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View Full Version : Killa250ex Signing out....

04-29-2003, 12:54 PM
Well Guys(and Gals),

I had a little problem with the police getting called on me. About 2 weeks ago I went riding, and 4 local people called the Sheriff on my @ss. I was riding down the side of the road, Or as they said "In their Backyards". So As i am riding, My riding buddy(on a Trailblazer) Had saw the cop before I did. He had took off and i followed him, we Were heading back to our houses when We saw a cop turn on to the road we were on(a dirt road) and so we had no Choice but to turn into the Subdivisiion. We werent on the sub road, but on the edge of the subdivision goin down the creek. The cop was up on the road and he was on us the whole time. Then Eventually he had to turn and we kept going. We went thru the sub and thru my buddies back yard, then mine, then my nieghbors yard them my other buddies back yard. We parked....and waited. We waited Back there for about 15 minutes and Decided to walk back to our houses instead, Cause both of our Quads are piped and Very loud. When we got to the back of my property, I saw the Sheriff sitting in my Driveway. So eventually left....and my dad followed. He went out to look for me. Whenwe saw that they had left, we got our quads and whet home. My dad took my keys, And Sold My Quad. I didnt get anything. So i leave it at this...

It's Been A great couple of Years, Ive been to this site Hundreds of times, I got Great information, and got to show off my sumwhat good pictures. I dont think i will be getting another Quad Anytime soon, Maybe a Dirtbike late Summer if i can afford it. I dont think I will be comin here much anymore, this might be My Last Time Visiting. So Thats about it, Its been great getting to know all you guys and ladys and getting to gawk at all of your nice quads. I'll be going now.

Adam Gerweck Aka......Killa

04-29-2003, 12:58 PM
wow,, that totally sucks dude. you should have stopped right away..

04-29-2003, 01:12 PM

04-29-2003, 01:19 PM
wow, thats bad news man. you shoulda just stoppped. what happened to your friend?

04-29-2003, 01:25 PM
Tell your dad that your glad he sold your quad, because it will give you more time to smoke pot. If my dad sold my quad I would go crazy.

Bad idea running from the cops, might have just been a warning.

04-29-2003, 01:28 PM
Just take this time to chill out for now. I know it's tough, but earn back some respect from your dad and show him you can change and are more responsible and you never know, maybe one day that brand new Honda will be in your driveway.:cool:

04-29-2003, 01:32 PM
Man, im sorry to hear

04-29-2003, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Sportrax10
Tell your dad that your glad he sold your quad, because it will give you more time to smoke pot. .

Thats a real smart thing to say:huh .

04-29-2003, 01:45 PM
Dude, that sux.

Just have to save up for a new one and keep yourself occupied doing work or somin. :ermm:

Personally, I would tell the cop to kiss my ***** next time I saw him...but thats just me. :eek:

04-29-2003, 02:15 PM
sorry man my rents are the same way but i never run from cops

04-29-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Sportrax10
Tell your dad that your glad he sold your quad, because it will give you more time to smoke pot. If my dad sold my quad I would go crazy.

Bad idea running from the cops, might have just been a warning.

What makes you think hes a pothead? lol. his mom is probably a member of maps....mothers against pot smoking.. hehe:huh :D

04-29-2003, 02:19 PM
Sorry to hear about that:(

04-29-2003, 02:21 PM
just cause u dont got a quad anymore doesnt mean you have to stop coming here, i think we have all enjoyed your input and would really enjoy it if you would stay.:)

Glow Plug
04-29-2003, 02:23 PM
my dad took my quad keys but it doesn't really bother me it has tough me to try new things with my time like i'm into flying kites now that's awsome, and i am try to start to earn some trust so i can convince the honda sport quad idea on em lol

but anyway that sucks to here what happened to your friend? :(

04-29-2003, 02:41 PM
That sucks Killa. What I think the guy is saying is, now that he has nothing to do that he will become a drugy (its like, well since I can't ride I might aswell smoke drugs...)

04-29-2003, 02:46 PM
do run dir

04-29-2003, 03:14 PM
man that sux, l8er man. What happened to your friend?

04-29-2003, 03:26 PM
that sux that your dad would do that, my dad tells me that if i think i can get away then do it but if not just be polite and nice to the cop. you shouldnt just stop coming here, try and get a job and buy a used dirtbike or somethin'.

04-29-2003, 03:52 PM
Too bad it had to go this far....let's hope you and others learn from this;)


04-29-2003, 03:58 PM
Just this weekend we were riding and a cop tried signaling us to stop. My buddy on a warrior flew past. I just putted right up to the cop. I got a warning, my buddy got a fine.:o

04-29-2003, 04:30 PM
:( That sucks....Sorry to hear....Dont stop comeing here just because you dont have a quad!!....I know plenty of people on here without quads or dirtbikes....But oh well good luck with gettin a new one....I got chased by the cops the other day....I got away and he stopped and talked to a kid on the side of the road and told him i was doin 75 past him....also doing a wheelie....woo hoo :D


04-29-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Thats a real smart thing to say:huh .

hmmm I thought you guys would know what I meant.

I meant that because his dads taking away a big hobbie in his life, it would make him more likely to do drugs. And he should use it as guilt to try to get his quad back. Kinda like an afterschool activity.

04-30-2003, 12:01 AM
don't go, jus cuz u don't go no quad doesn't mean u can't come on here. i don't have a quad....i come on here:huh and i know theres pleanty others. but that sukz tho

well....if u do decide to go....bye:(

04-30-2003, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by Striker49
Dude, that sux.

Just have to save up for a new one and keep yourself occupied doing work or somin. :ermm:

Personally, I would tell the cop to kiss my ***** next time I saw him...but thats just me. :eek:

why would you do that. He was doing his job... sounds like he got it easy...the cop approached his parents rather than pushing the law to the limits...you could be in much more trouble than just not having a quad right now.

04-30-2003, 07:43 AM
sorry to hear that i got caught once on trails on school property i knew the cop and was freinds with his kids so i thought he would be cool and i didnt wanna almost run over a freinds dad so i stoped but he was a real d*ck and put me incuffs and all. only reason my dad got made cause we were supposed to be on trails that were like3 miles away by road but it only took us about 30 min. to get there. just for that my dad took my old blaster away for 2 weeks. so the moral to my story when i ever see cops anymore i just run. may not be the best thing to do but thats what i do

04-30-2003, 08:48 AM
How do you guys manage to get caught by the cops so much!?
last time i got caught was over a year ago, and I had 3 cars after me... I ended up with no fines or anything. The only time i have ever been fined by the cops was 5 years ago because I was riding under age.
I always run. Because if i get caught my quad is going to be impounded anyways because I don't have it registered, Which around here alone will get your quad taken away even if your stoped for no reason.

Killa , just get out and start workin , buy another quad yourself, Your father will respect you much more than if you do drugs or cause trouble and make it seem like its his fault.

04-30-2003, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Sportrax10
hmmm I thought you guys would know what I meant.

I meant that because his dads taking away a big hobbie in his life, it would make him more likely to do drugs. And he should use it as guilt to try to get his quad back. Kinda like an afterschool activity.

Well I have 3 kids and if my kids tried some chit like that I would do the same thing. Kids today think they can get away with what ever they want cause the parents can't whip them. If my kids were to tell me that they were going to smoke pot cause I sold something of thiers they would be picking their teeth up.:grr

04-30-2003, 08:56 AM
I think your dad's being a little unreasonable. Did he tell you not to ride down the street? I would be so pissed off at my dad. He would be on my S@#t list for a good while. He could have just grounded you from the bike for a month or something like that.

Save up, buy a faster bike. Maybe next time the cop wont catch you. Once your 16 you will be able to take the bike places that are more suitable for riding.

I dunno, I dont know you or your dad. But I would have argued and tried to compromise with him some. Seems a bit harsh.

04-30-2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Well I have 3 kids and if my kids tried some chit like that I would do the same thing. Kids today think they can get away with what ever they want cause the parents can't whip them. If my kids were to tell me that they were going to smoke pot cause I sold something of thiers they would be picking their teeth up.:grr

there you go beat your kids. good call. If my dad every tried to beat me I would take him out, or at least try to.

04-30-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Bretmd94
I think your dad's being a little unreasonable. Did he tell you not to ride down the street? I would be so pissed off at my dad. He would be on my S@#t list for a good while. He could have just grounded you from the bike for a month or something like that.

Save up, buy a faster bike. Maybe next time the cop wont catch you. Once your 16 you will be able to take the bike places that are more suitable for riding.

I dunno, I dont know you or your dad. But I would have argued and tried to compromise with him some. Seems a bit harsh.

This is going to turn into a flame war.

That is the exact attitude ATVmxRider is talking about. How can you ask, did your dad tell you not to ride on the street? I don't care how young you are, you know what your allowed to do and what is not allowed to do. If you read the story, he never got caught by the cops.

No respect from the younger generations.:grr

04-30-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Bretmd94
there you go beat your kids. good call. If my dad every tried to beat me I would take him out, or at least try to.

Thats exactly what I'm talking about. You kids think you can do what you want and nothing will happen to you. I don't "Beat" my kids but when they do wrong they get disoplined(sp). You sound like a real tough guy but I bet you are the 1st one to run to your mommy when crying when you get in trouble.

04-30-2003, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Bretmd94
there you go beat your kids. good call. If my dad every tried to beat me I would take him out, or at least try to.

personally i think adults should be able to disipline(sp?) there kids by any way they need. when i was younger and i got in trouble my mom would go get this paddle out the the closet and everytime you got hit your name goes on there to show how bad you were. my name was on there the most:devil :ermm:

04-30-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Killa250ex
Well Guys(and Gals),

I had a little problem with the police getting called on me. About 2 weeks ago I went riding, and 4 local people called the Sheriff on my @ss. I was riding down the side of the road, Or as they said "In their Backyards". So As i am riding, My riding buddy(on a Trailblazer) Had saw the cop before I did. He had took off and i followed him, we Were heading back to our houses when We saw a cop turn on to the road we were on(a dirt road) and so we had no Choice but to turn into the Subdivisiion. We werent on the sub road, but on the edge of the subdivision goin down the creek. The cop was up on the road and he was on us the whole time. Then Eventually he had to turn and we kept going. We went thru the sub and thru my buddies back yard, then mine, then my nieghbors yard them my other buddies back yard. We parked....and waited. We waited Back there for about 15 minutes and Decided to walk back to our houses instead, Cause both of our Quads are piped and Very loud. When we got to the back of my property, I saw the Sheriff sitting in my Driveway. So eventually left....and my dad followed. He went out to look for me. Whenwe saw that they had left, we got our quads and whet home. My dad took my keys, And Sold My Quad. I didnt get anything. So i leave it at this...

It's Been A great couple of Years, Ive been to this site Hundreds of times, I got Great information, and got to show off my sumwhat good pictures. I dont think i will be getting another Quad Anytime soon, Maybe a Dirtbike late Summer if i can afford it. I dont think I will be comin here much anymore, this might be My Last Time Visiting. So Thats about it, Its been great getting to know all you guys and ladys and getting to gawk at all of your nice quads. I'll be going now.

Adam Gerweck Aka......Killa

this will probably come off as harsh, but..................

serves ya right. ride legal or dont ride at all.

04-30-2003, 01:01 PM
Thanks For your guy's Concern. As for my Buddy, He is 26....he didnt need to do anything. I never did get caught by the cop, Sumone who called him musta knew where i lived. My neighbor has a Modified 98 Kx125 for sale for $900, that i might end up buying. I have a Summer Job that i will be working full time to get money for the Kx. It'll take sum learnin, but i will get the hang of it, I wish i could stick to quads, But...i just wont ever have the money for one :( . The Kx Needs a new Clutch and its about time for a new piston, otherwise, its in really nice Shape. Well, I'll Stick Around for awile and tell you guys wuts gonna go down.

04-30-2003, 01:21 PM
As a 16 year old I can tell you one thing. If the parents dont disapline hard enough....the kids wont learn. When i was younger if my dad beat me I wouldnt do it again. If he just yelled at me I wouldnt think twice about doing it again. So personally I believe parents should be allowed to lay the paddle down.

04-30-2003, 02:01 PM
disipline is an important thing, rents use physical tactics (spankings, paddlings ect) but dropped that when i was about 5 and i learned better now they just guilt trip me which naw that i have a working concious works plenty good

04-30-2003, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by honda300ex06
personally i think adults should be able to disipline(sp?) there kids by any way they need. when i was younger and i got in trouble my mom would go get this paddle out the the closet and everytime you got hit your name goes on there to show how bad you were. my name was on there the most:devil :ermm:

I agree, There are just some kids that need a good @$$ whoopin by their parents.
Parents should have the right to give their kids a good smack now and then as long as they don't cross the line between abuse and disapline.
I know growing up I have gotten a few good *** kickins but I can never say I didn't deserve them.
Any kid that does something bad then runs to the cops because their parents gave them a little kick in the *** really needs to grow up and learn to take responsibility for their actions.
I mean I'm only 17 and it will probably be awhile before I have children but I understand how some of you parents feel when raising children.
The laws they have out now are just plain stupid, I mean technically you can't even yell at your children legally let alone give them a kick in the ***.
Its just stupid, like what do they expect you do to? Sit and talk to them , because i can tell you if I was never yelled at or smacked growin up I probably wouldn't have listend to my parents most of the times I did something wrong.
but nowadayz it seems kids can get away with anything ,especially with this "young offenders act" they have here in canada , its Total BS. In the last 3 years between my cottage and my house in the city they have been broken into 5 times, and everytime the kids got away scotch free, or with minimal charges because they were protected under this young offenders act.
People need to wake up and see whats goin on here... things are only going to get worse.

04-30-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Well I have 3 kids and if my kids tried some chit like that I would do the same thing. Kids today think they can get away with what ever they want cause the parents can't whip them. If my kids were to tell me that they were going to smoke pot cause I sold something of thiers they would be picking their teeth up.:grr

I see what you mean. But still, riding my quad is a major part of my life and a giant hobby. If I didnt have it who knows what I would do with the extra time. Hopefully Killa250ex dosnt, or wont start anything like that. But who knows.

Im just saying what his dad did was a little harsh. My grades would fall because how depressed I would be, which would lead to more depression and then who knows after that.

04-30-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Thats exactly what I'm talking about. You kids think you can do what you want and nothing will happen to you. I don't "Beat" my kids but when they do wrong they get disoplined(sp). You sound like a real tough guy but I bet you are the 1st one to run to your mommy when crying when you get in trouble.