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View Full Version : racing illiterate....

04-20-2003, 03:09 PM
i turn 16 next month(may) and i want to race sooo bad, i got the ok to do harescrabbles for now.... but my question is, i have a 400 w/ the the mods that you can read in my signiture, am i to young to try to race it and what class would i race if i would and any other thought or help you could give to me to get on my feet and start racing i do traisl now and ive been on quads since ive been 4 years old ( trx 70, my first quad ), so i guess im pretty decent...... im just overwelmed with the thought of racing with all these old and exporeinced riders as you all are, i know i would race in the same class as you all but i just need sum info and anythign u can say to help me out..... thnx a ton!!!

04-20-2003, 04:37 PM
your quad is fine to race! everyone has to start somewhere..why not 16? Yes..you will be racing older expierenced guys. Race a while and see if you like it..if you do then go all out. If your gunna race do it right! Sure...your gunna lose most of your first races(probably) but that just gives yoo more modivation! Never give up...just dedicate yourself to the sport if you want to win. If you practice, then one day 16 year old kids will be scared of you!

go to Ama's website to see what classes you have to choose from.

04-20-2003, 06:33 PM
I started practicing on tracks when I was 15 and racing when I was 16. Now I'm 17 (turn 18 in July) and I'm racing Quad Int. locally. Actually I'm switchin to bikes now, but my last race was Quad Int. When I got started, I thought I would be to old. The whole age 16 thing doesn't apply unless the track owners specifically say so. Just go to some of the local tracks and see what classes they have. Talk to the racers around there and get advice from them. Obviously if it's your first race, you should enter in the lowest class they offer and work your way up. In my opinion, you're never to young to start racing. If the track doesn't have any age requirements, go out there and race. I've never seen any tracks around here that said you had to be 16 to ride. The only age limits I've seen were for Mini quad classes, and Youth classes. He11, even AMA sanctioned races didn't have age limits for quads over here. So just go check it out and ask around.

But you are DEFINITELY NOT to young to start racing. The younger you start the better.

04-21-2003, 03:46 AM
I know all of the AMA tracks in my District require you to be 16 to ride or race quads on the track. I race mostly Hare Scrambles and no you are not too young. Enter the beginning or Novice class and see how you do. Make sure your quad is in good mechanical shape.....check over everything. At first you should set your goals to finish the race in H. Scrambles. Relax but ride hard....don't over-do-it and tire yourself out or crash. Be smart and you'll do great!!!!

04-21-2003, 07:23 AM
Just tell them you are 16, dont be skurd of the older people with more money in their quads. In the end it comes down to the rider. I just started Xc this winter, im 15 now and 16 in October. I seem to be just fine. Pace yourself and remember the most important part to xc is to finish the race.:p