View Full Version : A little help on to build a jump

04-27-2003, 03:01 PM
I think this is the right forum to put this in, or exracing, well either way

I plan on doing some serious jumping, I got the shocks and the expirence, the tractor and the dirt:p

I was planning on doing one big double or table near my house at least for some practice, does anyone have any sudgestions, tips or link of what to do or how to do it??

I am planning on getting some good air, not incredible air but the normal table or double

I wanted to start small and build so I dont have to hit some huge fuggin jump the first time

from lip to laning i was thinking 50ft? or more, with a big landing and pretty steep lip... :confused: :huh

04-27-2003, 03:46 PM
if its gonna be about 50ft, you dont want much of a lip or hittin it fast enought to clear it will make your rear end pop up too much. i usually start off with just a landing ramp. jump it a few times, then keep adding on to that. it ends up like a long rectangle with a ramp on one end, basically like a table top with some of the center missing. hope i helped.lata

04-27-2003, 03:53 PM
try this link

building track (http://www.racingsmarter.com/building_a_practice_track.htm)

04-28-2003, 02:07 PM
thanks for your help, I am starting it on the weekend, i will start small like you said with nolip, and work it till it is just right...thanks for the great link:)