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View Full Version : 300EX is better than new, now a believer in Honda Service

12-17-2001, 10:48 PM
For a while I always thought the whole valve adjustment and all the other stuff they did was a rip..clean the air filter, change the oil & filter, change the spark plug and be good to go. Well after getting new 300EXs we decided to send them in for the initial service (so it was alot late, but ohwell, they had oil changes). All I can say is wow! Its like a whole other bike. They were both a PIA to start the first time each day, even if ridden the day before...After sitting two months they almost never started.. Now they hadnt been ridden in a week or two since being serviced, I walked out and put it on full choke...much to my amazement it fired right up, and I was able to ride it out with the choke off in just a minute or two. I havent been able to get a new top speed run, but I can tell it pulls harder. My cousin says he got just over 50MPH before running out of feild...previous best was 48.5 for both of us. So if you're in doubt, its for real.

12-18-2001, 02:32 AM
i hear lots of people talking about having to use the choke to get there bikes started- i've never used mine- never even touched- i couldn't tell you where it was located-

i go out- blip the trottle full twice- and hit the starter-

--ni ni vroom-- i'm runnin- put my thumb on the gas just enugh to pull in the slack untill the sound of the motor changes
- hold it there not long at all- and i can go back inside
and finish gathering up my stuff for the days ride while it warms up- and it's a 96' only problems i ever had was a
bent swing arm and a bent rear axel-
my rear right hub is still a little bent fugg it- you can see a wobble but can't feel it-
never a motor -or carburator problem-
i must have gotten' MR. HONDA'S sons quad or something
couse they built this one rock solid

12-24-2001, 12:47 PM
I set my idle a little higher so all i have to do is hit the starter and leave it to warm up.

01-05-2002, 05:01 PM
I as well adjusted my idle a little higher. The people at my honda shop when i bought it had it set so low it barely wanted to run when it was cold. Makes you wonder if there mechanics even went to MMI or one of the other places that offer training.