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View Full Version : $18.00 for a pilot jet??!!

04-01-2003, 12:36 PM
How much did you guys pay for your pilot jets and where? I had to pay over $18 for mine! That is the price for a 42 kehein (sp?)

04-01-2003, 12:44 PM
You got ripped off. I woulda gave ya one for 2 bucks....

Our Honda Dealer sells them for 1.99 for PJs and 2.99 for Mjs.

Next time let me know what ya need and I get ya one...

04-01-2003, 12:48 PM
WTF!? Why in the world would my dealer want 18 bucks for one?

04-01-2003, 01:38 PM
Cause you paid 18 bucks for it.....:eek:

04-01-2003, 01:40 PM
Damn that is so bad, if I were you I woudlnt be going back to that dealer, unless to punch the parts manager out

04-01-2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Sparks425Ex
Cause you paid 18 bucks for it.....:eek:

LMAO....... I only paid $3 dollars for mine. You got screwed and didn't even get kissed..:blah

04-01-2003, 01:56 PM
Your name should be changed from Newbie to SCREWME :p

04-01-2003, 02:32 PM
aww take it easy on me :(

04-01-2003, 02:33 PM
wow that blows

shoulda asked on here before you picked it up, servicehonda.com has them cheap

lex luger
04-01-2003, 02:37 PM
they do call it a stealership for a reson incase ya didn't know?

04-01-2003, 02:37 PM
Thanx muff, that's just the info I was looking for.

Steve-o 400EX
04-01-2003, 03:55 PM
Man that sux, They rip us of a 5 bucks a pop up here.:rolleyes:

04-02-2003, 01:07 AM
Take it back and tell them you'll never do business with them again!

04-02-2003, 01:40 AM
Take it back & go off on the parts person that sold it to you. :devil

04-02-2003, 02:27 AM
Some guy at Apache Honda, here in Phoenix, tried to sell me an $18 "OEM" pilot jet for my 400ex. I didn't know whether to laugh at him, or come across the counter and knock his teeth out. Why is it that parts guys never know crap about bikes or parts?! Dealers SUCK!!!:mad:

04-02-2003, 02:34 AM
I needed a clutch lifter pin, there a local dealer wanted $22, I went to another dealer in town and it was $7 WTF

Steve-o 400EX
04-02-2003, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by F-16Guy
Some guy at Apache Honda, here in Phoenix, tried to sell me an $18 "OEM" pilot jet for my 400ex. I didn't know whether to laugh at him, or come across the counter and knock his teeth out. Why is it that parts guys never know crap about bikes or parts?! Dealers SUCK!!!:mad:

Yea, I'm right there with ya on that one. The cycle center near me is full on nothing but "know it all" jackasses. They talk and act like they know something but if ya listen to the BS that comes out you want to hit em!:grr I went in one day to ask the guy for a 14t sprocket and he starts asking me why I want a smaller one and that I should get a bigger one. I was just like WTF, how do you know what kind of riding I am gunna do and why would I throw a big sprocket on there without motor work?? Every time I go in there i get asked all kinds of questions and told i dont know what I am talkin about, A couple weeks ago I kinda went off on him and havn't had the dude ask me another question since.:devil

04-02-2003, 04:10 AM
My parts guys finally have it figured out that I want to cheapest prices & whatever parts will work for what I need so thats nice but the last year I bet has been spent training them LOL sometimes they have to be reminded. Then I HATE it when I have to go to another shop & they are all like well that won't fit on that blah blah blah so I just ask them to sell it to me or forget it!!!!!!!!

04-02-2003, 08:39 AM
5 bucks a jet here,

Yea everytime i go to a dealer to get something fixed they always fix something else... its so gay. and then when they ask me about my original problem and give me all these solutions that make no sence. ITs just like dude u want my money or not? problem with that is they do, so they fix more than what i want!!

04-02-2003, 03:02 PM
When I first bought my WB E-series I checked it out in the parking lot. I saw that dent in the back and thought it was damaged or something. I took it back inside and they said " wow bummer" and told me they would send it back and get a new one. (this is before I became a member of this forum so I didn't know any better ;) ) They told me it would take about three or four days. Well, my four days were up and they still hadn't called me to tell me it was in so I called them. They told me yeah it had come in and to come and get it. I got there and they told me the dent was supposed to be there and I found they had in fact not even sent it back. ( I had marked the box :devil ) So all they really did is hang on to the thing for four days when I could have been riding my quad!!

04-03-2003, 12:58 AM
Sounds like they got the goldmine and you got the shaft!!lol

04-03-2003, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by Newbie400ex
When I first bought my WB E-series I checked it out in the parking lot. I saw that dent in the back and thought it was damaged or something. I took it back inside and they said " wow bummer" and told me they would send it back and get a new one. (this is before I became a member of this forum so I didn't know any better ;) ) They told me it would take about three or four days. Well, my four days were up and they still hadn't called me to tell me it was in so I called them. They told me yeah it had come in and to come and get it. I got there and they told me the dent was supposed to be there and I found they had in fact not even sent it back. ( I had marked the box :devil ) So all they really did is hang on to the thing for four days when I could have been riding my quad!!

thats funny

04-04-2003, 05:10 PM
Geeez, try an get a sraight answer?

Hey the morons have to "check the book" and Honda retail for a pilot jet is $18.60. It's the main jet going for $5.00. Basic "stealer" rates, the snotty race shops may have a clever racer guy who knows to dig in the jet bins and produce a match up with out asking the "model and year".

The pilot is extra snazzy with the extended inner tip punched with many little holes in it. It takes a little guy with tiny fingers to drill those tricky holes so you're gettin' a deal. ;)