View Full Version : anti-fade hub

04-13-2003, 03:35 PM
I just got a new anti-fade brake hub, but I don't know what brand it is, My buddy got it with a quad he bought, the guy he got the 250R from, told him it was for a 350X Trike ( I got one of those too, so bought it hoping it MAY work on the 300EX) It is brand new, never mounted. I only paid $75.00 and figured can't go wrong. Well, I got it on my Quad, and it seems to work just fine. Looks great too. My question is, how can I tell what brand it is? It has the steel inserts in it. I was told by lots of guys, that is better. It isn't a big deal, but I would like to know what brand it may be. There are NO MARKINGS on it anywhere. Here is a pic of it on the bike. (does look sweet, eh? :devil )

04-13-2003, 03:46 PM
It kinda looks like a durablue. But I'm not really sure.

04-14-2003, 02:47 AM
its prolly either a durablue or a lonestar, both of mine look like that