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View Full Version : 350x Vs. 400ex what is faster?

04-08-2003, 11:36 AM
what is faster and what has more power? I hear that the 350x had some power.

04-08-2003, 11:38 AM
Nope. A 400ex is faster.. my friend has a 350x and other friend has a 400ex. it doesnt beat it. they both got nice amounts of power tho.

04-08-2003, 11:48 AM
350x has more hp, its also a 6sp, the trike its self should smoke a 400 with the lighterweigh and more hp, i dont see why the 350x would lose if its got high hp

04-08-2003, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
350x has more hp, its also a 6sp, the trike its self should smoke a 400 with the lighterweigh and more hp, i dont see why the 350x would lose if its got high hp

im not flamin or nothing, but i have seen them race and a 350x loses. But now the 400 ex has a 440 big bore kit. it is the awesomest 400 out there. all chromed out and now a 440 kit. the 350x now has a high high high compression piston in it. he cant kick it over he has to pull it with his truck to start it.

04-08-2003, 12:52 PM
Depending on how good of shape the X is in it should win , its got the same HP and is alot lighter....

04-08-2003, 05:11 PM
I have both. Both with similar mods. The 350x is faster. Not by much. The 6 speed in the trike and being a little lighter gives it a slight edge. No B. S. just facts. Unless you take them to a motocross track. Then the 400EX is the faster ATV, just because it's less of a handfull to control. Either way, they both rip.

04-08-2003, 05:18 PM
My buddy has an '85 350x, and before he restored it, he and I were neck and neck. I was on my then bone stock 400ex. His 350x was a little worn out and the fact that I weigh quite a bit more than him evened things out. But if both machines were brand new, bone stock, I would put my money on the 350x to win in a drag race.

350x's do rip...I'm gonna have to get myself one soon.


04-08-2003, 05:33 PM
any decent 350X should have no problem with the 400. those trikes were fast (cuz they were so light!) the motor puts out about the same power plus its got the 6 speed.

04-08-2003, 06:39 PM
I had a 350x and i had no problems beating any 400ex. Dragging, and i would jsut blow by them while climbing. I have a 400ex now and it doesnt feel as fast. Why the 400ex doesnt have a 6 spd, i dont know. But yes the 350x is slightly faster. Especially when you get on the beach at top speed. Cant compete with that 6th gear.

But if you have a 400ex and jsut got you self esteem shot down by a 3 wheeler, go and jump 50ft in front of him. The 350x = death when jumping.

04-08-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by bobby88
im not flamin or nothing, but i have seen them race and a 350x loses. But now the 400 ex has a 440 big bore kit. it is the awesomest 400 out there. all chromed out and now a 440 kit. the 350x now has a high high high compression piston in it. he cant kick it over he has to pull it with his truck to start it.

WELL THEN!! It's not a 400EX! It's a 440EX!! BIGGG Difference there!!
Stock for stock, a 350X will smoke a 400EX! My uncle rides a 350X, and when mine was stock and piped he could take me every time. His is completely stock! I think it's the 6 speed that makes the diffence! :eek2:

04-08-2003, 07:22 PM
i dragged a 350x but my 400 wasnt stock i had a full system, a rev box..and filter...jetting ya know the basics

The x was in good shape with some sort of aftermarket pipe on it

we dragged on pavement .....and he was a good rider...i got the jump and until i hit third he was on my rear...but he got no farther than my footpegs....

switched riders same results...we didnt run a top speed race because with 6th gear the x probably has it

all i know is they are a ***** to keep on all 3's :D

04-08-2003, 08:13 PM
I miss that 350x more than anything. Had hot pink plastic on it too. =]