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View Full Version : First XC Race Sunday 4/27

04-21-2003, 01:39 PM
Ok guys my first race is this coming Sunday. I have to say I am a little nervous about the start, because last time there were 60 guys in the class I will be racing in. What are some good suggestions/tips from all you XC racers out there?


04-21-2003, 02:46 PM
Pace yourself! Also you cannot win the race only by getting a good start. I usually don't aim for the inside lane at the first turn, I usually go about 3 or 4 quad widths to the outside. There is nobody in that line, and I don't have to slow down as much for the corner. I always pass people with that trick:chinese:

04-21-2003, 04:14 PM
Yeah I don't know if I will completely go for the holeshot. Everybody up front always wrecks the first lap. I just got to be able to make the whole race. My biggest concern right now is it's suppose to rain there most of the week and last race I watched, it was a mess and all the guys were having trouble with ruts, water, and just getting stuck...

04-21-2003, 04:25 PM
heres a muddy race trick i saw at the fl gncc. give your class a decent head start, watch all of them get stuck (paying close attention to where they get stuck), then take off, youll pass quite a few of them. i saw this work at the fl gncc.

if you go straight into tight woods, just fall back a little, keep a generous following distance, and that way if the guy in front of you gets stuck, you have plenty of time to react and find a good line. hope this helps, have fun and good luck!

04-22-2003, 04:12 AM
Good luck Dave....just remember your there to have fun and be safe. Finish the race whether it's first or last and you've definitly done something to be proud of..:macho

Pace yourself and I say get out of the hole when ya get out..I could give a rats butt if I"m first or last to the first turn..all the dummies out front in your class will find the wrong lines on climbing hills and the deep mud holes..:D Just have fun and pay attention to what you do and don't do during the race so you'll be a little more prepared for the next one...

04-22-2003, 04:26 AM
Hey Dave, How old are you? I started racing before I turned 16 in a non-AMA sanctioned series, which I still run today.

I got some tips being that my first race wasn't too long ago (3 years) Take it easy the first race and don't crash.

Don't get all excited about the first turn. You win the race on the last lap not the first.

Ride at about 80-90% for the entire race. You'll beat the guys who are running 100% for their first two laps and then are dog***** tired and have to ride at 50% for the rest of the race.

Go to the bathroom before you get on the starting line. Never leave the line when you need to take a crap or a leak. Its kinda embarassing when you have to pull off the track to make a mad dash to the portapot. Anyways, good luck.

"Keep your chin up, Keep charging, and NEVER give up."
Santo Derisi

04-22-2003, 05:49 AM
MAke sure the quad will last the race and drink lots of water.
Dont focus on the trees, i learned that my first race and didnt finish because of 2 bent tir rods.:p :blah. If you dont feel you want a bunch of power hungry riders behind you dont try to get the holeshot

04-22-2003, 05:54 AM


04-22-2003, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by toby400ex
MAke sure the quad will last the race and drink lots of water.
Dont focus on the trees, i learned that my first race and didnt finish because of 2 bent tir rods.:p :blah. If you dont feel you want a bunch of power hungry riders behind you dont try to get the holeshot

I love those hungry riders behind me!!!!! Don't have to deal with dangerous passing, you set the pace and slower traffic will always slow people up off the holeshot. If you can hop right out in front and start sailing at your racing speed, even if there are faster riders out there it will take a while for them to catch you, maybe they'll crash or break down. Just make sure you don't!!!!

04-22-2003, 02:57 PM
I just turned 16 April 2nd. I have been waiting over 2 years to race, and now I have the quad and I am in good shape because of track to do it. It's district 15 in Indiana at Culver. Thanks for the tips guys. I think I might lay back some on the start, because half of the guys crash so I can get around them. Around here if you don't crash or get stuck the whole race you will finish good. Thanks for the tips and goodluck. Keep them coming...

04-22-2003, 03:50 PM
hmm pace yourself and take a water backpack thingy also my trick for muddy riding is to ride my dads sportsman 500. i did this at wisp last year it wasnt muddy but on those rock infested up hills i passed alot of people just by putting it in 4wd or 4wd low at the bottom of the hill and just pulling my way up em. i feal sorry for the guys on r's and other 2wd bikes those hills musta sucked

04-22-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Rico
Good luck Dave....just remember your there to have fun and be safe. Finish the race whether it's first or last and you've definitly done something to be proud of..:macho

Pace yourself and I say get out of the hole when ya get out..I could give a rats butt if I"m first or last to the first turn..all the dummies out front in your class will find the wrong lines on climbing hills and the deep mud holes..:D Just have fun and pay attention to what you do and don't do during the race so you'll be a little more prepared for the next one...
Rico give good advice:o
Everyones nervous at the start. As soon as you go, that will be gone.

04-22-2003, 07:47 PM
Be consistant! Ride your trail pace, and enjoy yourself! Don't worry who's first, or faster, just concentrate on your lines and not crashing.
My first XC race started off well, I left the gate purposely last, wewent into the woods where 3 quads were stuck on the hillclimb and all racers were waiting for them to clear the trail, when I spotted a makeshift line a few feet away and took it putting me in first place for the rest of the 1st lap.
That only encouraged me to go faster to secure my lead, so I went faster to make a mistake in my line selection, to come in last because I got stuck!:D

04-23-2003, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by Dave400ex
Ok guys my first race is this coming Sunday. I have to say I am a little nervous about the start, because last time there were 60 guys in the class I will be racing in. What are some good suggestions/tips from all you XC racers out there?


Best tip yet: STAY OUTTA MY WAY!!!


I am going to be at that race. Actually, there were 54 quads in B last time. I stripped my shifter on the first lap and had to run the whole race in 2nd gear. I still managed to get 16th. I was happy, cause I thought I was gonna go a lot worse.

04-23-2003, 05:59 AM
Hey Dave, member me? I think I talked to you in line at the last dist15. Ride consistent, pay attention on the start and make sure to stay away from the morons in the inside, and most of all have fun that is what it is all about. we are planning on loretta's on saturday, and then a mad rush to culver for dist15 on sunday. Look for a orange ranger 4x4 with couple dales, yellow/orange EX, and a red EX. Quadshop/Lewis Suzuki/GCD stickers.

QUICK NOTE on the Culver, don't take the practice lap.


04-23-2003, 06:21 AM
Dave, 11X is right. Try to stay calm and ride your own race and be consistent. Try to pretend you're riding with your buds and don't worry (easier said than done) where you are in the pack. As for the start, and this is your first race, I would let the knuckleheads and "pros" go for it. While races can be won and lost with a holeshot, you'll be suprised how many of those folks you'll pass who are crashed, broken, stuck, or just plain tired out! If you stay calm and ride within your limits, you'll finish better than you ever thought you would have! Good Luck!

04-23-2003, 12:16 PM
Nuttynewt, Don't worry you will be in front of me I'm sure. First race I am taking kind of easy, but not completely.

Ranger I do remember talking to you at the last race. Will all of your friends and you be racing in the B class this time? Also how come I shouldn't take the practice lap? First race I really plan on doing it so I know the course fairly well and can pick out some better lines...

04-23-2003, 01:03 PM
I just had my first race in March. It was a 44mile Desert harescramble. I think the most important thing for me was setting a realistic goal.

I just wanted to finish the race. DNF'ing would suck and I'd rather finish last then run in first place for half the race and then DNF. It all depends on your personal goals but that was mine.

I also had to make SURE I didnt blow my wad right out of the gate. The adrenalin is really going to be pumping and you need to make sure you keep control of it or you'll bonk before the race is over.

Other than that, have fun! I mean, that's why you're out there right? Dont forget during the race to enjoy it they can be over quick :)