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View Full Version : when honda does.....

04-29-2003, 11:11 AM
when honda does come out with there new "mystery quad"....how much do you think the prices of 400's will drop to? I want to get one real bad, but don't wanna pay 1000 dollars more or less when i coulda got it for a lot less. I kinda figured about 2000-2500. And one last thing, how long till you think honda will release there new quad? late this year? next years line up? later? any input greatly appreciated

04-29-2003, 11:16 AM
I think the new quad comes out in December this year and I really dont think new 400ex's will be 2000-2500. Maybe used ones will start going in that price range but I'm not sure:ermm:

04-29-2003, 11:36 AM
sorry i was talking about the prices of USED 400's. my bad, i didn't make that clear

04-29-2003, 12:04 PM
I doubt the norm will be 2000-2500 anytime soon on used 400's. There's already faster quads out there on the market and 3500 is considered a steal for a 400... at least that's what I just paid after researching everyday for weeks. In fact, I can't even find an old 250-300 for less than 2500 or so... which is a pain since my girlfriend needs something to ride now. Of course they'll all come down over time, and there's always one-time deals and such where someone gets a practically new quad for 50 bucks, but if you search cycletrader and the like, it's amazing that you can't really find anything but 50-90cc quads for under 2 G's... so I doubt the average price for a 'beginner' quad is only going to be 500 less than a 400EX anytime soon...