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View Full Version : 400ex for a cannibal ??

04-07-2003, 10:23 AM
should i sell the 400ex and buy a cannibal? how reliable are they and how do they compare to a 400ex and about how much do they go for slightly used like 2002 ??

04-07-2003, 10:37 AM
the 2002s didnt have as many probs as the 01s... they just require the maintanance that every nice race quad requires, of course would you rather have their excellent performance that results in just a couple more hrs maintenance? Of course you would!... Im gettin a 2002 cannibal actually in a couple weeks.

04-07-2003, 10:39 AM
where are u going to get parts???

04-07-2003, 10:42 AM
R&S Performance...

and come on guys.. you know that someone most likely will buy Cannondale......

04-07-2003, 01:38 PM

04-07-2003, 01:57 PM
go for it man, ive had mine for about 4 weeks now, and ive ridin 416 ex's before and this is NOWHERE near the power. you can pick up a 2002 for farely cheap, but go for a late 03 so you have all the updates done, look for the date on the gas tank, if its made after the fall of 03 you should have them all and you're set. i know my dealer still has a few left letting go for real cheap...and i have more than enough parts, for being the ones that are nothing like anything else, the rest are just parts that machinests can get, hell, half the parts on the quad are similar to what buell and harley use on theirs, such as the connectors n such..

i say go for it..:eek2:

04-08-2003, 01:33 PM
mine runs real strong. I have ridden ALOT of different quads and this cannibal simply doesn't compare. The power is very strong, but it comes on at the right time. this quad is NOT for beginners.

04-08-2003, 01:38 PM
stick with honda. cannondale just went out of business and unless some one buys it your not going to get parts. ride red. surf pismo. honda. best on earth. when your best on earth, earth is your only competition.