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View Full Version : Preload question??

04-09-2003, 06:50 PM
Can someone tell me how adjusting the preload effects the way your quad rides/jumps. Thanks

04-10-2003, 01:27 AM
It affects your ride hieght and the stiffness and softness on stock shocks.

04-10-2003, 07:22 AM
Preload is the amount of static tension on the spring. (static: not moving, not performing, just sitting there)

By adjusting the preload, you can make your spring stiffer or softer. A stiffer spring will increase the ride height (make you quad sit taller) because the shock will not compress as much when you sit on it, and is generally better for landing big jumps. A stiffer spring also has a tendency "buck" over small whoops.

A softer spring will lower your ride height, which will allow you to take corners faster without tipping over, and is generally better for soaking up small bumps and whoops. However, it is more prone to bottoming out on big jumps.

This is just a general guideline. There are more factors involved, including compression and rebound damping, mutliple springs on a shock (dual or triple rate) and others which can greatly affect how your quad rides and jumps.