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View Full Version : powder coating pistons??

04-30-2003, 01:05 PM
today i had my 250r at the local yami dealer ( i dont want to hear about it lol, they are friends of mine) well they are puttin a new top end on it for the new season and they said i should have my piston powder coated cus i have an lrd motor and its built pretty hot. well i never heard of anybody doing this so i didnt do it. they said it would make my piston last longer but i didnt do it. anybody hear of this.

04-30-2003, 01:10 PM
I think they're referring to ceramic coating the piston. This is used in high horsepower car engines. It reflects heat back into the combustion chamber and reduces heat risers on the piston that can result in detonation. On a 2-stroke that's likely going to get rebuilt within a year's time anyway I'd skip the cost of this.

04-30-2003, 01:14 PM
It's not the traditional "powder coating" that you would get on your frame. It's a two-part thermal barrier coating. The first layer is a metalic bondcoat, with a very rough surface. The second layer is a ceramic coating. The ceramic coating insulates the piston from the heat of combustion. The bondcoat is necessary to provide a rough surface for adhesion, as well as a buffer for thermal expansion.

04-30-2003, 01:40 PM
Maybe they meant nikasil coated?

04-30-2003, 03:45 PM
They could have also been talking about "dry film lubricant" which is sprayed on the piston skirts then baked on.