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View Full Version : Fourzerozero

04-18-2003, 09:01 AM
Here is an update to my deal with Jeremy.

Jeremy shipped the handguards and handlebars( the handlebars "He sent to me free of charge") in 2 days. I received the package on Wednesday, and everything was in the box. I'm happy that the handguards are in great condition. And Jeremy gave me the handlebars as a way of saying he was sorry that it took him so long to send me the parts.

I had a PM from a member on the forum that Fourzerozero was banned from exriders. I don't know why he was banned, except that some members were supposedly flaming or ganging up on him?

If Jeremy was banned because of his deal with me, then I would ask "Ben to please reconsider" because I don't think Jeremy is a bad person, he just was lazy in getting me my parts that I bought from him. I know everybody has certain problems or conditions that arise in their everyday lives that distract them from fulfilling deals or obligations, and sometimes things do happen.

On my original post in trader's feedback I noticed other members( I'm not naming names) that provided their biased opinions of Jeremy, and it sounded like most of them had never bought parts from him before. I bought parts from Jeremy before the deal with the handguards and never ever had a problem with the parts being sent to me in a timely manner. I don't know if these members flamed him and started a flamathon or whatever and caused him to get banned, but I feel that was unfair for "everybody" to act that way. I thought exriders was a forum for the members to act as a "family of atv and motorcycle enthusiasts" that should treat each other with courtesy and respect. :D I Pm'ed Ben as to why Jeremy got banned without a reply from him yet, so I still don't know what the circumstances were in that situation. I don't personally know any of the other members in exriders as nobody lives close to me, so I don't have a biased opinion of any other member here on the forum. I just try to get along with everyone and continue to share the same passion for our sport. :cool: I feel that if Jeremy was provoked by other members into getting banned by running down his name or flaming or whatever?, then the other members should be considered as part of the blame in what happened. I'm not taking anybody's side in this, since I don't know what happened, but everybody should do their best to get along with everyone else on this forum. Otherwise, it will not maintain that "welcome home" feeling when you visit this great site! Sorry this so long, but I needed to get some feelings off of my chest. And Jeremy did not ask me to do this if you are wondering!

Ben if you or one of the moderators could please PM me and let me know why Jeremy was banned I'd appreciate it.

Thank You,

04-18-2003, 11:45 PM
Fourzerozero was warned three times by two different moderators to quit flaming other members. I would have only given him one warning so he was lucky they were more leinient. The other members were warned to quit too, and they did, but Fourzerozero kept flaming. So a moderator banned him. It is quite simple - he didn't quit flaming after several warnings, the other members, who did play a part in the altercation, stopped after one warning. If a member wants to flame other members they need to take it elsewhere - not on here. :o
