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04-19-2003, 04:49 PM
I really screwed up last night. I had just taken my girlfriend out to dinner and dropped her off. Then I was coming home and it was dark cause it was around 9 so I got to this straight strech so I started to unleash the supa-10 and I was cranking right along and there are 3 cars coming the other way and all the sudden my radar detector goes BEEP BEEP BEEP but it was about 5 seconds to late and the pig coming the other way got me on radar going 74 in a 45 and he was pretty pissed about it. Hes like you're gonna kill yourself or someone else you need to slow down. He didnt give me a warning being the d*ck head he was he gave me a ticket and a $165 fine :ermm: So now I am gonna lose my liscence for a while and its gonna suck but oh well lesson learned i guess :devil

04-19-2003, 04:50 PM
Bummer..... I guess we live and learn:ermm:

04-19-2003, 04:54 PM
that sucks

04-19-2003, 05:03 PM
speed kills fast chevys...cheap thrills bla bla bla

04-19-2003, 05:13 PM
That sucks man....Cops Suck!!But sometimes they can be cool....


04-19-2003, 05:16 PM
my neighbors a cop, he seems to be a kool one. He helps me with some mechanic stuff, he rides one of the harleys and i go riding with him and his sons sometimes.:D

04-19-2003, 05:18 PM
i wouldnt mind cops but they think thier special cuz they got a badge they treat everyone like a crook from my expiriences i dont like how they talk and act and look at me thats why i dont like them

04-19-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
i wouldnt mind cops but they think thier special cuz they got a badge they treat everyone like a crook from my expiriences i dont like how they talk and act and look at me thats why i dont like them

Same here.

04-19-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Fast-n-Furious
I really screwed up last night. I had just taken my girlfriend out to dinner and dropped her off. Then I was coming home and it was dark cause it was around 9 so I got to this straight strech so I started to unleash the supa-10 and I was cranking right along and there are 3 cars coming the other way and all the sudden my radar detector goes BEEP BEEP BEEP but it was about 5 seconds to late and the pig coming the other way got me on radar going 74 in a 45 and he was pretty pissed about it. Hes like you're gonna kill yourself or someone else you need to slow down. He didnt give me a warning being the d*ck head he was he gave me a ticket and a $165 fine :ermm: So now I am gonna lose my liscence for a while and its gonna suck but oh well lesson learned i guess :devil

So let me get this right, your doing 74 in a 45, he gives you a ticket and he is the dick head? Its your own dumb *** fault, so no reason to be calling the cop a dick. Its amazing how people get ripped on for doing there job.

04-19-2003, 05:42 PM
theres a stretch going to my friends house, its a 55 and we usually hit it up to 110

04-19-2003, 06:19 PM
I hear ya bro, I hate pig cops.

I got a ticket for being out after the legal curfew. The curfew was 11pm, and It was 11:15 :grr

I gota question though... If you were going 74 at night, and he was going the OTHER way, why didn't you just try and lose him? Seems kinda easy to me :confused:

Narly R
04-19-2003, 06:33 PM
I dont even have my liscence!:( 2 more years!:mad: But I still drive!!!!!!!:devil I think Ill have trouble going slow once I get to drive a lot, at fist I will, but then I will start to push it........ I hope not though!:ermm:

04-19-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by stocktires
I hear ya bro, I hate pig cops.

I got a ticket for being out after the legal curfew. The curfew was 11pm, and It was 11:15 :grr

I gota question though... If you were going 74 at night, and he was going the OTHER way, why didn't you just try and lose him? Seems kinda easy to me :confused:

Yeah, no kiddin. It wouldnt have been hard. Aside from that, is it possible to get a radar on someone like that? :confused: The cop movin one way and you the other? :ermm:

04-19-2003, 11:04 PM
dude wtf you want a warning for 30 over that criminal speeding around here if you were cuaght doing that if they wanted to they could arrest you. And you want a warning i think h had the right to be a dick and give you a ticket. Plus you play you pay my brother just got off his sentance it ended up costing 300 in tickets and 20 days loss of lisence. No offense but you got what you deserved.

04-20-2003, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Fast-n-Furious
the pig coming the other way got me on radar going 74 in a 45 and he was pretty pissed about it. Hes like you're gonna kill yourself or someone else you need to slow down. He didnt give me a warning being the d*ck head he was he gave me a ticket and a $165 fine :ermm: So now I am gonna lose my liscence for a while

Are you sure you didn't mean to say ..

I was driving like a moron and the fine police officer was doing his job, so he wrote me the ticket I deserve.


04-20-2003, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by stocktires
I hear ya bro, I hate pig cops.

I got a ticket for being out after the legal curfew. The curfew was 11pm, and It was 11:15 :grr

I gota question though... If you were going 74 at night, and he was going the OTHER way, why didn't you just try and lose him? Seems kinda easy to me :confused:
I did that:rolleyes: 1st of all dont get me wrong I did it once & I know it was stupid & wrong, I got my v65 back from getting it all redone & thought ok I wounder what this thing will do:rolleyes: !!!I had it doing 150mph[down a country back road]
& here comes a cop:ermm: he pulled along side of the road with his lights on & sat there, I said f*** it & kept it wide open,yes I got away with it[thank god] but never again!!!!!

04-20-2003, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Leo
Are you sure you didn't mean to say ..

I was driving like a moron and the fine police officer was doing his job, so he wrote me the ticket I deserve.


Dito :blah

04-20-2003, 01:46 AM
Say it leo! :)
I hate to see people call cops pigs. I suppose you would want them to come running if you needed them.:o

04-20-2003, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by JustRace
So let me get this right, your doing 74 in a 45, he gives you a ticket and he is the dick head? Its your own dumb *** fault, so no reason to be calling the cop a dick. Its amazing how people get ripped on for doing there job.

Thats exactly how I feel. Next time you will slow your *** down.

04-20-2003, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by stocktires

I gota question though... If you were going 74 at night, and he was going the OTHER way, why didn't you just try and lose him? Seems kinda easy to me :confused:

Yeah and it's dumbasses like you that get people killed you moron!!!!!!!:mad:

04-20-2003, 05:27 AM
If I was a cop I could check for alcohol, if not, I would just say slow the fk down :eek2:

I would be a cool understanding cop, If i was a cop..

If nobody is on the road, and its like 3am, why cant you go faster?

If he's not intoxicated, why not :blah

but yeah dude, slow down lol..

04-20-2003, 06:40 AM
You are in the early stages of entering the harsh world of a bad driving record. By the time I was 22 I had 35pts. on my license. After countless thousands of dollars I managed to get myself out of this system.

If you continue on this path, you will cost yourself untold amounts of cash and hardship(paying fines, not having a license over and over, ridiculous insurance rates, blah, blah, blah).

Your big problem, now every time you get pulled over they will look at your record and give you another ticket and the next one and the next one.

My advice....

1) sell the hot rod, it is a cop magnet. If you are really cool, you'll still be cool without the hot rod. If you are a punk, you will still be a punk, even with a hot rod.

2) slow down, drive like there is always a cop looking at you.

3) buy a station wagon or something that makes you look like a boring guy(I'm serious once I got my old station wagon, the tickets stopped). Just being young automatically makes you a prime target for cops(nothing in life is fair)

4) pay all fines on time, they ALWAYS come back to haunt you if you neglect them.

Now, you may say this old geezer is preaching to me, he don't know sh1t. Whatever, its your money and life. It took me 15 years of no moving violations to get out of the system, but after 10 years with no violations when I got pulled over, they'd ask about my record. I'd reply with "no tickets in 10 years" and they stopped giving me tickets, just warnings.

04-20-2003, 07:09 AM
You must first earn their respect by showing some responsibility then they will cut you some slack.

04-20-2003, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by cheetah
You must first earn their respect by showing some responsibility then they will cut you some slack.

That is the truth. They are looking for you to own up like an adult and take responsibility. Last year I was late getting to the track because of the road being closed for construction; an officer was parked on a side street and clocked me. I was doing like 53 in a 45 and when he pulled me over the first thing he asked me was if I knew how fast I was going. I told him "I think about 54mph..." and he laughed and said 53mph; asked me the rush and I told him that I was on my way to practice at the track and hit the damn road closure. He thanked me for being honest and let me go.......JIM

Tommy 17
04-20-2003, 07:28 AM
the only cops that i dont' like... is one like my cuz whos a PA STATE TROOPER...

hes nothing but a @$$ to kids... when he was a kid he always got in trouble doin stuff, drinkin and driving, smashing stuff, he tells me stories for hours...

now hes about 27 or so and he is a statie... hes the biggest jerk in the world to kids!!! he was tellin me today how he wrote up 3 kids for riding their skateboards through town... now what kinda stupid junk is that...

he could do it when he was a kid... but now he bustes everyone for doin something 1/10th as bad as what he use to do...

he even told me this one day... he joined the force so he could get the blue shield:o

04-20-2003, 07:35 AM
Tommy, I don't like cops like that though. I hate those who become cops just so they can have the power.

There is a lot of guys out there that do this job because they truly love it. Not to write tickets and crap to be mean, but to know they are helping other people. They have one of the most dangerous jobs around in which their life is on the line every single day and for what? If you haven't noticed they don't get payed a great sum for this risk. They really don't get payed enough for what they have to do and think of everything they had to put up with. Maybe before you whine about how your day was and they should lay off, you should think about the kind of day they had too.

04-20-2003, 08:05 AM
one thing i dont like about cops is... they are people too.. if they are in a bad mood they will give tickets out like crazy, if they are in a generous mood they might be more lenient, they can be biased... its kinda not cool, i understand they have to do their job, but some of them actually are awful, I was ridin with someone and (our school has a police station) and one of the cops from there saw us gettin out and he came over and pushed me away and started goin through the truck without askin, and we werent in the school zone either, we were legally parked on a street that allowed parking on the side of it. That sort of stuff makes me mad.... but the STUPID *****ES that go 130 mph on those damn street bikes DESERVE to be put in jail, and shouldnt be allowed on those stupid things, and shouldnt be allowed to ever own one either!!!!!! Sorry ppl im not flaming anyone.... if i did i dont mean to, but im tired of seein kids get killed on those stupid street bikes.

Tommy 17
04-20-2003, 08:16 AM
kara i know u hate them...

but when u get on it... 130 seems like 70 in a car... i drove a cbr a few weeks ago hit around 85 or so and it felt like 25 30... the power those bikes have when they hit about 9grand is so crazy its not even funny... its actually hard to hold onto one!!!

04-20-2003, 08:21 AM

04-20-2003, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by 250xChick
I was ridin with someone and (our school has a police station) and one of the cops from there saw us gettin out and he came over and pushed me away and started goin through the truck without askin, and

that is illegal. they have to ask you or get a search warrant.

04-20-2003, 08:50 AM
Yeah, cops suck!! Have any of you ever seen somebody die in person, because of a careless driver? I have seen this happen more times than I could have ever cared to and it is not a fun thing to deal with.

Cops are not perfect human beings and unfortunatly they have to make decisions that we may not like, but have to deal with. Imagine if they had to consult a message board to get an answer before making a decision such as "what kind of pipe should I get?" I wish we all could be perfect like some people expect, but like many have said we are all just regular people. Don't judge me unless you know me, if you know me, well then KMA!:cool:

04-20-2003, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by wyndzer
Yeah, cops suck!! Have any of you ever seen somebody die in person, because of a careless driver? I have seen this happen more times than I could have ever cared to and it is not a fun thing to deal with.

Cops are not perfect human beings and unfortunatly they have to make decisions that we may not like, but have to deal with. Imagine if they had to consult a message board to get an answer before making a decision such as "what kind of pipe should I get?" I wish we all could be perfect like some people expect, but like many have said we are all just regular people. Don't judge me unless you know me, if you know me, well then KMA!:cool:

04-20-2003, 09:52 AM
yeah i agree to what kara said...it goes back to the old saying i forget it lol but the 1 about ppl comiting no sins throwing the first stone...im sure cops did crap to and they speed. speed doesnt kill, idiots do. for some reason i can never seem to do the speed limit...but i got a cavalier and they dont seem to look at me lol. i was doin 70 in a 40 and went by a cop...no idea why i didnt get busted....although i got the crap scared outa me doin 90 on I81 wiht 65 mph speed limit. went right by a cop convoy with the 1 staring straight at me as i go by a cop peels out right behind me...i thought i was done...but i turned off and he kept goin so i was lucky...so this will scare u....for about a week then u will be back to it lol. off my soapbox now....

04-20-2003, 10:00 AM
i learned not to speed my getting 2 tickets 1 ticket was $75 and the other was $105.. but its not so much that its my insurance going up almost $75 bucks a month till Im 21!! thats gonna hurt alot more than my tickets

Krazy Kid
04-20-2003, 11:22 AM
i personally dont have to much of a prob wit cops but there is this one pig near the town that is the biggest arsehole i kno.....there is a a flagpole that is in the middle of a intersection in this town i live by....this cop gave an 85 year old woman a 75 dollar ticket for just turning left, not goin around the flagpole and turning left......and thne he gave a 65 year old woman a 105 dollar ticket for puling over to the side of the road so a semi could pass her since she was holdin it up!!! i think thats plain ridiculous i mean there 85 and 65 yr old women cant u just give em a warning??:confused: :o

04-21-2003, 01:06 AM
I know I deserved the ticket guys but the only reason I thought he might have given me a warning is because there are kids in my school that have gotten off with just a warning for doing 25 over. I know he is just doing his job and I screwed up and I am never going to speed like that again after this.

All of you that said to keep going and outrun him, yeah that would have been smart. I was driving my S-10 with 31’s I think the cop car would have caught up pretty quick you know especially in the corners. Another reason I didn’t try to outrun him is because my friend tried that earlier this year and got caught and he had to go to court and do all kinds of community service and pay a lot in fines and lost his license for a long time.

To all of you that call me a dumbarse for speeding I bet a lot of you guys would do the same thing. When its 9 pm and no ones on the roads it makes you want to drive fast but that’s just my opinion.

The only good thing about loosing my license for a month is that I can do some work on my truck.


04-21-2003, 01:48 AM
Get a lawyer, have him take it to court for you... perhaps they can plea to increase the fine to have the points dropped. It's better that way in the long run; either pay the locals or take it in the *** from your insurance company. I'll never pay another ticket again w/out getting a lawyer - put it this way, my woman got a 2pt ticket & I raised my policy $250/yr. I, of course, cancelled her ***:D and told her to get a lawyer, lol. But seriously, my attorney has gotten 8 pts dropped in the last 2 years. I once got 6 pts in 3 days:devil , oh well live & learn.... I figure the cops need a raise & if I keep payin my tickets and increased fines for no points they'll eventually get one;)

04-21-2003, 01:51 AM
Oh BTW, I almost forgot, I have to donate $125 tomorrow. What can I say, I'm just a man speedin' my way across the country for the cause.

04-21-2003, 03:22 AM
i got my tickets for gettin hit buy truck, but then i got them all droped but one and now am on court supervison till august so i cant get any tickets till august or i loose my licnese, all i say is be good be good be good, drive good , over and over, i cant lose that thing :o so im a be smart and not speed, its not worth it

04-21-2003, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by Leo
Are you sure you didn't mean to say ..

I was driving like a moron and the fine police officer was doing his job, so he wrote me the ticket I deserve.


yep.. im sure thats what he ment,

everyones like F Police Blah i hate pigs, but say someone else was speeding and they hit you doin 74 in a 35mph who are u gunna call? ur mommy? no the police, if you get robbed? who u gunna call? Cops are just doing there job.

Also yes, ive been in trouble with the police, and i hated it, but 3 years later my house was broken into and it got trashed... Police were very helpful.

04-21-2003, 05:55 AM
A month or 2 ago a 17 year old girl that went to the highschool near my work was hit by a truck, dragged six feet by it, and pinned underneath its tires smashed between a wraught iron fence. She died, walking just yards from where she was supposed to meet her mom after school. All because someone got impatient and hauled *** out of a parking lot hitting 2 vehicles and then her. She never even crossed traffic that day.Because of her, I no longer speed in residentil areas, no matter what time of day or night it is. Anything can happen when you are going high speeds in an area where people could be walking, even animals. This girl saw the truck coming, she saw it hit 2 cars and then come for her. She started to run from it but by then it was too late. She would be alive today if he had waited just a little bit longer.

Please, for everyones sake, be careful.

04-21-2003, 06:39 AM
I don't think cops suck.They are just doing there job.

When I had my cavalier I drove fast everywhere.I got 1 ticket in it.But I wasn't mad about it.The cop was pretty cool.And we talked about cars believe it or not.(I liked his crown vic cause it had alot of leg room.I am 6'5)he still gave me a ticket.But guess what I was doing something wrong.I had it coming.

There seems to be a mentality.(the majority of people)That cops are just power hungry macho guys(or gals)Flashing a badge.Normally this is from instance they had or they heard about.

Think about it this way.You go out and buy a brand new 400ex.The next day the motor blows up.Are you gonna think honda is unreliable,just out to make money and doesn't produce a good product?Nope I bet you aren't.Just because that one instance.

And someone said cops are people.So they can be a bit moody.Put yourself in a cops shoes.The night before this guy got pulled over maybe he had to report to an accident and he saw 3 kids die that night.With similar circumstance as to the kid he just pulled over.He writes the kid a ticket.Hoping the kid will slow down.So maybe he wont end up coming to another accident and seeing the same kid rolling away on a gurny.

upstate rider
04-21-2003, 07:28 AM
Sounds like you earned it ........... If your going to play you need to learn to play................. Sorry