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Narly R
04-05-2003, 01:29 PM
I dont know whats rong with me! Iv only been "exited" "happy" ( Im not mad) like 2 times in a while. I only feel good when I ride! I havent ben able to ride my r in like 2 months! I get exited when I get to ride, but everything else Im just like depresed! I have this almost sick feeling! I just really need to ride my r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:scary: :scary: If Im not ridding Im sad!:( :huh

04-05-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
I dont know whats rong with me! Iv only been "exited" "happy" ( Im not mad) like 2 times in a while. I only feel good when I ride! I havent ben able to ride my r in like 2 months! I get exited when I get to ride, but everything else Im just like depresed! I have this almost sick feeling! I just really need to ride my r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:scary: :scary: If Im not ridding Im sad!:( :huh

lol, i'm never hardly happy. I feel like i've done everything and I die happy. But life is just boring now and nothing is fun. Seriously riding isn't even that fun anymore. I havn't been scared or gotten a adreniline rush for ages.

Narly R
04-05-2003, 01:38 PM
I dont think Im really depressed! I feel the same way! Things I use to like to do I just dont like anymore??? If its not quads its not fun! Like I use to want to go with friens(I still do its just not that big of a deal) I would like almost be too lazy just to set things up. But then agin I still do,( theres a lot of times I like doing other things) I just kinda have my moments. I think I need more sleep!:confused:

I know I prolly confused yall sorry.

04-05-2003, 01:43 PM
lol, I dunno. I've pretty much ate, slept and shat dirt bikes and quads most of my life and I just don't care as much anymore. I mean I still like to ride just to get my head clear, stay in shape and have something to progress at and get better but I just don't have "fun" anymore. Ok seriously I don't think I remember what "fun" is like anymore.:( Oh well, pry just a stage or something.

Narly R
04-05-2003, 01:50 PM
Your going to turn into one of those people that just sit around and do drugs if you DONT ride!!! j/k Man you better still like to ride!!!! Just sounds like you need to ride with me! Ill make you feel all better!!! They call me Doc. Quad!!!!!!!!!! I really like to try and get better at ridding!!!! I can nose whellie for like 6 ft!!! Its sooooo cool!!! Man just listen to some good mustic, get with some friends and RIDE!!!!!!! I feel for ya man!!!!!!!!:D

04-05-2003, 02:13 PM
u all jsut have cabin fever i know the pain i havent ridden since before x-mas expect to start my ex up ti trade it with my r then the first thing i did to my r was tear it down to the frame..........just ride hang out with a few girls and flirt and u all will be happy agian....................:macho

Narly R
04-05-2003, 02:16 PM
II Captin!;)

04-05-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Nausty
lol, I dunno. I've pretty much ate, slept and shat dirt bikes and quads most of my life and I just don't care as much anymore. I mean I still like to ride just to get my head clear, stay in shape and have something to progress at and get better but I just don't have "fun" anymore. Ok seriously I don't think I remember what "fun" is like anymore.:( Oh well, pry just a stage or something.

i feel the same way:(

04-05-2003, 02:31 PM
I'm just happy cuz of the fact I have a bike. But I can live without it and still be happy (well not this weekend since i am sick:( )
I mean don't you guys have anything to look foward too that doesn't involve quads?

04-05-2003, 02:35 PM
ive ate slap drep quads and dirtbikes for 9 years and im more inot it now than ever, im anxous to get back out and ride but this weather sucks and its very depressing

04-05-2003, 03:43 PM
i think its just you need more sleep...well that is what it is for me, a couple nights this past week i haven't been getting alot of sleep and i would be in a bad mood, not want to laugh at anything. but thursday and friday i went to be early and i was in a good mood both days and it was sooo much better. i don't know about you but it worked for me.:macho :muscle:

04-05-2003, 03:52 PM
Yeah i get pretty sour when i don't get enough sleep, i just feel like i wanna punch everyone in the mouth haha

04-05-2003, 03:57 PM
once and a while ill feel like that....i throw things.like old bike rims i throw them until he are compltely tacoed or broken...then i polish stuff , then ride.lol i love to ride bmx,help let out some anger too....

Narly R
04-05-2003, 04:36 PM
Thanks for the help! I need sleep! School sucks!!! I think its more who I am! Like over spring break I could sleep I was in a good mood! But now that schools back (:grr ) Im sad! I dont want to sound like a little girl and say Im sad!!!! But like im ok but then If someone acts like they dont like me or sumthin that I really like, then Im like really Depressed!!!!! Untill like the next day! I feel like I HAFE to completly concintrate on my bike!!!! I really want to race so I need to do that! I feel like if I put all my time and effort tords that I can get somewhere!? Im waiting on my engine and doing things to get it ready to race and Im getting really STRESSED!!!!!!! And Iv been threw some really really sressful things in the last month!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: Girls and bike pretty much explains it!!!!!!!!! But I have friends comin out 2marrow and were pretty muck going to do stupid things and video it!!! That should be sweet! I just need slepp and the feelimg of my 350 ripping and tearing the trails right out from under me!!!!!!!!!!! It will cure all my sicknesses!;)

04-05-2003, 04:42 PM
I know the feeling, I miss riding so much, ive been so busy with school and baseball and tons of crap, plus we just got another 5 inches of snow after we had a week of 70 degree weather!! ERRR, I need to ride:devil

04-05-2003, 06:22 PM
i feel the same way, i trashed my bike and haven't been able to afford a new one yet:( , i haven't been able to ride in over 6 months!:grr

Glow Plug
04-06-2003, 04:16 AM
my mom thinks i'm depressed for some reason and yes my life does suck :grr i haven't been riding for like 2 weeks that's getting me bored out of my brain all i do is go to school come on exriders, do home work and then go to sleep:( see this is why i want a 400ex so i can get off my a** and start riding and having some fun mabye start racing etc etc but then i was talking to my mom and she said oh well were not going to help you buy one of those fancy quads :eek: :confused:, then i'm like why not and my mom just answers oh we need to use it to :eek: :confused: when 1 time out of like 50 my dad will do some sort of work with it :confused: so i'm thinking to myself yeah sure need to use it my a**

well anyways rant off now :)

04-06-2003, 04:36 AM
I feel for ya bud. I get cranky when I dont ride too. Most of my aggravation is from my Honda. I spent all of last october rebuilding it. I finally get it back together, put 10 hours on the motor and a circlip falls out.:mad: Its been down since ever since. The jug is being resleeved this week. Hopefully, I can actually ride it again in the next few weeks. :ermm:

04-06-2003, 04:37 AM

04-06-2003, 05:10 AM
how old are you guys? late teens ?early 20's guess what, it don't get any better :ermm: do something that you normally don't do, because if you get in a rut YOU WILL GET bored AND depressed! hell, if you went to a amusement park everyday guess what it will get boring too!:ermm: start a roit or something!those tend to get people exicted!;) man , i'm depressed now .......i'm going to get my pistol

04-06-2003, 05:17 AM
yeah, amusement parks aren't even fun anymore. I'm 15 btw. But I gotta ride on one of the sling shot things that launch you way up in the air. That wasn't even fun or scarey.:o I'm not really depressed, just bored with everything and nothing seems fun.

Narly R
04-06-2003, 06:01 AM
Im 14, next year I will be in high school and some of my friends are there and have there license, so it should be sweet!!!!!! Even summer!!!! I think if my bike was running I would feel alot better!!!! I think I was acually depressed about a month ago. I always wondered how people got depressed. But now I know. I feeling better though. Just cant wait to ride!

04-06-2003, 08:54 AM
I think this is all my parents fault for not giving me the fun necesities of life. i have a ps2 and a broken dirtbike and i dont think ill be seeing anything else like a quad or a tv for my room.

my mom says i cant play my ps2 on "HER" tv anymore (which is in the living room), she says i need to buy my own. i say mom i dont have money, she says thats my problem. Nothing is fun anymore.

04-06-2003, 09:13 AM
I am not sure how old you are.

Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain.Whenever people are maturing this sometimes can happen,due to the changes taking place.If you really are depressed there is nothing you can physically do to help.You have to take some type of medication to help.

But what do I know I am just a stupid 17 year old kid.

Whenever my dad passed away they made me take prozac.The doctors believed I was not sleeping because I was depressed.Here it is 3 months later and I still don't sleep.But I don't feel that I am depressed.

Yeah I know it sucks man.Life sucks.And I believe that whenever you are get into your earlier teens you start to deal with alot of issue's and sometimes it can get overwhelming.

If you really think your depressed.Go see a doctor.

04-06-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by WOT400ex
I think this is all my parents fault for not giving me the fun necesities of life. i have a ps2 and a broken dirtbike and i dont think ill be seeing anything else like a quad or a tv for my room.

my mom says i cant play my ps2 on "HER" tv anymore (which is in the living room), she says i need to buy my own. i say mom i dont have money, she says thats my problem. Nothing is fun anymore.

Since when is a ps2 and a dirtbike a necesity?Your mom give you a roof over your head,clothes on your back,and food in your stomach.Those are "necesitty's"Some of you maybe depressed.Other I think are spoiled little brats.And when they don't get there way they want attention and say oh my I am depressed.

Grow up kid.

Fibe Industries
04-06-2003, 10:19 AM
get laid:o

04-06-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Moded86R
I am not sure how old you are.

Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain.Whenever people are maturing this sometimes can happen,due to the changes taking place.If you really are depressed there is nothing you can physically do to help.You have to take some type of medication to help.

But what do I know I am just a stupid 17 year old kid.

Whenever my dad passed away they made me take prozac.The doctors believed I was not sleeping because I was depressed.Here it is 3 months later and I still don't sleep.But I don't feel that I am depressed.

Yeah I know it sucks man.Life sucks.And I believe that whenever you are get into your earlier teens you start to deal with alot of issue's and sometimes it can get overwhelming.

If you really think your depressed.Go see a doctor.

NaryR, I've been on 2 different medications, Zoloft (Which made me twich) so I switched to Efexor. The medication has worked really well for me. You should look into it.

As for sleeping, I have also been on about 4 medications since I don't really sleep. I found "Trazadone" working the best.

Narly R
04-06-2003, 01:49 PM
I dont want to take medicine, I just need to have fun, which hasent happened in a while! Some say they cant have fun anymore, but I can still have fun just not doing as much things as I use to!

Fibe Industries, that would prolly help too!;)

04-06-2003, 01:52 PM
yes, TRUE depression can be a chitty thing. I'm almost 26 and I think I have suffered most of my life. You would never be able to tell. I'm the guy always being goofy, laughing all the time and the life of the party, but I still suffer. I take that drug Paxil:rolleyes: It does make me feel much better about life but the down side is you aren't suppose to drink when you take it. Well, let's just say I drink a lot and I do mean A LOT! I'm one of those guys that should be in those meeting's that start off like " Hi, my name is......." :(

04-06-2003, 01:59 PM
yeah parks! you know whats up. lol...but anyways, its mostly winter for me. being stuck inside blows. but i get my sleep and my daily vitamins b, d, c, g, f, and p <-(adam parks knows what i'm talkin about)

seriosuly, get sleep and fresh air, and keep your mind occupied

04-06-2003, 02:03 PM
im starting to fall into this catagory. everything is boring all the time. i am always bored i just sit around but nevr find anything to do and i get upset over stupid things. im like nevr happy. but i guess its all part of growing up. if the rest of the world can deal with it so can i. thats the way i always saw it

04-06-2003, 02:14 PM
I use to be like that. I found one thing to help me out alot. Instead of sitting on my fat *** watching tv, eating nacho's and smoking ciggarette after ciggarette all day, I started lifting weights out of the blue. I ended up not smoking, loosing a ton of weight and it kept me busy and verry happy.

When you do Jack chit, your not going to feel good at all. The best way it to get busy with something. I havn't road my quad since September but I still have many other things to do, on top of working everywhere.

If you do suffer from just real depression and not boredem, You should really look into a drug to help you. Its definitly worth it and it couldn't hurt to try.

Narly R
04-06-2003, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by sly400ex
" Hi, my name is......." :(
Hi my name is Will and I do drugs cuase my red-neck mom didnt give me any hugs!?:huh :D that came to mind!

I will FREAK out if I dont ride!!! Its like a drug Im sooooooooo addicted to it!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG That is what my problem is!!! But fresh air will just make me want to ride. My minds occupied................. Im always thinkin bout my bike and one other thing, I would rather not get into that!:rolleyes: Im not like I want to sit and my room and stare at the walls. Just like in school, I cant get upset really easily!!! And things but who knows! I need sleep! Like monday im ok, but as the week goes on I get worse! By friday I just sleep and Im sooooo tired I get sick!!!!:(

Narly R
04-06-2003, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by optikid123
im starting to fall into this catagory. everything is boring all the time. i am always bored i just sit around but nevr find anything to do and i get upset over stupid things. im like nevr happy. but i guess its all part of growing up. if the rest of the world can deal with it so can i. thats the way i always saw it

Thats how I feel!

I need to get a job! But Im to young. I would acually like to work!

I cant belive that so many people feel the same way I do!!!!!:eek2: Why do we all feel like this?

04-06-2003, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
Thats how I feel!

I need to get a job! But Im to young. I would acually like to work!

I cant belive that so many people feel the same way I do!!!!!:eek2: Why do we all feel like this?

How old are you? I just recently got a job repairing lawn mowers and fixing generators..... Hopefully it will last long enough untill I get a serious job at Burger King :scary: .

You could always try working around that house? There are easy solutions to these simple problems.

04-06-2003, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Fibe Industries
get laid:o

That works quite well:D My GF and I went "riding" today:D :D :devil

Narly R
04-06-2003, 02:34 PM
Im 14, I will work during the summer making hay, ctiing it, racking it and then bailing it. Hard, but good money, if I really wanted to I could make $1500 about all summer! I owe my mom $1350! Ill see how much hay I can make!

I can also help my dad he has a Seal Coating company, its where you put a liquid over asfault pretty much! I can work around the house, but dont get paid. I dont axpect to get paid to do work aroud the house! I need to do WAY more than I do!!! My mom and dad shouldnt hafe to pay me to help them when they do as much as they do for me!!!!!

I owe my mom and dad a lot of cedit!!!!!!!!!! THANKS MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Narly R
04-06-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Live2Ride300
That works quite well:D My GF and I went "riding" today:D :D :devil
Yea, we all know what you were ridding!!!!!

So hows the suspesion on those things??? J/k Yea I need to go "ridding" in that case!!!!:D

04-06-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by Fibe Industries
get laid:o

hell yah, until that gets boring


i like the riot idea too

04-06-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
Yea, we all know what you were ridding!!!!!

So hows the suspesion on those things??? J/k Yea I need to go "ridding" in that case!!!!:D

LMFAO, lets just say, i was revving the hell outta her engine:devil

04-06-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Live2Ride300
LMFAO, lets just say, i was revving the hell outta her engine:devil

thats so gross

04-06-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Ride400
thats so gross

why the hell is that gross

Narly R
04-06-2003, 02:58 PM
LOL, yea thats pretty gross what are you thinkin! You should wait till u are married! j/k j/k

So you hone her silinder?? Yea dont rev her to hard then youll blow her up!!!! Not a good thing!:mad: :D

04-06-2003, 03:00 PM
yeah im looking into gettin a job. in the summer i race sailboats so it would be hard to find someone to hire me, but i am still looking into this. lets also say most people dont like my hairstyle except hot chicks i mean go figure dude. ill bet most teenagers feel like this it will all get better eventually i just keep looking forward to something that will be fun. like driving but after that who knos what im gonan do for fun i go through activites like i go through toilet paper:eek: hopefully i will find something i really like and it wil take up all my time like quads do now except i will be able to do it all the time. cause school just kills me but i guess i gotta do good in it so i can have fun when i grow up. cause if i mess up ill prob nevr get to have more fun. see i have to wait till the weekend to ride my quad because i live in an area that has a lot of people- no area to ride. and i do lift,,, every day, its one of my favorite things to do. i love lifting but you can only lift for so long during a day before u hurt hahah. well eventually everything will be fine i mean im not that bad off im not like an ugly fat kid with no chicks. im relatively popular at my school and have lots of friends and am realtively funny when the monment is right just sometimes i feel dead and it sucks.:blah wow that was the longest post i have ever typed.....ever

04-06-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Live2Ride300
why the hell is that gross


04-06-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Ride400


04-06-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Live2Ride300

whose goomba?

Narly R
04-06-2003, 03:07 PM
Yea, I guess Im just lazy! I would lift, but the people that i was lifting with got caught doing drugs! So Im not really suspose to hang out with them untill we get this figured out. A lot of people aron here do drugs, but then agin a lot dont, and there who I really like ridding with, but I like to ride with the other people too cause Im reallyu good friends and that is partially why Im feeliung ban now!? But my bike DOES NOT RUN!!!!!!!!!:grr :grr :grr

Narly R
04-06-2003, 03:09 PM
What are you two talking about, Coopa, Goomba? Iv never heard of this!:huh

04-06-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
Yea, I guess Im just lazy! I would lift, but the people that i was lifting with got caught doing drugs! So Im not really suspose to hang out with them untill we get this figured out. A lot of people aron here do drugs, but then agin a lot dont, and there who I really like ridding with, but I like to ride with the other people too cause Im reallyu good friends and that is partially why Im feeliung ban now!? But my bike DOES NOT RUN!!!!!!!!!:grr :grr :grr

Well if I was you, I would be proud to have a 250r sitting in my garage. But first I would need a garage :rolleyes: .

Why do you have to lift with people anyways :huh .

Narly R
04-06-2003, 03:20 PM
Well I have a r, but no garage! Kinda workin on that!? But if i tried to lift by myself (which I would kinda like, I like to be by myself somtimes):(....... anyways they would ask me what Im doinfg and I would be like "well....... Im going to lift" and they would want to come and I cant tell them no, so I just cant lift now!?:( Maybe a while!?

Narly R
04-06-2003, 05:25 PM
Well I hope everyone feels better!:rolleyes: I know what its like!;) Ill try to do as much as I can, but like I said somtimes I dont even care and just say whatever and go on!?:confused: But Im glad I got to talk to you guys about this!:) Good night!

04-07-2003, 03:57 AM

i said the fun necesities of life you fking idiot :confused2

as IN ps2, a dirtbike, things that dont have to do with ROOFS and CLOTHES.

I realize those arent what I really need to survive :confused2

Read before you post.

EDIT: and i am in no way SPOLIED :rolleyes: i got ps2 for christmas, im on a pentium 1 computer, and i got a really crappy dirtbike :confused2

You have an R you ******* :p

04-07-2003, 04:07 AM
i said the fun necesities of life :mad: :ermm: :confused2

as IN ps2, a dirtbike, things that dont have to do with ROOFS and CLOTHES.

I realize those arent what I really need to survive :confused2

Read before you post.

EDIT: and i am in no way SPOLIED :rolleyes: i got ps2 for christmas, im on a pentium 1 computer, and i got a really crappy dirtbike :confused2

You have an R you ******* :p

and I am grown up :rolleyes: dont tell me to grow up man..

04-07-2003, 10:11 AM
arent coopa and goomba from the game supermario bros?

Narly R
04-07-2003, 02:50 PM

ok why would you want to say anything about mario bros.? But o-well Im bored! I just need to have fun!..............................:rolleyes:

04-07-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Brad
arent coopa and goomba from the game supermario bros?

lmao yes they sure are:D

Narly R
04-07-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Ride400
lmao yes they sure are:D

OK,:huh O-yea I roosted those fellars!:D.........................:huh :confused:

04-07-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by WOT400ex

i said the fun necesities of life you fking idiot :confused2

as IN ps2, a dirtbike, things that dont have to do with ROOFS and CLOTHES.

I realize those arent what I really need to survive :confused2

Read before you post.

EDIT: and i am in no way SPOLIED :rolleyes: i got ps2 for christmas, im on a pentium 1 computer, and i got a really crappy dirtbike :confused2

You have an R you ******* :p

I am sorry.I missed the whole fun part.

Yeah I am lucky to have to have an R.And I know that.