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View Full Version : sooo what do you do to become a good racer?

05-04-2003, 04:36 PM
ok what is the best way to start racing? do you just go out and start jumping everything or start on small jumps and then go big? how do you really know how much speed you need for certain jumps? also if you go to a track that you havent been before do you get to ride on it for awile and get the feel of it? man it seems like im soooo far behind all you guys on riding ability. when do you know its time to start jumping big jumps? how long does it take to feel totally comfortable with your quad?

05-04-2003, 04:58 PM
the best way to start racing would probley be go to find out where some local fair races are in your area cuz it seems alot of beginers are at the fair races and that would probley be easyer for a beginer.

when i fist started racing i didnt jump half the jumps that were out there and i didnt start goin bigger till i felt comfortable with my self and had confidence in me and my machine.

the more you start racing and riding and get more experenced on jumps you'll just know how much speed you need to make a jump, or another way when your racing is to go the same speed as another rider that is gonna clear the jump.. but other wise just parctice and practice again.

when you go and race they will have a practice for each class to go out on the track and see what it is like, dont use the practice as a race and try and get around the track fast, just roll the jumps the first time to see how the lip is and to have an idea where the landing is, then work on clearing the jumps.

05-05-2003, 05:27 AM
ride as much as possible and watch how people faster than you ride.

05-05-2003, 08:23 AM
PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE SEAT TIME SEAT TIME SEAT TIME!!!! That's where I'm at right now!! Have fun too & don't expect to go out & win your 1st season out cuz you have to remember everyone has been doing it longer than you, sometimes thats hard to deal w/. Hell I ran a whole flat track series last season & got 1 2nd place & all the rest I think were last but towards the end I was getting faster & braver!!! Now I actually can keep up & bump tires w/ the best of em':)