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View Full Version : Rejetting on a 250x

05-01-2003, 12:48 AM
I am awaiting for a Wb/ e series full exaust to arrive and have never done a rejet, But I think I can do it myself, Anyway does anybody know what the settings would be on a 250x, the manual sezs it's factory set as follows:
Needle clip:3rd groove

I also plan to drill 3 1 inch air holes in top of box.

One more stupid question, do I need to buy a bigger main and pilot needle to replace the current ones? Thanks

05-01-2003, 08:38 AM
on my 250X i have a 135 main and a 38 pilot. I also have a WB slip on and a Uni air filter.

P.S good choice in pipes im very pleased with mine

05-01-2003, 02:37 PM
Thank you , very helpful, Tough decision between an Fmf or Wb/e
but everyone I talked to said wb was best. How's that uni air filter work for ya, I forgot to mention I have a K&N on the way too,
I called the local shop today and he said if I bring the carb to him he'll set the jets, I'll probably go that route because it's easier,