View Full Version : RAZR vs. RAZR 2

04-30-2003, 05:55 AM
I'm looking for new rear tires for my 400ex for running hare scrambles, and keep hearing great things about the RAZR 2. So I started pricing them and noticed the original RAZR is 20 or 30 bucks cheaper.

I'm pretty much a neophyte when it comes to quad racing, so my riding skill tends to hold me back rather than my equipment.

Knowing my situation, is the RAZR 2 really worth the extra money over the RAZR? Price really isn't a concern if they're worth it, but on the other hand, I don't want to throw money away if there's not much difference.

Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

04-30-2003, 06:19 AM
Someone said bill ballance isnt running the razr 2 out back cuz they dont slide as well as the 1st razrs. But i heard that the 2's are better in the mud. The fronts look like they would hook up sweet anywhere.

04-30-2003, 07:20 AM
razr 2's have some more bight but are also heavier good for trails i would think but i still love my razrs

04-30-2003, 09:27 AM
I was told the only differece was the tread was deeper on the 2's

04-30-2003, 10:14 AM
on the razrIIs you hook up 100xs better because the tread is like an inch long and im gettin the 4ply 20" ones on .190 rims because 4 ply isnt as heavy as 6ply and 20" for better turning

believe me, its wourth it

KY Woods Rider
04-30-2003, 12:10 PM
I think the decision could depend on what type of dirt you're going to be riding on the most. For mud or loose and sandy type soil, I'd say the Razr IIs would be the better choice (deeper lugs get better bite in these conditions). For hardpack or hard soil with only a little bit of loose stuff on the top, the original Razrs should work great (deeper lugs won't help, and if really hardpacked, might even hurt traction just a tiny bit because tall lugs have a bit more "roll" to them in corners).