View Full Version : front brake pad replacement

04-16-2003, 10:05 PM
I have changed the back brake pads on my 400EX. They were no problem. The question I have about the fronts is, I know that there are two screw caps that have to be removed to access the allen head screws that that go through the holes in the pads. I attempted to loosen these allen screws and they seems almost locked in. Am I trying to lossen the proper screws to take the old pads out. It seems to me that the rear caliper had the same basic setup as far as the screw setup for the pads sliding back and forth.

04-17-2003, 01:36 AM
on the fronts after you take those little caps off the allen heads are under them. if you put the allen key in, then take a wrench that has an open end and a closed end(12pt end) take the closed end any slide it onto the allen key. you can use that for more leverage(sp?) to push on the allen key. thats how I did mine. when I put it back together I put a little bit of never seize on the shafts that the pads slide on. never had a problem since. Hope that helped a little