View Full Version : Going with razrs 20-11-9 4 ply

04-30-2003, 09:28 AM
hey guys, im gonna rin the maxxiz razr on my 300 in the rear. there the 20-11-9s. Right now i have the stock 22-11-9s in the rear. Ive read on here that the razr 22-11-9s would bogg the bike down to much. Any help? btw yall were right i can get 2 wheels and 2 tires mounted and balanced for 167.99! if yall can help me out with the righ tires it would great. TRickster:devil

04-30-2003, 09:40 AM
If you trail ride only I would consider getting the 22's for the extra ground clearance. The bigger tires will rob some power, but you can easily offset that by getting a new front sprocket.

04-30-2003, 01:16 PM
I just ordered 20x11x9 razr's from rockey mountain. I ride trails and have bald 20" shredders now. I decided to get the .160 douglas rims after reading an article that said they are being used in racing because of the reduced weight and no bending problems.

He'res my order. I'll let you know how they are after 5/5/03.

Qty |Unit |Description |Unit Price|Total |
1|Pkg |Razr-rear 20x11x9 on Douglas A| 152.99| 152.99|
2| |[KIT] Razr-rear 20x11x9 | 0.00| 0.00|
2| |[KIT] 4/110_9X9_3+6_.160 Dougl| 0.00| 0.00|
2|Each |Oil Filter EMGO, Honda TRX300E| 2.35| 4.70|

Subtotal: 157.69
Tax: 0.00
Disposal: 0.00
S/H: 34.26
COD: 0.00
Total: 191.95

05-01-2003, 03:50 PM
I got 20-11-9 rears and 21-7-10 fronts and so far theyve worked great. Here's a picture when they were brand new.