and my prayers go out for her, theres gotta be a way to make her bones alive again:(

Dune Surfer
05-07-2003, 04:36 PM
Thanks again everyone for your support and prayers. So many kind words and thoughts has been a huge help. When my wife is ready I'm going to have her read this thread. It has meant the world to me.:) Your concern and offers of help has restored my faith in humanity. no really. These days it seems so many people are just out for thier own intrest. Bless you all.

05-07-2003, 05:09 PM

Be strong. She will need all the strength you can share with her.
I couldnt even imagine what I would do if something happened to
one of my " little ones". We will keep you and yours in our haerts and our prayers. Best wishes for your little girl!

05-08-2003, 01:46 PM
My daughter is 17 and has been in a wheelchair her whole life. It sucks but you learn to cope. I wish your family the best.