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View Full Version : ...300ex Seat.....

04-13-2003, 01:23 AM
.....i need a complete seat for a 300ex.
i need everything.
pan, foam, latch. i don't need a seat cover, i have one on the way.
the latch can be stock or after-markett. doesn't really matter.
(if it's a stock latch.)

send all information to

if you have a seat with post's and no latch let me know about.
. i'll figure something out.

04-13-2003, 04:04 AM
I have a seat with everything for $50+shipping

04-13-2003, 04:57 AM
i need your address, and a tottal.

just curiouse,
what color is the seat cover?.
it's stock right?
stock latch?

my stuff blew off while towing home from a ride a few weeks ago.