View Full Version : Wayne National Forest, opening weekend

04-16-2003, 03:53 PM
Anyone going to Wayne National Forest this weekend? I'm heading down Friday morning. Staying at CampOhio till Sunday morning.

04-16-2003, 04:10 PM
Cant make this one I will be out of town :(

400ex Magnum
04-17-2003, 01:10 AM
Steve - I probably will be down on Saturday sometime. I need to put new rear bearings in the quad on Friday night and will probably ride on Saturday. We may stop in and say hi. I would have liked to make it down for the whole weekend, but it isn't going to work out that way. I need to get these new bearings in before I ride anymore. The dunes pretty well finished them off.

04-17-2003, 01:31 PM
Sorry to say we won' t be down their either. :( My hubby has to work this saturday, and than we have to go out for easter dinner :rolleyes:

Hoping that we will make it out to Rumble on the Ridge on my birthday May 24th! What b-day present (LOL)

04-20-2003, 04:38 AM
Quadfather! Hey nice meeting you this weekend. We had a good ride on Saturday. Get ya one of those Clarke 5.5 gallon tanks and you won't have to worry about making ALL the loops in Wayne anymore! :D

04-20-2003, 01:00 PM
Had a great time Saturday!! Definitely a good ride..most definitely! But I gotta say--ddaaaaaanngg I'm sore today!!
It'll be a while b4 we get back down there..oh well, it'll give us time to get Rob's new rim here plus the rear bearings replaced.

04-20-2003, 02:34 PM

It was fun hooking up, great ride. Funny you mention the Clark tank, I ran out of gas about twenty yards from the entrance to CampOhio on the way home. My quad started sputtering about half way down Gore/Greendale Road, and my buddy just flew by me, then it died. I thought I blew it up. A few minutes later, he came back, started laughing, and asked if I ran out of gas. I looked in the tank, and it was bone dry. I switched it to reserve, and it fired right up.


did Rob limp back to camp, or send for the trailer?

04-21-2003, 01:00 AM
Aahhhh..I can't believe you ran outta gas. :eek2: You lucked out, at least it wasn't mid Main Corridor!! That'd be our luck. Gonna buy a Clark tank now?? Rob's b-day is in a few months, I think he might get one. Sshhh, don't tell him. Speaking of which, I wonder how much gas Rob has left in his tank. I'll have to check, can't be much if your ran yours dry.
We limped back to Williams. Took it slow, made it just fine.

400ex Magnum
04-21-2003, 01:30 AM
Quadfather - Good thing you were riding in "saving gas" mode all day or you might have ran out of gas earlier. ha. Just yanking your chain. You are getting better at riding your show quad. Hope you weren't too sore after our ride. We did about 43 miles total. Looking forward to riding with your group in June.

SLB - I am going to start carrying around lug nuts in my camelpak. I am sure the trail price of them will make the extra weight worth it. Ha

Had a great ride Saturday. Not looking forward to clean up though.

04-21-2003, 02:47 AM
QuadDad, that's too funny that you ran out of gas. www.clarkemfg.com HA! :p

SLB, Rob would like the tank, don't know if it's gonna work with his current trail tech mount or not though. ??

Magnum, you da man doing all that driving this weekend so you could ride.

I washed my quad up good yesterday and did a front end alignment job on it and tightened those tie rod ends. I still need some loctite.

400ex Magnum
04-21-2003, 03:09 AM
Buck - I will have to put Loctite in my tool box for you next time. Get those grips glued on also. I had one of those bolts come loose after changing my steering stem because I didn't loctite it. Thanks for helping me with my bearings. Definitely easier with two people.

04-21-2003, 05:20 AM
Magnum, you need that Fox chest protector, never know when someone is gonna sock ya in the chest in a motorcycle shop.

Of course you also never know when someone is gonna start a wrestling match in the middle of the trail too. :D LMAO!!!

Rough getting back in to the work mode after a week off. I wonder if anyone would just pay me to abuse their quads on the trail all week. I could bring it back all dirty and even write up a review for them. hmm........ :ermm:

400ex Magnum
04-21-2003, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by buckeye400ex
Magnum, you need that Fox chest protector, never know when someone is gonna sock ya in the chest in a motorcycle shop.

Of course you also never know when someone is gonna start a wrestling match in the middle of the trail too. :D LMAO!!!

Buckeye - I was going to try on helmets until you socked me in the chest. I was afraid what you were going to do to me once I got a helmet on. Ha.

The wrestling match was pretty funny, even when I looked back and saw a quad about to run my leg over.

04-21-2003, 07:45 AM
Buck-Mag :blah Bet those passers-by wonder WTF was going on during your mid trail wrestling match!! HAHA

On the Clark tank/Trail tech thing, Rob's wondering.. thinking.. about counter sinking those bar clamp bolts and mount his TT that way(or something like that), on the back set of bolts, like we talked about. Understand? Need to really look at it yet, to see if it will work. If that won't work, I'll mount it to my quad. No biggie.

We got our quads washed up over the weekend...that mud was like concrete!! Smelled worse tha day after too.